Publications Lake Research

selected publications

Reservoir water quality deterioration due to deforestation emphasizes the indirect effects of global change

X Kong, S Ghaffar, M Determann, K Friese, S Jomaa, C Mi, T hatwell, K Rinke, M Rode

Figure Kong

By using a process based catchment-reservoir model we could show that deforestation in the catchment leads to eutrophication of reservoirs. We could show that such indirect effects of climate change may have a larger effect on surface waters than direct warming.

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Global carbon budget of reservoirs is overturned by the quantification of drawdown areas

Keller, P.S., Marcé, R., Obrador, B., Koschorreck, M.

Keller et al

By analysing a dataset containg the water surface area of thousands of reservoirs we could show that globally 15% of reservoir surfaces have not been covered by water. This has consequences for the global carbon ballance of reservoirs: They emitt more carbon as greenhouse gases as they burry in their sediment.

Interaction of cyanobacteria with calcium facilitates the sedimentation of microplastics in a eutrophic reservoir

R Leiser, R Jongsma, I Bakenhus, R Möckel, B Philipp, T.R.Neu, K Wendt-Potthoff

plastic biofilm

During Summer 2019 we elucidated the role of microbial biofilm formation on the sedimentation of microplastics in the eutrophic Bautzen reservoir. We could show that buoyancy loss of microplastics was facilitated by calcium carbonate formation within attached biofilms.

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2024 (25)

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2000 (34)

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1999 (24)

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1998 (26)

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1997 (21)

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1996 (4)

  • Baborowski, M., Friese, K. (1996):
    Charakterisierung des Transportverhaltens von Schwermetallen während einer Hochwasserwelle anhand der PartikelgröBenverteilung in Schwebstoffen
    In: Prange, A., Wilken, R.D., von Tümpling, U., Punčochář, P., Spoustová, J., Lencová, E. (Hrsg.)
    Ökosystem Elbe - Zustand, Entwicklung und Nutzung. 7. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar; Internationale Fachtagung in Budweis, Tschechische Republik, vom 22. - 25. Okttober 1996
    GKSS-Forschungszentrum, Geesthacht, S. 303 - 305
  • Geller, W., Gaedke, U., Barthelmeß, T., Lang, M., Straile, D., Wölfl, S. (1996):
    Comparative limnology of the planktonic systems of subalpine and subandine lakes
    In: Albertelli, G., De Maio, A., Piccazzo, M. (eds.)
    Atti del 11. congresso della Associazione italiana di oceanologia e limnologia : Sorrento, 26-28 ottobre 1994
    Associazione italiana di oceanologia e limnologia, Genova, 79 - 90
  • Klapper, H. (1996):
    Standgewasser im Elbe-Einzugsgebiet in Wechselbeziehung zum FluB
    In: Prange, A., Wilken, R.D., von Tümpling, U., Punčochář, P., Spoustová, J., Lencová, E. (Hrsg.)
    Ökosystem Elbe - Zustand, Entwicklung und Nutzung. 7. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar; Internationale Fachtagung in Budweis, Tschechische Republik, vom 22. - 25. Okttober 1996
    GKSS-Forschungszentrum, Geesthacht, S. 429 - 432
  • Winkler, M., Kopf, G., Friese, K. (1996):
    Schadstoffgehalte von Schwebstoffen der Elbe
    In: Prange, A., Wilken, R.D., von Tümpling, U., Punčochář, P., Spoustová, J., Lencová, E. (Hrsg.)
    Ökosystem Elbe - Zustand, Entwicklung und Nutzung. 7. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar; Internationale Fachtagung in Budweis, Tschechische Republik, vom 22. - 25. Okttober 1996
    GKSS-Forschungszentrum, Geesthacht, S. 318 - 320
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1995 (2)

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