Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1080/15226510208500069
Title (Primary) Abilities of helophyte species to release oxygen into rhizosphere with varying redox conditions in laboratory scale hydroponic systems
Author Wießner, A.; Kuschk, P.; Kästner, M.; Stottmeister, U.
Source Titel International Journal of Phytoremediation
Year 2002
Department UBT; UBT_alt
Volume 4
Issue 1
Page From 1
Page To 15
Language englisch
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Wießner, A., Kuschk, P., Kästner, M., Stottmeister, U. (2002):
Abilities of helophyte species to release oxygen into rhizosphere with varying redox conditions in laboratory scale hydroponic systems
Int. J. Phytoremediat. 4 (1), 1 - 15 10.1080/15226510208500069