Prof. Dr.mont. Alberto Bezama


Prof. Dr. mont. Dipl.-Ing.


Department of Bioenergy
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig I Germany

Phone +49 341 6025 2820

Professor for Bioeconomy Systems Analysis
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
University of Rostock
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
18059 Rostock I Germany
Dr. Alberto Bezama

Professional experience

since 2022 Professor for Bioeconomy Systems Analysis, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock
since 2015 Leader of Working Group "Systems Analysis of the Bioeconomy" (former "Bioeconomy and Biomass Resources")
since 2015 Deputy to the Head of the Department
2012-2022 Lecturer at the Institute for Infrastructure and Resources Management (IIRM), Faculty of Economics and Management Science, University of Leipzig
since 2012 Post doc / Researcher Post-doc at the Department of Bioenergy, UFZ
2011 Parental leave
2008-2010 Assistant Professor (Tenured) at the University of Concepcion (Chile), Environmental Sciences Center EULA-Chile
2006-2008 Lecturer/Researcher at the University of Concepcion (Chile), Environmental Sciences Center EULA-Chile
2001-2006 PhD Student and Guest Researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Waste Management and Technology, university of Leoben (Austria). Supervisor: O. Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Karl E. Lorber
1999-2001 Researcher at the University of Concepcion (Chile), Chemical Engineering Department. INCO-DC Project "Reduction of Environmental Impacts of Leather Tanneries (EILT)", financed by the European Union.
1999 Thesis: ”Installation and Start-up of a packed distillation column” (in Spanish) at the University of Concepcion (Chile), Chemical Engineering Department. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Márquez



Selected publications


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2018 (14)

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2017 (8)

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2016 (4)

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2015 (4)

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2014 (4)

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2012 (1)

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