Low-emission small-scale fluidised bed combustion systems
for the combustion of biogenic residues
Team at UFZ:
Public grant authority:
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (subcontracted by DBFZ)
Project duration (UFZ):
01.11.2019 – 31.01.2021
Short description:
As part of the research for the BioPlanW project (FKZ-Nr. 03KB113), the Bioenergy Department of the UFZ has developed a heat sector optimization model to assess the competitiveness of bioenergy technologies in a future, sustainable heat sector. In cooperation with the DBFZ, the heat sector was divided into different sub-sectors and representative fossil, biogenic and alternative renewable technologies were defined for each sub-sector, which compete in the model to meet the heat demand as cost-effectively as possible.
This model is expanded in the SmartWirbelschicht project to include a small number of fluidised bed combustion technology concepts in the sub-sectors of large and multi-family houses, district heating and "trade, commerce and services". Technical, economic and ecological data of the new technology concepts are provided by the DBFZ, based on the concepts developed within the project. The model and scenario assumptions from BioPlanW are retained. The aim of the study is to identify future competitive markets for the newly developed technology concepts in different scenarios. Through the modelling, interdependencies and influential parameters can be determined.
This model is expanded in the SmartWirbelschicht project to include a small number of fluidised bed combustion technology concepts in the sub-sectors of large and multi-family houses, district heating and "trade, commerce and services". Technical, economic and ecological data of the new technology concepts are provided by the DBFZ, based on the concepts developed within the project. The model and scenario assumptions from BioPlanW are retained. The aim of the study is to identify future competitive markets for the newly developed technology concepts in different scenarios. Through the modelling, interdependencies and influential parameters can be determined.
The following project partners are involved in SmartWirbelschicht: