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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Berichte
DOI 10.17170/kobra-2024111510679
Titel (primär) Monitoring the German Bioeconomy: Status, performance, trends and implications for sustainable development
Autor Beck-O´Brien, M.; Bringezu, S.; Banse, M.; Barrelet, J.; Bezama, A.; Bösch, M.; Brüning, S.; Bührlen, B.; Cabezas, A.; Cyffka, K.-F.; Dzene, I.; Gordillo Vera, F.; Helander, H.; Henke, J.; Hennenberg, K.; Hinz, R.; Iost, S.; Jordan, M. ORCID logo ; Kilian, D.; Köppen, S.; Kynast, E.; Lutz, C.; Pereira, S.; Pfeiffer, M.; Phuntsho, ; Pozo Inofuentes, P.; Reiss, T.; Reuschel, S.; Richter, S.; Schaldach, R.; Scheffler, M.; Schomberg, A.; Schüngel, A.; Schweinle, J.; Thrän, D.; Wang, M.; Weimar, H.; Wiegmann, K.; Wijesingha, J.; Wilske, B.; Wydra, S.; Zeug, W.; Zinke, C.
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Seite bis 193
Sprache englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords Deutschland; Landwirtschaft; Forstwirtschaft; Fischerei; Ökologischer Fußabdruck; Nachhaltigkeit; Bioökonomie
Abstract This report presents indicators, trends and scenarios on the state and performance of the German bioeconomy. The aim is to identify the challenges and opportunities that policy makers need to know in order to effectively steer the transition towards a circular and more sustainable bioeconomy. This report is intended for a wide public audience (policy makers, researchers, NGOs, industry and civil society) and is designed to reach readers with different levels of pre-existing knowledge about the bioeconomy. In the long term, it should provide the basis for further developing a regular reporting of bioeconomy monitoring in Germany.
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Beck-O´Brien, M., Bringezu, S., Banse, M., Barrelet, J., Bezama, A., Bösch, M., Brüning, S., Bührlen, B., Cabezas, A., Cyffka, K.-F., Dzene, I., Gordillo Vera, F., Helander, H., Henke, J., Hennenberg, K., Hinz, R., Iost, S., Jordan, M., Kilian, D., Köppen, S., Kynast, E., Lutz, C., Pereira, S., Pfeiffer, M., Phuntsho, , Pozo Inofuentes, P., Reiss, T., Reuschel, S., Richter, S., Schaldach, R., Scheffler, M., Schomberg, A., Schüngel, A., Schweinle, J., Thrän, D., Wang, M., Weimar, H., Wiegmann, K., Wijesingha, J., Wilske, B., Wydra, S., Zeug, W., Zinke, C. (2024):
Monitoring the German Bioeconomy: Status, performance, trends and implications for sustainable development
Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Universität Kassel, Kassel, 193 pp. 10.17170/kobra-2024111510679