KEK Monitoring − Status monitoring of the climate and energy concept of the state of Saxony-Anhalt

Project lead

Dr.-Ing. Alberto Bezama
phone: +49 341 2434-579

Project team


2021 – 2024


Landesamt für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt


Combating global warming is a key challenge of our time. At the global level, the United Nations climate conference in Paris formulated corresponding goals. But international agreements are only one important step towards successfully limiting global warming. The key to success lies in equal measure in national and regional commitment. Here, climate protection must be understood as a joint task, because the successful implementation of effective measures usually affects many areas and actors from politics, business, administration and society equally.

With this in mind, the state government has announced a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 31.3 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2020 in its coalition agreement 2016-2021. For this purpose, the climate protection program and the climate and energy concept (KEK) of the state were updated and adopted by the state government on February 19, 2019. The KEK is divided into five fields of action:

  • Field of action A: Energy industry
  • Field of action B: Buildings
  • Field of action C: Transport
  • Field of action D: Industry and business
  • Field of action E: Agriculture and forestry/land use/nutrition

A total of 72 measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions were developed within the fields of action. The monitoring of the measures and the assigned instruments of the KEK is the responsibility of the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment (MWU), the State Environment Agency (LAU) and the State Energy Agency Saxony-Anhalt GmbH (LENA), which continuously work on the further development with the help of external support work.

The main goal of the project is the expansion and the development of new assessment bases for measuring the effectiveness of measures and the instruments contained therein to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Saxony-Anhalt. The analyzed greenhouse gas reductions of the individual measures are then integrated into the overall greenhouse gas balance of the energy and climate protection concept (KEK). The moderated and scientifically accompanied development process should essentially provide the following services:

  • Development of indicator proposals and assessment bases
  • Systematic structuring and integration of data into an evaluation system
  • Evaluations with the help of further methodological considerations
  • Systematization and processing of the findings

The indicators to be developed primarily at the level of measures are to be established as a central component of periodic, systematic and comprehensive reporting on the energy and climate protection concept.