Research Group Renewable Energies



Accelerating the expansion of renewable energies in Germany and beyond.


To monitor the status quo and model future scenarios of renewable energies as well as connected sectors (i.e. bioeconomy, carbon dioxide removal) in multifunctional landscapes.

Grand Challenge:

The competition over shared resources (e.g., land and water) is increasing as the focus is shifting away from sub-surface fossil resources to sustainable ones on the ground (solar, hydro, and bioenergy) and above ground (wind). 

Shared resources should be managed sustainably, considering the many expectations of a sustainable earth and environment. To shape energy landscapes sustainably, we need to monitor the transformation of intertwined systems, which subsequently enables us to model possible future scenarios accurately and investigate the impact of various changing socio-techno-economic and political factors affected by climate change.

Developed Tools:

Completed Projects:

BalanceE - Synergies, interactions and competitions in balancing fluctuating renewables in the power sector with renewable options

BE20plus - Bioenergy - Potentials, long-term perspectives and strategies for systems for power generation after 2020 [only in german]

BEniVer - Accompanying research on the energy transition in transport

BEPASO - Bioeconomy 2050: Potentials, conflicting goals, solution strategies

Bioplan W - System solutions for bioenergy in the heating sector in the context of future developments

BIOSTRAT - Building blocks for a biomass strategy: biomass potential and expectations for its future usage

BKSQuote - Study on the design of biofuel legislation

EE-Monitor - Monitoring of nature protection implications of the expansion of renewable energy in the power sector and the development of instruments for the mitigation of impacts on nature and the scenic value of the landscape

EEMonReport - Options for implementing a monitoring of the nature-conservation compatible expansion of renewable energies and networks in the electricity sector

FlächEn - Sustainable land use in the area of conflicting environmental policy objectives using the example of wind energy generation [only in german]

FLEXSIGNAL - Concepts for a demand-driven, cost-effective and climate friendly electricity production from bioenergy plants

Helmholtz impulse and networking fund project for a bioenergy department [only in german]

HI-CAM - Helmholtz Climate Initiative - Adaptation Project 9

InPositiv – Indirect positive contributions of renewable energies to nature conservation

KonditorGas - Industrial process heat generation through catalytic conditioning of synthesis gases

Milestones 2030 - Elements and milestones for the development of a viable sustainable bioenergy strategy

RE and water balance - impact of the use of renewable energies on the water balance - analysis of water withdrawals for cooling [only in german]

SoBio - Scenarios of optimal energetic biomass usage until 2030 and 2050

TATBio - Techno-economic analysis and transformation paths of the energetic biomass potential