
Development and testing of an interactive web application for the location search of PV and wind energy plants for local participation and decision-making processes

Draft EE-Standortfinder
Draft EE-Standortfinder

Project description:

The aim of the project is to provide the stakeholder groups in planning, consultation and participation processes with an interactive web application that they can use to find out about the characteristics of potential plant locations.

With the help of the EE-Standortfinder, possible conflicts of interest in the context of local consultation and participation formats are to be identified and discussed on the basis of data. In addition, the project will empirically analyse the extent to which such a decision-making tool can change local decision-making processes. To this end, the EE-Standortfinder web application will be tested in practice in established consultation and participation processes and its effectiveness with regard to decisions will be analysed from a socio-scientific perspective. In this way, the project aims to contribute to the acceleration, acceptance and environmental compatibility of the energy transition and thus support the national decarbonisation goals.

Central research questions of the project:
  • Which local area characteristics and trade-offs are relevant for the selection of PV and wind energy sites?
  • How can local area characteristics and target conflicts be mapped in an interactive web application for decision support ("EE-Standortfinder")?
  • To what extent can the use of the EE-Standortfinder in local participation and decision-making processes influence site selection and contribute to local acceptance?
Target groups:
  • Municipal stakeholders
  • Energy agencies and consulting firms
  • Administrations and actors in spatial and regional planning
  • Plant planners
  • the general local public

Project integration

The web application developed in the project will be integrated into the EE-Monitor information platform in 2026.

Project results:

The results developed in the project are available on the updated & revised website of the EE-Monitor since February 15th, 2023:

Project funding:

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
11019 Berlin

Project duration:


Project lead:

M. Sc. Nora Mittelstädt
Tel.: +49 341 60252832

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig

Project partner:

(Consultative) Practical Advisory Board:

  • Regionaler Planungsverband Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien
  • Regionaler Planungsverband Leipzig-Westsachsen
  • Stadtverwaltung Leisnig (Bürgermeister Carsten Graf)
  • BürgerEnergie Thüringen e.V.
  • Energiegenossenschaft Leipzig EGL
  • BioConsult SH GmbH & Co. KG
  • NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland) e.V.
  • Thüringer Energie- und GreenTech-Agentur GmbH (ThEGA)
  • Sächsische Energieagentur GmbH SAENA
  • Kompetenzzentrum für Naturschutz und Energiewende (KNE)
  • TU Berlin (Prof. Dr. Gesa Geißler)