Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-97568-9_2
Title (Primary) Managing water resources for urban catchments
Title (Secondary) Chinese water systems. Volume 2: Managing water resources for urban catchments: Chaohu
Author Kolditz, O. ORCID logo ; Berendonk, T.U.; Chen, C. ORCID logo ; Fuchs, L.; Haase, M.; Jungmann, D.; Kalbacher, T.; Krebs, P.; Moldaenke, C.; Müller, R.; Neubert, F.; Rink, K.; Rinke, K.; Sachse, A.; Walther, M.
Publisher Sachse, A.; Liao, Z.; Zhu, W.; Dai, X.; Kolditz, O.
Source Titel Terrestrial Environmental Sciences
Year 2019
Page From 35
Page To 85
Language englisch
UFZ inventory Leipzig, Bibliothek, Hauptlesesaal, 00532754, 19-0368 DK: 628.1(510) Chi
Abstract The overall objective of the project was the development of water management system solutions for a sustainable improvement of water quality in the city of Chaohu and in the Chao Lake. The Urban Water Resources Management (UWRM) concept is the innovative approach, which includes both efficient urban water management in urban and suburban areas, as well as interaction with aquatic ecosystems. Data and models for planning purposes and regional water management are made available by using a comprehensive online environmental information system for authorities and water suppliers. The Chao Lake plays a central role as an ecological and economic protection and raw water supplier for the drinking water supply of the population of the city of Chaohu. The research and development project (R&D Project) thus makes an important contribution to the sustainable development of the Chaohu region as part of the Masterplan Ecological Seascape Chaohu of the Anhui Provincial Government. The scientific and technical solutions are implemented in demonstration projects.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Kolditz, O., Berendonk, T.U., Chen, C., Fuchs, L., Haase, M., Jungmann, D., Kalbacher, T., Krebs, P., Moldaenke, C., Müller, R., Neubert, F., Rink, K., Rinke, K., Sachse, A., Walther, M. (2019):
Managing water resources for urban catchments
In: Sachse, A., Liao, Z., Zhu, W., Dai, X., Kolditz, O. (eds.)
Chinese water systems. Volume 2: Managing water resources for urban catchments: Chaohu
Terrestrial Environmental Sciences
Springer Nature, Cham, p. 35 - 85 10.1007/978-3-319-97568-9_2