Untersuchung zur Ausgestaltung der Biokraftstoffgesetzgebung - BKSQuote
Untersuchungen zur Ausgestaltung der Biokraftstoffgesetzgebung in Deutschland - Arbeitspapier (in German)
In the BKSQuote project it was investigated which biofuel options would prevail in Germany at optimal cost until 2030 under the conditions of RED II (Renewable Energy Directive II) or if the climate protection targets of 40% greenhouse gas savings in transport compared to 1990 were met. The project was financed by the BMEL, with UFZ as subcontractor to DBFZ.
The BENOPT model was used in the project.
Project duration
June 2016 - Apr 2019
Funded by
Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)
Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ gGmbH)
Markus Millinger
Matthias Jordan