Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Book chapters |
DOI | 10.5071/22ndEUBCE2014-1AO.5.1 |
Title (Primary) | Geospatial analysis for heat utilisation centers from bioenergy plants in Germany |
Title (Secondary) | 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 24/25 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany |
Author | Das, S.; Tafarte, P.; Thrän, D. |
Publisher | Hoffmann, C.; Baxter, D.; Maniatis, K.; Grassi, A.; Helm, P. |
Source Titel | European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) Proceedings |
Year | 2014 |
Department | BIOENERGIE |
Volume | 2014 |
Page From | 21 |
Page To | 25 |
Language | englisch |
Keywords | biomass; district heating; heat; structure |
UFZ wide themes | RU6; |
Abstract |
The increasing pressure on biomass resources makes it important to optimally utilize locally available resources. Heat generation and use from biomass has been undertaken in several European countries including Germany and is also supported by policy instruments. This paper aims at identification and spatial visualisation of existing biomass plants for heat use and assesses the importance of settlement density for heat use planning. The results indicate that there are strong regional and intraregional differences that need to be accounted for while undertaking spatial planning for heat use. Heat use potential of plants may be increased by traditional and nontraditional district heating based depending on high or low heat demand. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Das, S., Tafarte, P., Thrän, D. (2014): Geospatial analysis for heat utilisation centers from bioenergy plants in Germany In: Hoffmann, C., Baxter, D., Maniatis, K., Grassi, A., Helm, P. (eds.) 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 24/25 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany EUBCE Proceedings 2014 ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, Florence, p. 21 - 25 10.5071/22ndEUBCE2014-1AO.5.1 |