Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1023/A:1006326018597
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Title (Primary) Methane turnover in exposed sediments of an Amazon floodplain lake
Author Koschorreck, M.
Source Titel Biogeochemistry
Year 2000
Department SEEFO; GM
Volume 50
Page From 195
Page To 206
Language englisch
Keywords methane - Amazon - floodplain - sediments

In the Amazon floodplain large areas of unvegetatedlake sediments are exposed to air during low water. Imeasured methane fluxes from exposed sediments of anAmazonian floodplain lake and assessed the regulatingfactors. Methane emission decreased from values between 10 and 40 mgrmol CH4 mminus 2 hminus 1to zero when the sediments were exposed to air. Meanfluxes were about 3.7 mgrmol CH4mminus 2 hminus 1. Fluxes were low compared tomeasurements taken from flooded habitats makingexposed lake sediments a negligible source ofatmospheric CH4. This was mainly due to the lackof ebullition which governs methane flux in theflooded phase. Methane oxidation at the sedimentsurface consumed up to 75% of the methane enteringthe oxidised zone. Compared with CO2 emissionmethane turnover was of minor importance for the carbon budget of the sediments.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Koschorreck, M. (2000):
Methane turnover in exposed sediments of an Amazon floodplain lake
Biogeochemistry 50 , 195 - 206 10.1023/A:1006326018597