Research Groups
Renewable Energies
The research group Renewable Energies works on two main topics: systems modelling of biomass usage as well as spatial analyses of all renewable energies. We cover all renewables and energy sectors, including also some parts of the wider bioeconomy, such as chemistry. We perform monitoring of the current state as well as modelling of future scenarios.
The goal of the “bioeconomy” is to use available biological resources more effectively, in order to advance the transition from an economy mainly using fossil-based raw materials, to an economy based on the efficient and sustainable integration of various renewable resources (e.g. wind, water, solar, biomass). Under the scope of the bioeconomy, the efficient and sustainable use of biomass resources, either through biological and/or chemical synthesis processes to produce raw materials (e.g. plastics or petroleum substitutes) and/or energy are envisioned. However, with the foreseen increasing demands on biomass and thus land, appropriate assessments are needed to support well informed decision making and planning, both at regional (where biomass resources occur) and national (where major policies are decided). In this way the most efficient and sustainable use of biomass resources can be assured, along with the enhancement of synergies with other renewable resources. The working group Bioeconomy focuses on the broad diversity of research questions relating to the transition towards a biobased economy.