Sarya Derado

Curriculum Vitae
2023 - | PhD Student, UFZ - Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (Leipzig) |
2018 - 2021 |
M.Sc. Molecular Life Science, Humboldt University (Berlin) - Master Project, MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology (Marburg) - Erasmus Semester, Lund University (Sweden) |
2014 - 2018 | B.Sc. Biology, Humboldt University (Berlin) |
Wetland green roof systems have great potential to treat domestic greywater on-site while improving the urban microclimate and biodiversity. As part of the CLEANER project, my research focuses on understanding the underlying microbial processes involved in transforming contaminants from greywater in these redox-differentiated systems. Using down-scaled models, stable isotope labeling, chemical analytics (e.g. LC-MS/MS) and metagenomics, among others, we aim to identify hotspots of transformation as well as microorganisms and enzymes responsible. This will allow us to provide design recommendations for Blue-Green Infrastructures (BGIs) towards local urban water cycles in climate-resilient cities.