Experimental platforms

With the help of the experimental platforms, the impact of land use and climate on ecological processes in terrestrial and aquatic systems is studied under controlled conditions at the UFZ. The platforms allow e.g. the simulation of future environmental conditions by manipulating temperature and/or precipitation regimes. From the results, e.g. future scenarios can be developed and modeled.
GCEF in Bad Lauchstädt © André Künzelmann_UFZ
Research station Bad Lauchstädt

20 scientific experiments on a 43-hectare experimental site.

MOBICOS-Container © André Künzelmann_UFZ
MOBICOS – Experimental container

Research platform consisting of eight mobile, container-based flowing water laboratories.

Fluss-Experiment Leipzig © André Künzelmann_UFZ
River experiment Leipzig

Worldwide unique test facility with 47 large-scale artificial streams.

Our experimental platforms offer a variety of starting points for future research projects.

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