Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Journals |
DOI | 10.1016/j.watres.2005.09.017 |
Title (Primary) | Sulphate reduction and the removal of carbon and ammonia in a laboratory-scale constructed wetland |
Author | Wiessner, A.; Kappelmeyer, U. ; Kuschk, P.; Kästner, M. |
Source Titel | Water Research |
Year | 2005 |
Department | UBT |
Volume | 39 |
Issue | 19 |
Page From | 4643 |
Page To | 4650 |
Language | englisch |
Keywords | Ammonia and BOD5 removal; Constructed wetland; Domestic wastewater; Juncus effusus; Laboratory-scale reactor; Sulphate reduction |
Abstract | Sulphate is a normal constituent of domestic wastewater and reduced sulphur compounds are known to be potent inhibitors of plant growth and certain microbial activities. However, the knowledge about sulphate reduction and the effect on the removal of C and N in constructed wetlands is still limited. Investigations in laboratory-scale constructed wetland reactors were performed to evaluate the interrelation of carbon and nitrogen removal with the sulphate reduction by use of artificial domestic wastewater. Carbon removal was found to be only slightly affected and remained at high levels of efficiency (75–90%). Only at sulphate reduction intensities above 75 mg l−1 (50% removal), a decrease of carbon removal of up to 20% was observed. A highly contrary behaviour of ammonia removal was found in general, which decreased exponentially from 75% to 35% related to a linear increase of sulphate reduction up to 75 mg l−1 (50% removal). Since sulphate removal is considered to be dependant on the load of electron donors, the carbon load of the system was varied. Variation of the load changed the intensities of sulphate reduction immediately, but did not influence the carbon removal effectiveness. Doubling of the carbon concentration of 200 mg l−1 BOD5 for domestic wastewater usually led to sulphate reduction of up to 150 mg l−1 (100% removal). The findings show that, particularly in constructed wetland systems, the sulphur cycle in the rhizosphere is of high importance for performance of the waste water treatment and may initiate a reconsideration of the amount of sulphate present in the tap water systems. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Wiessner, A., Kappelmeyer, U., Kuschk, P., Kästner, M. (2005): Sulphate reduction and the removal of carbon and ammonia in a laboratory-scale constructed wetland Water Res. 39 (19), 4643 - 4650 10.1016/j.watres.2005.09.017 |