Literature Searches
Literature searches within the UFZ’s library stock
On the following webpages you can conduct searches in the entire UFZ library stock. The online catalogue includes monographs, print-and online journals, scientific databases, loose-leaf collections, electronic media and reports.The stock of online journals is also listed in the Electronic Journals Library.
Moreover, you can find databases that are accessible to the UFZ.
Literature searches beyond the UFZ’s library stock
Here, we have put together some literature search options outside of the UFZ’s library stock.The WebOPAC is the user catalogue of the UFZ’s library stock in the internet. Here you will find all of the books and journals available at the UFZ.
You can access WebOPAC with the following link:
Here you can start a search in the catalogue or log into your user account (if you already have a library pass).
The Electronic Journals Library from the University of Regensburg
The Electronic Journals Library (EZB) is a service that enables you to effectively use the full text of scientific journals on the Internet.EZB Uni Regensburg
We have included all UFZ online journals in this central stock. From here you have the widest range of journals, the best overview, the quickest link to those journals that you require and also to those journals that are not available in print form from the UFZ library.
On the first page you can select an institute (pull-down list) and tick those journals in the traffic light system that you would like to have a look at. Freely available full text articles = green, full text access restricted to the UFZ = yellow and yellow/red is for those journals with open access for a selected period of time. You can save this page in your bookmarks if you want to keep your settings for your next session.
You have the option of displaying subject lists or alphabetical lists with the same restrictions. A specific search for a particular journal is also possible.
Please note:
Online searches are not possible for all of the journals that are available in print form in the library! The availability of printed journals is much higher and therefore it is always worth taking a look in the library itself! In the case of incongruity between the traffic light system and accessibility (i.e. a red traffic light, but you are still able to access the journal), please inform the library (, Tel: 2393) so that we can alter this.
National access authorisation
The DFG (German Research Foundation) provides financial support for the purchase of various databases and journal packages from several publishers. The UFZ has registered for selected national licences and therefore has access to an extensive range of journals. All titles in the EZB can be accessed through the yellow traffic light and are recognized as being under the national access authorisation.Web of Knowledge
Through the Web of Knowledge we have access to the following databases. These can be accessed using the following link:
Web of Knowledge
Note well: Please log off immediately after your search due to limited access!!
Web of Science
Users can search for relevant literature in the fields of social sciences and natural sciences using the following link:
Web of Science
In addition to basic bibliographic information it is also possible to search for articles that are cited in the selected data set, and for those articles that cite the selected dataset. One advantage of the Web of Science compared to other articles databases is its multidisciplinary nature, namely the wide spectrum of disciplines that it covers from the arts, the humanities, the social sciences, medicine, the natural sciences and technology.
Over 12,000 scientific journals from all disciplines are analysed.
Furthermore, we have access to the:
• Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) from 1945
• Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) from 1956
JCR - Journal Citation Report
In the JCR, scientific, technical and medical journals are evaluated according to Impact Factors (criteria set by the Institute for Scientific Information).
Journal Citation Report
The JCR can be used to answer the following questions:
How often was a particular journal cited?
Which journals cited a particular journal?
How quickly and how long after publication was a journal cited?
Which other journals were cited by a particular journal?
We have access to the Science Citation Index (SCI) and the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) from 2003.
ESI - Essential Science Indicators
ESI is a database designed by ISI Thomson, enabling researchers to analyse citations for ranking institutions, scientists, countries and journals:
Essential Science Indicators
Data from the last 11 years are evaluated on a rolling basis. Currently the data that is analysed is assigned to 22 specialist fields, with a data update taking place every two months. Articles, reviews, proceeding papers and research notes are taken into account, whereas letters and editorial material are not. Only the top 1 percent of all institutions and scientists and the top 50% of all countries and journals are listed on ESI. These results are calculated according to citations.
SCOPUS is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, provided by Elsevier since 2004.
It covers over 50 million entries, making abstracts and citations available from over 21,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 5,000 international publishers.[1] Furthermore, web entries and patents can be tracked in the database. The entries cover the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts and the humanities.
FIZ Karlsruhe - STN
The Scientific & Technical Information Network is a worldwide linked information network with current databases from science and technology. You can get a password for research from the library.
FIZ Karlsruhe
DBIS - Database Information System of the University of Regensburg
DBIS provides an excellent overview of all specialist databases available.
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)
With CSA you can gain access to the following databases: EconLit, PsycINFO, CSA Sociological abstracts.
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
You can get a user name and password from the library.
Specialist databases
You can gain access to various specialist databases from our catalogue:
Catalogue of external institutions
• The German National Library - Archive of all German and German-language publications• Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog - KVK – Metadata catalogue for library and book retailer catalogues
• Zeitschriftendatenbank - ZDB – the world's largest database for titles and ownership data of regularly published serials
• University Library of Leipzig
• University and Federal State Library of Halle
• University Library of Magdeburg
• Libraries, books, reports – index of German-language catalogues and institutions
• Online Computer Library Center - OCLC – free, international search engine in various library catalogues
• Australian Digital Theses Program• Diss-online
• Interdisciplinary Network of Theses
• Collation of sources "Dissertations Online"
• Theses Canada
Reference works (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, abbreviations)
Abreviations directories
• Abkü• Acronyms and abbreviations - search engine of the FU Berlin
• Acronym finder
• Journal Abbreviation Sources - collation of links to various journal abbreviation lists
•• Past and current encyclopaedias on the internet
• Encyclopaedia links
• Meta search engine for numerous online encyclopaedias and reference works
• Meyers encyclopaedia
• Symbol encyclopaedia
• The WWW Virtual Library
• Wikipedia
• Ask Oxford - English Dictionary• Beolingus - Deutsch <-> English dictionary of the TU Chemnitz
• Leo - Multi-lingual dictionary (English, French, Spanish)
• - Dictionaries - Links various online dictionaries
• - German <-> Spanish dictionary
• Online Translator - multilingual translation program (German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Portugese)
• Phrases - German <-> English Phrases
• Wikitionary - multilingual dictionary and thesaurus
• Wö
• Your Dictionary - portal to online dictionaries in most languages