Prof. Dr.mont. Alberto Bezama
Prof. Dr. mont. Dipl.-Ing.
Wissenschaftlicher MitarbeiterDepartment Bioenergie
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig I Deutschland
Professor für Bioökonomie-Systemanalyse
Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Universität Rostock
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
18059 Rostock I Deutschland

Beruflicher Werdegang
seit 2022 | Professor für Bioökonomie-Systemanalyse, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Rostock |
seit 2015 | Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe "Systemanalyse der Bioökonomie" (ehem. "Bioökonomie und Biomasseressourcen") |
seit 2015 | Stellvertreter der Departmentleiterin |
2012-2022 | Lecturer am Institut für Infrastruktur und Ressourcenmanagements (IIRM) der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig. |
seit 2012 | Post doc/ Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am UFZ Department Bioenergie |
2011 | Elternzeit |
2008-2010 | Assistant Professor (Tenured) an der University of Concepcion (Chile), Environmental Sciences Center EULA-Chile |
2006-2008 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Forschung, Lehre und Beratung) an der University of Concepcion (Chile), Environmental Sciences Center EULA-Chile |
2001-2006 | Doktorand am Institut für nachhaltige Abfallwirtschaft und Entsorgungstechnik, Montanuniversität Leoben, Österreich. Betreuung: O. Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Karl E. Lorber |
1999-2001 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der University of Concepcion (Chile), Chemical Engineering Department. INCO-DC Projekt "Reduction of Environmental Impacts of Leather Tanneries (EILT)", der Europäischen Union. |
1999 |
Diplomarbeit: ”Installation und Inbetriebnahme einer Füllkörper-Rektifikationskolonne” (in Spanisch) an der University of Concepcion (Chile), Chemical Engineering Department, betreut durch Prof. Dr. Fernando Márquez |
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- 2025 (2)
- 2024 (11)
- 2023 (5)
- 2022 (9)
- 2021 (17)
- 2020 (10)
- 2019 (8)
- 2018 (14)
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- 2016 (4)
- 2015 (4)
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- 2013 (2)
- 2012 (1)
Weiterführende Recherchen können Sie in unserem Publikationsverzeichnis durchführen.
2025 (2)
- Richter, S., Szarka, N., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2025):
Enhancing the circular bioeconomy transition in Germany: A systematic scenario analysis
Sustain. Prod. Consump. 53 , 125 - 146 10.1016/j.spc.2024.12.004 - Zeug, W., Mirutko, A., Uppal, A., Bezama, A. (2025):
Nachhaltigkeit von Bioökonomie in Sachsen-Anhalt: Fallstudien zu Baustoffen, Ernährung und Bioraffinerien
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 55 pp.
2024 (11)
- Balkau, F., Bezama, A., Sonnemann, G. (2024):
An introduction to sustainable development and LCSA
In: Valdivia, S., Sonnemann, G. (eds.)
Handbook on life cycle sustainability assessment
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. 2 - 16 10.4337/9781800378650.00010 - Beck-O´Brien, M., Bringezu, S., Banse, M., Barrelet, J., Bezama, A., Bösch, M., Brüning, S., Bührlen, B., Cabezas, A., Cyffka, K.-F., Dzene, I., Gordillo Vera, F., Helander, H., Henke, J., Hennenberg, K., Hinz, R., Iost, S., Jordan, M., Kilian, D., Köppen, S., Kynast, E., Lutz, C., Pereira, S., Pfeiffer, M., Phuntsho, , Pozo Inofuentes, P., Reiss, T., Reuschel, S., Richter, S., Schaldach, R., Scheffler, M., Schomberg, A., Schüngel, A., Schweinle, J., Thrän, D., Wang, M., Weimar, H., Wiegmann, K., Wijesingha, J., Wilske, B., Wydra, S., Zeug, W., Zinke, C. (2024):
Monitoring der deutschen Bioökonomie - Zusammenfassung
Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Universität Kassel, Kassel, 21 S. 10.17170/kobra-2024111510678 - Beck-O´Brien, M., Bringezu, S., Banse, M., Barrelet, J., Bezama, A., Bösch, M., Brüning, S., Bührlen, B., Cabezas, A., Cyffka, K.-F., Dzene, I., Gordillo Vera, F., Helander, H., Henke, J., Hennenberg, K., Hinz, R., Iost, S., Jordan, M., Kilian, D., Köppen, S., Kynast, E., Lutz, C., Pereira, S., Pfeiffer, M., Phuntsho, , Pozo Inofuentes, P., Reiss, T., Reuschel, S., Richter, S., Schaldach, R., Scheffler, M., Schomberg, A., Schüngel, A., Schweinle, J., Thrän, D., Wang, M., Weimar, H., Wiegmann, K., Wijesingha, J., Wilske, B., Wydra, S., Zeug, W., Zinke, C. (2024):
Monitoring the German Bioeconomy - Summary
Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Universität Kassel, Kassel, 21 pp. 10.17170/kobra-2024111510677 - Beck-O´Brien, M., Bringezu, S., Banse, M., Barrelet, J., Bezama, A., Bösch, M., Brüning, S., Bührlen, B., Cabezas, A., Cyffka, K.-F., Dzene, I., Gordillo Vera, F., Helander, H., Henke, J., Hennenberg, K., Hinz, R., Iost, S., Jordan, M., Kilian, D., Köppen, S., Kynast, E., Lutz, C., Pereira, S., Pfeiffer, M., Phuntsho, , Pozo Inofuentes, P., Reiss, T., Reuschel, S., Richter, S., Schaldach, R., Scheffler, M., Schomberg, A., Schüngel, A., Schweinle, J., Thrän, D., Wang, M., Weimar, H., Wiegmann, K., Wijesingha, J., Wilske, B., Wydra, S., Zeug, W., Zinke, C. (2024):
Monitoring the German Bioeconomy: Status, performance, trends and implications for sustainable development
Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Universität Kassel, Kassel, 193 pp. 10.17170/kobra-2024111510679 - Bezama, A., Hildebrandt, J., Thrän, D. (2024):
Urbane Bioökonomie als Bestandteil resilienter Stadtentwicklung
In: Kabisch, S., Rink, D., Banzhaf, E. (Hrsg.)
Die resiliente Stadt: Konzepte, Konflikte, Lösungen
Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 55 - 69 10.1007/978-3-662-66916-7_4 - Gan Yupanqui, K.R., Zeug, W., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2024):
A regionalized social life cycle assessment of a prospective value chain of second-generation biofuel production
J. Clean Prod. 472 , art. 143370 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.143370 - Pomberger, R., Bezama, A. (2024):
About theoretical, technical and real recyclability. Editorial
Waste Manage. Res. 42 (9), 713 - 714 10.1177/0734242X241267184 - Richter, S., Szarka, N., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2024):
Explorative scenarios for system integration of biorefineries in cascaded material flows within a future circular bioeconomy in Germany up to 2045
6th Doctoral Colloquium Bioenergy: 18th/19th September, 2023, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
DBFZ Tagungsreader 28
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, p. 22 - 23 10.48480/dvmt-q267 - Yang, X., Dong, X., Bezama, A., Liu, Y. (2024):
Improving rapeseed carbon footprint evaluation via the integration of remote sensing technology into an LCA approach
Sci. Total Environ. 946 , art. 174262 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174262 - Yang, X., Liu, Y., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2024):
Agricultural carbon emission efficiency and agricultural practices: Implications for balancing carbon emissions reduction and agricultural productivity increment
Environ. Dev. 59 , art. 101004 10.1016/j.envdev.2024.101004 - Zeug, W., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2024):
Holistic and integrated life cycle sustainability assessment: Background, methods and results from two case studies
6th Doctoral Colloquium Bioenergy: 18th/19th September, 2023, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
DBFZ Tagungsreader 28
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, p. 22 - 23 10.48480/dvmt-q267
2023 (5)
- Bezama, A. (2023):
The need of a stronger synergy of social and engineering sciences to pave the way for a sustainable circular economy. Editorial
Waste Manage. Res. 41 (12), 1697 - 1698 10.1177/0734242X231209621 - Bezama, A. (2023):
Measuring circularity: A (still) ongoing methodological challenge. Editorial
Waste Manage. Res. 41 (5), 953 - 954 10.1177/0734242X231170615 - Evola, R.S., Vesce, E., Bezama, A., Ingrao, C. (2023):
A review of the key findings from the virtual special issue on sustainability of circular-based chemical processes. Editorial
J. Clean Prod. 416 , art. 137874 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137874 - Zeug, W., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2023):
Life cycle sustainability assessment for sustainable bioeconomy, societal-ecological transformation and beyond
In: Hesser, F., Kral, I., Obersteiner, G., Hörtenhuber, S., Kühmaier, M., Zeller, V., Schebek, L. (eds.)
Progress in life cycle assessment 2021
Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management
Springer, Cham, p. 131 - 159 10.1007/978-3-031-29294-1_8 - Zeug, W., Gan Yupanqui, K.R., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2023):
Holistic and integrated life cycle sustainability assessment of prospective biomass to liquid production in Germany
J. Clean Prod. 418 , art. 138046 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138046
2022 (9)
- Bezama, A., Hildebrandt, J., Thrän, D. (2022):
Analysing the potential environmental and socio-economic impacts of regional energy integration scenarios of a bio-based industrial network
Sustainability 14 (23), art. 15886 10.3390/su142315886 - Esmaeili Aliabadi, D., Thrän, D., Bezama, A., Avşar, B. (2022):
A systematic analysis of bioenergy potentials for fuels and electricity in Turkey: a bottom-up modeling
In: Constable, E.C. (ed.)
Transitioning to affordable and clean energy
Transitioning to Sustainability 7
MDPI, Basel, p. 295 - 314 10.3390/books978-3-03897-777-3-10 - Jusakulvijit, P., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2022):
An integrated assessment of GIS-MCA with logistics analysis for an assessment of a potential decentralized bioethanol production system using distributed agricultural residues in Thailand
Sustainability 14 (16), art. 9885 10.3390/su14169885 - Jusakulvijit, P., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2022):
Integrated methods of geographical information system and multi-criteria decision analysis for an assessment of a potential decentralized bioethanol production system using agricultural residues in Thailand
In: Chevet, P.-F., Scarlat, N., Grassi, A. (eds.)
Setting the course for a biobased economy. 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, online, 9-12 May 2022
EUBCE Proceedings 2022
ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, Florence, p. 28 - 32 10.5071/30thEUBCE2022-1AO.4.1 - Mesa Estrada, L.S., Haase, M., Wulf, C., Baumann, M., Zeug, W., Ball, C., Bezama, A., Brand-Daniels, U., Buchgeister, J., Heck, R., Kopfmüller, J., Müller, T., Naegler, T., Oswald, M., Rudi, A., Siekmann, F. (2022):
MCDA for sustainability assessment – insights to Helmholtz Association activities
Helmholtz Working Group MCDA for Sustainability Assessment, 68 pp. 10.5281/zenodo.7273635 - Richter, S., Szarka, N., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2022):
What drives a future German bioeconomy? A narrative and STEEPLE analysis for explorative characterisation of scenario drivers
Sustainability 14 (5), art. 3045 10.3390/su14053045 - Suryani, A., Bezama, A., Mair-Bauernfeind, C., Makenzi, M., Thrän, D. (2022):
Drivers and barriers to substituting firewood with biomass briquettes in the Kenyan tea industry
Sustainability 14 (9), art. 5611 10.3390/su14095611 - Yang, X., Liu, Y., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2022):
Two birds with one stone: A combined environmental and economic performance assessment of rapeseed-based biodiesel production
GCB Bioenergy 14 (2), 215 - 241 10.1111/gcbb.12913 - Zeug, W., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2022):
Application of holistic and integrated LCSA: Case study on laminated veneer lumber production in Central Germany
Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 27 (12), 1352 - 1375 10.1007/s11367-022-02098-x
2021 (17)
- Balkau, F., Bezama, A., Leroy-Parmentier, N., Sonnemann, G. (2021):
A review on the use of life cycle methodologies and tools in sustainable regional development
Sustainability 13 (19), art. 10881 10.3390/su131910881 - Bezama, A., Agamuthu, P. (2021):
The ugly, the bad and the good: Reflections on a COVID-19-devastated year
Waste Manage. Res. 39 (1 Suppl.), 1 - 2 10.1177/0734242X211024386 - Bezama, A., Hildebrandt, J., Thrän, D. (2021):
Integrating regionalized socio-economic considerations onto life cycle assessment for evaluating bioeconomy value chains: A case study on hybrid wood-concrete ceiling elements
Sustainability 13 (8), art. 4221 10.3390/su13084221 - Bezama, A., Mittelstädt, N., Thrän, D., Balkau, F. (2021):
Trends and challenges in regional life cycle management: A bibliometric analysis
Sustainability 13 (18), art. 10335 10.3390/su131810335 - Bezama, A., Mittelstädt, N., Thrän, D. (2021):
A systematic approach for assessing and managing the urban bioeconomy
In: Koukios, E., Sacio-Szymańska, A. (eds.)
Bio#Futures. Foreseeing and exploring the bioeconomy
Springer, Cham, p. 393 - 410 10.1007/978-3-030-64969-2_18 - Hildebrandt, J., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2021):
The circularity of potential bio-textile production routes: Comparing life cycle impacts of bio-based materials used within the manufacturing of selected leather substitutes
J. Clean Prod. 287 , art. 125470 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125470 - Jusakulvijit, P., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2021):
Integrated assessment of a potential decentralized bioethanol production system from agricultural residues in Thailand
4th Doctoral Colloquium Bioenergy: 13/14 September, 2021. Fortbildungszentrum Technik und Umwelt (FTU), KIT Campus Nord
DBFZ Tagungsreader 22
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, p. 71 - 84 10.48480/2ebd-1q24 - Jusakulvijit, P., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2021):
Criteria prioritization for the sustainable development of second-generation bioethanol in Thailand using the Delphi-AHP technique
Energy Sustain. Soc. 11 , art. 37 10.1186/s13705-021-00313-5 - Jusakulvijit, P., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2021):
The availability and assessment of potential agricultural residues for the regional development of second-generation bioethanol in Thailand
Waste Biomass Valorization 12 (11), 6091 - 6118 10.1007/s12649-021-01424-y - Kohlheb, N., Wluka, M., Bezama, A., Thrän, D., Aurich, A., Müller, R.A. (2021):
Environmental-economic assessment of the pressure swing adsorption biogas upgrading technology
BioEnergy Res. 14 (3), 901 - 909 10.1007/s12155-020-10205-9 - Reißmann, D., Thrän, D., Blöhse, D., Bezama, A. (2021):
Hydrothermal carbonization for sludge disposal in Germany: A comparative assessment for industrial-scale scenarios in 2030
J. Ind. Ecol. 25 (3), 720 - 734 10.1111/jiec.13073 - Richter, S., Szarka, N., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2021):
Drivers for a sustainable future bioeconomy in Germany
4th Doctoral Colloquium Bioenergy: 13/14 September, 2021. Fortbildungszentrum Technik und Umwelt (FTU), KIT Campus Nord
DBFZ Tagungsreader 22
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, p. 105 - 106 10.48480/2ebd-1q24 - Rojas Arboleda, M., Pfeiffer, A., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2021):
Anticipatory study for identifying the key influential factors of the biogas system in Germany contributing to the energy system of 2050
Futures 128 , art. 102704 10.1016/j.futures.2021.102704 - Yang, X., Liu, Y., Thrän, D., Bezama, A., Wang, M. (2021):
Effects of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act and environmental, social and economic factors on biogas plant adoption and agricultural land use change
Energy Sustain. Soc. 11 , art. 6 10.1186/s13705-021-00282-9 - Yang, X., Liu, Y., Wang, M., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2021):
Identifying the necessities of regional-based analysis to study Germany’s biogas production development under energy transition
Land 10 (2), art. 135 10.3390/land10020135 - Zeug, W., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2021):
A framework for implementing holistic and integrated life cycle sustainability assessment of regional bioeconomy
Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 26 (10), 1998 - 2023 10.1007/s11367-021-01983-1 - Zeug, W., Kluson, F.R., Mittelstädt, N., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2021):
Results from a stakeholder survey on bioeconomy monitoring and perceptions on bioeconomy in Germany
UFZ Discussion Papers 8/2021
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 29 pp. 10.13140/RG.2.2.35521.28000
2020 (10)
- Aznar-Sánchez, J.A., Mendoza, J.M.F., Ingrao, C., Failla, S., Bezama, A., Nemecek, T., Gallego-Schmid, A. (2020):
Indicators for circular economy in the agri-food sector
Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 163 , art. 105028 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105028 - Bezama, A., Agamuthu, P. (2020):
Time for coordinated action in waste management under lockdown challenges
Waste Manage. Res. 38 (1_Suppl), 1 - 2 10.1177/0734242X20920074 - Bringezu, S., Banse, M., Ahmann, L., Bezama, A., Billig, E., Bischof, R., Blanke, C., Brosowski, A., Brüning, S., Borchers, M., Budzinski, M., Cyffka, K.-F., Distelkamp, M., Egenolf, V., Flaute, M., Geng, N., Gieseking, L., Graß, R., Hennenberg, K., Hering, T., Iost, S., Jochem, D., Krause, T., Lutz, C., Machmüller, A., Mahro, B., Majer, S., Mantau, U., Meisel, K., Moesenfechtel, U., Noke, A., Raussen, T., Richter, F., Schaldach, R., Schweinle, J., Thrän, D., Uglik, M., Weimar, H., Wimmer, F., Wydra, S., Zeug, W. (2020):
Pilotbericht zum Monitoring der deutschen Bioökonomie
Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Universität Kassel, Kassel, 115 S. 10.17170/kobra-202005131255 - Budzinski, M., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2020):
Estimating the potentials for reducing the impacts on climate change by increasing the cascade use and extending the lifetime of wood products in Germany
Resour. Conserv. Recycl. X 6 , art. 100034 10.1016/j.rcrx.2020.100034 - Hildebrandt, J., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2020):
Insights from the Sustainability Monitoring Tool SUMINISTRO applied to a case study system of prospective wood-based industry networks in Central Germany
Sustainability 12 (9), art. 3896 10.3390/su12093896 - Jarosch, L., Zeug, W., Bezama, A., Finkbeiner, M., Thrän, D. (2020):
A regional socio-economic life cycle assessment of a bioeconomy value chain
Sustainability 12 (3), art. 1259 10.3390/su12031259 - Jusakulvijit, P., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2020):
Potential assessment of second-generation bioethanol development from agricultural residues in Thailand with participatory selection of sustainability criteria
3rd Doctoral Colloquium Bioenergy 17/18 September, 2020
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, p. 46 - 47 - Reißmann, D., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2020):
What could be the future of hydrothermal processing wet biomass in Germany by 2030? A semi-quantitative system analysis
Biomass Bioenerg. 138 , art. 105588 10.1016/j.biombioe.2020.105588 - Zeug, W., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2020):
Towards a holistic and integrated life cycle sustainability assessment of the bioeconomy – Background on concepts, visions and measurements
UFZ Discussion Papers 7/2020
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 35 pp. - Zeug, W., Uglik, M., Bezama, A., Meisel, K., Majer, S., Thrän, D. (2020):
Energetische und stoffliche Verwendung von Biomasse
In: Bringezu, S., et al. (Hrsg.)
Pilotbericht zum Monitoring der deutschen Bioökonomie
Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Universität Kassel, Kassel, S. 56 - 63 10.17170/kobra-202005131255
2019 (8)
- Balkau, F., Bezama, A. (2019):
Life cycle methodologies for building circular economy in cities and regions
Waste Manage. Res. 37 (8), 765 - 766 10.1177/0734242X19864489 - Bezama, A., Agamuthu, P. (2019):
Addressing the big issues in waste management. Editorial
Waste Manage. Res. 37 (1 Suppl.), 1 - 3 10.1177/0734242X19825733 - Bezama, A., Ingrao, C., O'Keeffe, S., Thrän, D. (2019):
Resources, collaborators, and neighbors: The three-pronged challenge in the implementation of bioeconomy regions
Sustainability 11 (24), art. 7235 10.3390/su11247235 - Guerini Filho, M., Radis Steinmetz, R.L., Bezama, A., Hasan, C., Lumi, M., Konrad, O. (2019):
Biomass availability assessment for biogas or methane production in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Clean Technol. Environ. Policy 21 (6), 1353 - 1366 10.1007/s10098-019-01710-3 - Hildebrandt, J., Budzinski, M., Nitzsche, R., Weber, A., Krombholz, A., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2019):
Assessing the technical and environmental performance of wood-based fiber laminates with lignin based phenolic resin systems
Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 141 , 455 - 464 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.10.029 - Hildebrandt, J., O'Keeffe, S., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2019):
Revealing the environmental advantages of industrial symbiosis in wood-based bioeconomy networks: an assessment from a life cycle perspective
J. Ind. Ecol. 23 (4), 808 - 822 10.1111/jiec.12818 - Ingrao, C., Arcidiacono, C., Bezama, A., Ioppolo, G., Winans, K., Koutinas, A., Gallego-Schmid, A. (2019):
Sustainability issues of by-product and waste management systems, to produce building material commodities: A comprehensive review of findings from a virtual special issue
Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 146 , 358 - 365 10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.04.001 - Zeug, W., Bezama, A., Moesenfechtel, U., Jähkel, A., Thrän, D. (2019):
Stakeholders’ interests and perceptions of bioeconomy monitoring using a sustainable development goal framework
Sustainability 11 (6), art. 1511 10.3390/su11061511
2018 (14)
- Bezama, A. (2018):
Understanding the systems that characterise the circular economy and the bioeconomy
Waste Manage. Res. 36 (7), 553 - 554 10.1177/0734242X18787954 - Hildebrandt, J., Bezama, A. (2018):
Cross-fertilisation of ideas for a more sustainable fertiliser market: The need to incubate business concepts for harnessing organic residues and fertilisers on biotechnological conversion platforms in a circular bioeconomy
Waste Manage. Res. 36 (12), 1125 - 1126 10.1177/0734242X18815988 - Ingrao, C., Bacenetti, J., Bezama, A., Blok, V., Goglio, P., Koukios, E.G., Lindner, M., Nemecek, T., Siracusa, V., Zabaniotou, A., Huisingh, D. (2018):
The potential roles of bio-economy in the transition to equitable, sustainable, post fossil-carbon societies: Findings from this virtual special issue
J. Clean Prod. 204 , 471 - 488 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.09.068 - Reißmann, D., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2018):
Wohin die Reise gehen könnte… Potentielle Entwicklungspfade der Hydrothermalen Verwertung wässriger biogener Rest- und Abfallstoffe in Deutschland bis 2030
HTP-Fachforum 2018: Hydrothermale Prozesse zur stofflichen und energetischen Wertschöpfung. 19./20. September 2018
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, 194 - 203 - Reißmann, D., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2018):
Künftige Entwicklungspfade für Hydrothermale Prozesse in Deutschland bis 2030
1. Deutsches Doktorandenkolloquium Bioenergie: 20./21. September 2018
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, S. 270 - 271 - Reißmann, D., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2018):
Techno-economic and environmental suitability criteria of hydrothermal processes for treating biogenic residues: A SWOT analysis approach
J. Clean Prod. 200 , 293 - 304 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.07.280 - Reißmann, D., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2018):
Hydrothermal processes as treatment paths for biogenic residues in Germany: A review of the technology, sustainability and legal aspects
J. Clean Prod. 172 , 239 - 252 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.10.151 - Reißmann, D., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2018):
Is there a best way for the hydrothermal treatment of moist bio-waste? First experiences from a multi-criteria decision-making approach
EUBCE 2018 Papers of the 26th European Biomass Conference: setting the cource for a biobased economy. Extracted from the Proceedings of International Conference, 14-17 May, held in Copenhagen, Denmark
ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, Florence, p. 1039 - 1043 10.5071/26thEUBCE2018-3DO.9.2 - Reißmann, D., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2018):
How to identify suitable ways for the hydrothermal treatment of wet bio-waste? A critical review and methods proposal
Waste Manage. Res. 36 (10), 912 - 923 10.1177/0734242X18785735 - Reißmann, D., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2018):
Key development factors of hydrothermal processes in Germany by 2030: A fuzzy logic analysis
Energies 11 (12), art. 3532 10.3390/en11123532 - Siebert, A., Bezama, A., O'Keeffe, S., Thrän, D. (2018):
Social life cycle assessment: in pursuit of a framework for assessing wood-based products from bioeconomy regions in Germany
Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 23 (3), 651 - 662 10.1007/s11367-016-1066-0 - Siebert, A., Bezama, A., O'Keeffe, S., Thrän, D. (2018):
Social life cycle assessment indices and indicators to monitor the social implications of wood-based products
J. Clean Prod. 172 , 4074 - 4084 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.02.146 - Siebert, A., O'Keeffe, S., Bezama, A., Zeug, W., Thrän, D. (2018):
How not to compare apples and oranges: Generate context-specific performance reference points for a social life cycle assessment model
J. Clean Prod. 198 , 587 - 600 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.06.298 - Szarka, N., Wolfbauer, J., Bezama, A. (2018):
A systems dynamics approach for supporting regional decisions on the energetic use of regional biomass residues
Waste Manage. Res. 36 (4), 332 - 341 10.1177/0734242X18757626
2017 (8)
- Budzinski, M., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2017):
Monitoring the progress towards bioeconomy using multi-regional input-output analysis: The example of wood use in Germany
J. Clean Prod. 161 , 1 - 11 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.05.090 - Hildebrandt, J., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2017):
Cascade use indicators for selected biopolymers: Are we aiming for the right solutions in the design for recycling of bio-based polymers?
Waste Manage. Res. 35 (4), 367 - 378 10.1177/0734242X16683445 - Hildebrandt, J., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2017):
Analyse alternativer Kaskadennutzungssysteme für lignozellulose-basierte Materialien in der Bioökonomie
In: Bockreis, A., Faulstich, M., Flamme, S., Kranert, M., Mocker, M., Nelles, M., Quicker, P., Rettenberger, G., Rotter, V.S. (Hrsg.)
7. Wissenschaftskongress Abfall- und Ressourcenwirtschaft, RWTH Aachen, 16. und 17. März 2017
Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, S. 73 - 77 - Hildebrandt, J., Budzinski, M., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2017):
Assessing a bioeconomy network from an integrated life cycle perspective
In: Ek, L., Ehrnrooth, H., Scarlat, N., Grassi, A., Helm, P. (eds.)
25th European Biomass Conference: Setting the course for a biobased economy, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
EUBCE Proceedings 2017
ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, Florence, p. 1560 - 1565 10.5071/25thEUBCE2017-4AV.1.21 - Hildebrandt, J., Siebert, A., Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2017):
Monitoring material flows of a bioeconomy region
In: Ek, L., Ehrnrooth, H., Scarlat, N., Grassi, A., Helm, P. (eds.)
25th European Biomass Conference: Setting the course for a biobased economy, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
EUBCE Proceedings 2017
ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, Florence, p. 1566 - 1574 10.5071/25thEUBCE2017-4AV.1.22 - Ingrao, C., Arcidiacono, C., Bezama, A., Ioppolo, G., Winans, K., Koutinas, A., Gallego Schmid, A. (2017):
Virtual Special Issue on sustainability issues of by-product and waste management systems to produce building material commodities
Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 126 , A4 - A5 10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.07.039 - Szarka, N., Eichhorn, M., Kittler, R., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2017):
Interpreting long-term energy scenarios and the role of bioenergy in Germany
Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 68 (Part 2), 1222 - 1233 10.1016/j.rser.2016.02.016 - Thrän, D., Bezama, A. (2017):
The knowledge-based bioeconomy and its impact in our working field
Waste Manage. Res. 35 (7), 689 - 690 10.1177/0734242X17719605
2016 (4)
- Bezama, A. (2016):
Let us discuss how cascading can help implement the circular economy and the bio-economy strategies
Waste Manage. Res. 34 (7), 593 - 594 10.1177/0734242X16657973 - Ingrao, C., Bacenetti, J., Bezama, A., Blok, V., Geldermann, J., Goglio, P., Koukios, E.G., Lindner, M., Nemecek, T., Siracusa, V., Zabaniotou, A., Huisingh, D. (2016):
Agricultural and forest biomass for food, materials and energy: bio-economy as the cornerstone to cleaner production and more sustainable consumption patterns for accelerating the transition towards equitable, sustainable, post fossil-carbon societies
J. Clean Prod. 117 , 4 - 6 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.12.066 - Konrad, O., Bezama, A.B., Prade, T., Backes, G.M., Oechsner, H. (2016):
Enhancing the analytical capacity for biogas development in Brazil: assessment of an original measurement system for low biogas flow rates out of agricultural biomass residues
Eng. Agríc. 36 (5), 792 - 798 10.1590/1809-4430-Eng.Agric.v36n5p792-798/2016 - O'Keeffe, S., Majer, S., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2016):
When considering no man is an island—assessing bioenergy systems in a regional and LCA context: a review
Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 21 (6), 885 - 902 10.1007/s11367-016-1057-1
2015 (4)
- Hildebrandt, J., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2015):
Identification and evaluation of overriding goals in a sustainability monitoring system for a wood‐based bioeconomy region
Conference book of abstracts from the Science Day of the CASTLE Conference "Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy - Innovative Methods and Solutions for the Agriculture and Forest Sectors" in Barcelona, Spain, 21-23 October, 2015
62 - 64 - Hildebrandt, J., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2015):
Cascade use indicators for selected biopolymers: are we aiming for the right solutions in design for recycling (DfR) of bio-based composites and polymers?
10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27 Sep 2015 - 2 Oct 2015
SDEWES Conference Proceedings
SDEWES Centre, Zagreb, 1 - 15 - Hildebrandt, J., Budzinski, M., Siebert, A., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2015):
Further developments of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) frameworks in the context of bioeconomy
In: Gawel, E., Thrän, D., Bruckner, T., Holländer, R., Weinsziehr, T., Verhoog, M. (eds.)
Zehn Jahre transdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung an der Universität Leipzig : Festschrift anlässlich des zehnjährigen Bestehens des Instituts für Infrastruktur und Ressourcenmanagement (IIRM)
Studien zu Infrastruktur und Ressourcenmanagement = Studies in infrastructure and resources management 5
Logos-Verlag, Berlin, p. 125 - 130 - Hildebrandt, J., Siebert, A., Bezama, A., Majer, S., Budzinski, M., Thrän, D. (2015):
Assessment tools for Sustainability Monitoring of added-value networks in the bioeconomy
Conference Proceedings of the Global Bioeconomy Summit, Berlin 2015
Office of the Bioeconomy Council, Berlin, 103 - 103
2014 (4)
- Hildebrandt, J., Bezama, A. (2014):
Entwicklungstreiber für die Modellierung der Altholzkaskade bis 2050
In: Pomberger, R., Adam, J., Aldrian, A., Arnberger, A., Höllen, D., Kreindl, G., Lorber, K.E., Sarc, R., Schwarz, T., Sedlazeck, P., Wellacher, M., Wolfsberger, T. (Hrsg.)
Tagungsband zur 12. DepoTech 2014 - Abfallwirtschaft, Abfallverwertung und Recycling, Deponietechnik und Altlasten in Leoben, Österreich, 04.-07.11.2014
Inst. für Nachhaltige Abfallwirtschaft und Entsorgungstechnik , Leoben, 661 - 664 - Hildebrandt, J., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2014):
Establishing a robust sustainability index for the assessment of bioeconomy regions
2014 International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE), Pattaya, Thailand, 19-21 March 2014
p. 1 - 4 - Hildebrandt, J., Bezama, A., Thrän, D. (2014):
A hybrid-MCDA tool for assessment of added value networks in a woodbased bioeconomy
Proceedings of the Bioenergy from Forest Conference, Helsinki, Finland from 15th to 18th September - Konrad, O., Koch, F.F., Lumi, M., Tonetto, J.F., Bezama, A. (2014):
Potential of biogas production from swine manure supplemented with glycerine waste
Eng. Agríc. 34 (5), 844 - 853 10.1590/S0100-69162014000500004
2013 (2)
- Bezama, A., Douglas, C., Méndez, J., Szarka, N., Muñoz, E., Navia, R., Schock, S., Konrad, O., Ulloa, C. (2013):
Life cycle comparison of waste-to-energy alternatives for municipal waste treatment in Chilean Patagonia
Waste Manage. Res. 31 (10 (Suppl.)), 67 - 74 10.1177/0734242X13499810 - Bezama, A., Flores, A., Araneda, A., Barra, R., Pereira, E., Hernández, V., Moya, H., Konrad, O., Quiroz, R. (2013):
Assessment and optimization of an ultrasound-assisted washing process using organic solvents for polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soil
Waste Manage. Res. 31 (10), 969 - 978 10.1177/0734242X13492002
2012 (1)
- Bezama, A., Valeria, H., Correa, M., Szarka, N. (2012):
Evaluation of the environmental impacts of a Cleaner Production Agreement by frozen fish facilities in the Biobío Region, Chile
J. Clean Prod. 26 , 95 - 100 10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.12.029