Milestones 2030 (finished project)
Elements and milestones for the development of a viable sustainable bioenergy strategy - Milestones 2030
Goal of the project:
The project "Milestones 2030" aimed to identify the technical and organizational milestones that are necessary to meet by 2030, in order to establish a successful long-term strategy until 2050.
The objective was to analyze and evaluate current and future pathways for bioenergy supply in terms of the national development goals, i.e. by analyzing the reduction of target indicators in relation to the contribution of the energy sector, considering possible material streams and technologies, as well as the evaluation of its related ecological-economic and regional effects.
Based on the expertise of the partners, and led by the Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ), bioenergy scenarios for the year 2050 were developed, taking into accounting the availability of biomass resources in accordance with international biomass markets, as well as taking into account the power system's direct and indirect land use and environmental effects.
As a result, the project provided a sound basis for the design of a viable, medium-term biomass strategy, which can increase the acceptance of the biomass use by the close coordination of policies, instruments and research areas as well as the participation of industrial partners. By the complex and various networking which took place within the project, it is expected that the discussion process will crystallize into a viable biomass use concept with regards to the current energy strategy and the adjustment of the development goals for renewable energy in Germany.
Tasks of the BEN Department:
- Collaboration in the development of Bioenergy Scenarios
- Development of a model to simulate scenarios for bioenergy system developments in Germany
Summary in english (pdf)