Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2006.02.017
Title (Primary) Impact of former mining activities on the uranium distribution in the River Saale (Germany)
Author Baborowski, M.; Bozau, E.
Source Titel Applied Geochemistry
Year 2006
Department SEEFO; FLOEK
Volume 21
Issue 6
Page From 1073
Page To 1082
Language englisch
Abstract In the lower part of the River Saale, Germany,;U shows concentrations of up to 4 mu g/L. Former mining activities and their still existing dewatering systems in the drainage basin of the River Saale are responsible for the high salt and trace metal concentrations in the water of some tributaries. An old adit from the Mansfeld mining district flowing into the Schlenze Stream with mean U concentrations of about 60 mu g/L increases the U concentration of the River Saale by 0.5 mu\g/L. The U concentrations in the running waters of the study area can be explained by mixing processes. Uranium from the adit and the Schlenze is mainly transported in the < 0.45 mu m fraction as a carbonate complex.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Baborowski, M., Bozau, E. (2006):
Impact of former mining activities on the uranium distribution in the River Saale (Germany)
Appl. Geochem. 21 (6), 1073 - 1082 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2006.02.017