Publication Details

Category Data Publication
DOI 10.1594/PANGAEA.894935
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Results of lake water analysis from Lake Süßer See in Saxony-Anhalt during the Inland Water Remote Sensing Validation Campaign 2017
Author Bumberger, J.; Friese, K. ORCID logo ; Gerasch, B.; Herzog, M.; Jechow, A.; Kormann, B.; Kotas, H.; Krawczyk, H.; Kuehn, B.; Moll, V.; Pflug, B.; Remmler, P. ORCID logo ; Rinke, K.; Schoßland, A.; von Hoff, M.; Witt, H.; Röttgers, R.
Source Titel PANGAEA
Year 2023
Department SEEFO; CHS; MET
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Bumberger, J., Friese, K., Gerasch, B., Herzog, M., Jechow, A., Kormann, B., Kotas, H., Krawczyk, H., Kuehn, B., Moll, V., Pflug, B., Remmler, P., Rinke, K., Schoßland, A., von Hoff, M., Witt, H., Röttgers, R. (2023):
Results of lake water analysis from Lake Süßer See in Saxony-Anhalt during the Inland Water Remote Sensing Validation Campaign 2017
PANGAEA 10.1594/PANGAEA.894935