Prof. Dr. habil. Matthias Kästner

Phone +49 341 6025-1235


Speaker of the DFG-Joint Research Program 2322:

Bild Prof. M. Kästner

Research interests and expertise

I am interested in the compound turnover in the environment catalysed by microorganisms. Major focus is not on the organisms itself but on the turnover rates and the system properties. Current research topics are:

  • Bioremediation processes
  • Microbial degradation potentials and in situ activity
  • Metabolic flow in environmental systems
  • C and N turnover in soil, genesis of soil organic matter
  • Chemical and microbial ecology in soils, sediments, and groundwater
  • Isotope tools and tracer compounds

Curriculum Vitae

1977 - 1985

Study of Biology and Biotechnology, Technical University of Braunschweig

1985 - 1989

Ph.D., Institute of Microbiology, Technical University of Braunschweig

1989 - 1994

Postdoc, Department of Biotechnology, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg

1994 - 1998

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of Jena


University teaching degree, Lectuerer at the Universities; Jena, Freiberg, and Leipzig

1998 - 2002

Head of Bioprocess Group, Department of Remediation Research, Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle GmbH (UFZ). Lecturer at the Universities of Jena, Freiberg and Leipzig

since 2002

Professor for Microbiology, University of Leipzig

2002 - 2008

Head of the Department Bioremediation, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig

2009 -

Head of the Department Environmental Biotechnology, UFZ

Other professional activities


ASM, VAAM, DECHEMA, German Soil Science Society

Reviewer of the DFG, ERC, and Humboldt Foundation

Scientific advisory board of the international projects: CREAM and REMTEC

Frequent journal reviewer of

Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Microbiology
Applied and Environ. Microbiology
Water Research
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Soil Biology and Chemistry
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Chemosphere, Biology and Fertility of Soils, Engineering in Life Science
and several other journals
