Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniela Thrän


Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Head of the Department of Bioenergy (BEN)
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig I Deutschland

Head of Bioenergy Systems (BS division)
German Biomass Research Center - DBFZ

Torgauer Straße 116
04347 Leipzig I Deutschland

Tel.: 0341 6025 2840 I

Secretary's office:
Tel.: 0341 6025 1267

Chair of Bioenergy Systems
University of Leipzig
Faculty of Economic Sciences
IIRM - Institute for Infrastructure and Resource Management
Grimmaische Strasse 12 I 04109 Leipzig

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniela Thrän, Departmentleiterin Bioenergie. Foto: André Künzelmann/UFZ

Professional experience

since 2019 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Climate Protection and Climate Impact Adaptation at the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation of the Free State of Thuringia
since 2017 Editor in chief "energy, sustainability and society", Springer Publishing Company
since 2011 Head of the "Bioenergy" Department at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ and Professor at the Institute for Infrastructure and Resource Management Bioenergy Systems, Leipzig University
since 2010 National representative of Germany in IEA Bioenergy; since 2019: Co-Task Lead and National Team Leader Germany of the IEA Bioenergy Task 44 - "Flexible Bioenergy and System Integration"
since 2007 Member of Working Group 1 "Availability of Biomass" of the European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) Bioenergy
2012-2023 Member of the Bioeconomy Councils of the German Federal Government; Co-chairwoman 2020-2023
2002-2023 Head of the Department of Bioenergy Systems, Deputy Scientific Director, German Biomass Research Center gGmbH (DBFZ), before Institute for Energy and Environment GmbH
2016-2020 Member of the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders' Panel
2009-2020 Convenor, Working Group 1 of the International Organization for Standardization ISO/TC 238 "Solid Biofuels"
2001-2002 University of Stuttgart, Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Use of Energy (IER): Project manager in the field of biomass/renewable energy sources
1998-2001 Doctorate "Material flow management in rural structurally weak regions - analysis, target definition and evaluation of the wood balance in sustainable regional development" at the Bauhaus University Weimar
1996-2000 University of Potsdam, Center for Environmental Sciences: Research assistant in the field of sustainable development and environmental technology
1989-1995 Engineering degree in "Technical Environmental Protection" at the Technical University of Berlin

Working groups




You could use our publication index for further requests.

2024 (20)

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2023 (42)

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2022 (38)

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2021 (46)

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2020 (61)

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2019 (48)

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2018 (44)

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2017 (50)

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2016 (43)

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2015 (51)

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2014 (37)

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2013 (24)

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2012 (35)

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2011 (23)

to index

2010 (21)

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You could use our publication index for further requests.

2024 (5)

to index

2023 (16)

to index

2022 (11)

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2021 (12)

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2020 (16)

to index

2019 (11)

to index

2018 (10)

to index

2017 (13)

to index

2016 (11)

to index

2015 (13)

to index

2014 (17)

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2013 (9)

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2012 (8)

to index

2011 (3)

  • Scholwin, F., Thrän, D., Witt, J., Henning, C., Rensberg, N., Schwenker, A., Scheftelowitz, M., Trommler, M., Daniel, J., Schaubach, K., Grope, J. (2011):
    Wirkungen des EEG auf die Stromerzeugung aus Biomasse
    In: Wiemer, K., Kern, M. (Hrsg.)
    Bio- und Sekundärrohstoffverwertung : stofflich - energetisch. 23. Kasseler Abfall- und Bioenergieforum, Kassel, April 2011
    Bio- und Sekundärrohstoffverwertung VI
    Witzenhausen-Institut für Abfall, Umwelt und Energie, Witzenhausen, S. 376 - 382
  • Thrän, D., Edel, M., Buchhorn, M. (2011):
    Biomasse - Energie der Zukunft
    In: Müller, M.C.M. (Hrsg.)
    Energieerzeugung vor Ernährungssicherung? Biomasse im Spannungsfeld von Energiesicherung und Hungerkrise
    Loccumer Protokolle 19/09
    Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Rehburg-Loccum, S. 11 - 25
  • Thrän, D., Müller-Langer, F. (2011):
    Potenziale in Deutschland und Europa
    In: Graf, F., Bajohr, S. (Hrsg.)
    Biogas: Erzeugung, Aufbereitung, Einspeisung
    Oldenbourg Industrieverlag, München, S. 17 - 40
to index

2010 (11)

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