Publication Details

Category Software Publication
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8116796
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Software and data underlying the article 'A serious game approach for lake modeling and management: the EscapeBLOOM'. In Environmental Modelling and Software
Version v1
Author van Wijk, D.; Kong, X.; Knap, H.; Janssen, A.B.G.
Source Titel Zenodo
Year 2024
Department SEEFO
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Abstract Environmental models are valuable tools, yet, communication about model results between modelers and non-modelers is complicated by different levels of understanding. Game design may help to bridge this gap through learning by playing. Here we present the “EscapeBLOOM”, a digital “Escape Room” in which teams aim to save a lake from a harmful algal bloom while learning about lake models. The game consists of multiple puzzles reflecting the process and choices made by professional modelers in a specific lake management case. We show that the EscapeBLOOM was positively received in multiple countries and cultures, and significantly contributed to perceived learning on lake modeling and nutrient management by non-modelers. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities of our serious game to introduce models and related concepts. We envision that our serious game approach can inspire others to create their own “Escape-game” to aid the communication of environmental modeling cases.
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Persistent UFZ Identifier
van Wijk, D., Kong, X., Knap, H., Janssen, A.B.G. (2024):
Software and data underlying the article 'A serious game approach for lake modeling and management: the EscapeBLOOM'. In Environmental Modelling and Software
Version: v1 Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.8116796