Publication Details

Category Software Publication
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10185404
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Release_to_publish_data_for_bubble_MS
Version 0.2
Author Shikhani, M.
Source Titel Zenodo
Year 2023
Department SEEFO
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Abstract Dissolved oxygen plays a central role for all organisms dwelling in water. However, the flux of oxygen by ebullition has not received much attention in environmental science. For a better quantitative understanding of the oxygen flux due to ebullition, we conducted a series of laboratory experiments, where we forced macrophytes to produce photosynthetic gas bubbles. Raising the CO2 concentration in the water greatly increased bubble formation. Depth was varied to compare the results with theoretically predicted composition of photosynthetic bubbles forming at minimum required gas pressure. Oxygen concentrations lay between this theoretical line as lower boundary (ca. 21% O2 at 0.3 m depth and 45% of O2 at 4.5 m) and 45% of oxygen as the purely empirical upper limit for all depths. As a consequence, no bubble formation was observed at depths below 4.5 m.
linked UFZ text publications
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Shikhani, M. (2023):
Version: 0.2 Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.10185404