Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.watres.2019.115017
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) High frequency data provide new insights into evaluating and modeling nitrogen retention in reservoirs
Author Kong, X.; Zhan, Q.; Boehrer, B.; Rinke, K.
Source Titel Water Research
Year 2019
Department SEEFO
Volume 166
Page From art. 115017
Language englisch
Keywords Nitrogen removal; Reservoir; High frequency monitoring; Statistical modeling; Ecosystem modeling
Abstract Freshwater ecosystems including lakes and reservoirs are hot spots for retention of excess nitrogen (N) from anthropogenic sources, providing valuable ecological services for downstream and coastal ecosystems. Despite previous investigations, current quantitative understanding on the influential factors and underlying mechanisms of N retention in lentic freshwater systems is insufficient due to data paucity and limitation of modeling techniques. Our ability to reliably predict N retention for these systems therefore remains uncertain. Emerging high frequency monitoring techniques and well-developed ecosystem modeling shed light on this issue. In the present study, we explored the retention of NO3–N during a five-year period (2013–2017) in both annual and weekly scales in a highly flushed reservoir in Germany. We found that annual-averaged NO3–N retention efficiency could be up to 17% with an overall retention efficiency of ∼4% in such a system characterized by a water residence time (WRT) of ∼4 days. On the weekly scale, the reservoir displayed negative retention in winter (i.e. a source of NO3–N) and high positive retention in summer (i.e. a sink for NO3–N). We further identified the critical role of Chl-a concentration together with the well-recognized effects from WRT in dictating NO3–N retention efficiency, implying the significance of biological processes including phytoplankton dynamics in driving NO3–N retention. Furthermore, our modeling approach showed that an established process-based ecosystem model (PCLake) accounted for 58.0% of the variance in NO3–N retention efficiency, whereas statistical models obtained a lower value (40.5%). This finding exemplified the superior predictive power of process-based models over statistical models whenever ecological processes were at play. Overall, our study highlights the importance of high frequency data in providing new insights into evaluating and modeling N retention in reservoirs.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Kong, X., Zhan, Q., Boehrer, B., Rinke, K. (2019):
High frequency data provide new insights into evaluating and modeling nitrogen retention in reservoirs
Water Res. 166 , art. 115017 10.1016/j.watres.2019.115017