Climate Research
Climate impacts play an important role in planning our future. We focus on our competences - climate impacts on water resources and biodiversity, interactions between landuse and the atmosphere and adaptation research. Within the Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIM, the speakers for the topics "The land surface in the climate system" and "Risk analysis and risk management for integrated climate strategies" are from UFZ. Furthermore, we interact with decision makers, e.g. on the regional level in the Climate Office for Central Germany, and shape knowledge transfer.
UFZ Drought Monitor
Daily updated maps on the state of soil drought in Germany
Helmholtz Climate Initiative
With the Helmholtz Climate Initiative, the Helmholtz Research Organization is conducting even more intensive research in the areas of “avoiding emissions” and “adapting to climate change impacts”.
Science Blog
Inside reports on climate negotiations from our expert Prof. Reimund Schwarze (in German language).