Dr. Darja Deobald

Contact / Address:

Phone: +49 341 235-1766

Office: Building 1.0, Room 118


Curriculum Vitae

July 2024 - June 2029 Group leader of BMBF Junior Research Group "CoMet", UFZ, Department of Molecular Environmental Biotechnology, Leipzig
2022 - Group leader of "Biotechnology of Metalloproteins", UFZ, Department of Molecular Environmental Biotechnology, Leipzig
2020 - 2022 PostDoc, UFZ, Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Leipzig
2019 - 2020 Scientist, University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg
2014 - 2020 PhD in Biochemistry, University of Leipzig, PhD defense at University of Freiburg/Breisgau (summa cum laude)
2011 - 2013 Master in Biochemistry, University of Leipzig
2008 - 2011 Bachelor in Biochemistry, University of Leipzig


My research focuses on the isolation and characterization of various metalloproteins. A key area of interest is the organohalide respiration (OHR) complex from Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain CBDB1, well known for its ability to reductively dehalogenate a wide range of chlorinated and brominated organohalides. Given that a [Ni-Fe] hydrogenase is part of the OHR complex, we also study diverse [Ni-Fe] hydrogenases from various organisms.
In addition, I have a long-standing passion for exploring cobalamin (B12)-dependent enzymes, a focus that began during my PhD studies. This includes work on B12-dependent methyltransferases and methyl shuttle systems as well as dehalogenases.
Our overarching goal is to gain deeper insights into the organization and function of respiratory complexes, such as the OHR complex, and other metalloproteins using a variety of biochemical approaches. These include the isolation and purification of homologous and recombinant proteins through methods like detergent solubilization, size-exclusion, anion-exchange, and affinity chromatography, as well as native-PAGE. We integrate these techniques with protein mass spectrometry and metalloproteomics to understand these systems at a molecular level.

Additionally, we investigate conserved metabolic processes in microorganisms with ancient traits, such as Dehalococcoidia. By identifying, purifying, and characterizing the proteins involved in these processes, we aim to uncover insights into the early evolution of proteins and life itself.

July 2024 - June 2029:

BMBF Junior Research Group "CoMet" by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Grant number: 031B1507 (BioKreativ 3 - CoMet: Cobalamin-abhängige Methyltransfer-Systeme als Kataly-satoren in der chemischen Industrie“)
Volume: 2,998,459.00 Euro

Three Transfun Fundings (2022 - 2024):

Different objectives by Science and Technology Transfer Office (WTT)
Volume: 26,081.23 Euro

Since October 2021:
  • Lecture series "Enzyme Technology", Winter semester, 2 SWS, 3 LP, at TU Berlin
  • Co-supervision of the Practical course "Geobiotechnology / Environmental Biotechnologie", Winter semester, 3 LP


2025 (2)

2024 (5)

2023 (3)

2022 (1)

2020 (1)

2016 (1)

Other Publications