Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s12268-020-1351-0
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Mikrobielle Nekromasse im Boden und deren Bedeutung für Bodenprozesse [Microbial necromass in the soil and its importance for soil processes]
Author Miltner, A. ORCID logo ; Kästner, M.
Source Titel Biospektrum
Year 2020
Department UBT
Volume 26
Issue 3
Page From 333
Page To 335
Language deutsch
Abstract Understanding soil organic matter (SOM) formation is crucial for sustainable land use and mitigation of global change. SOM is perceived nowadays as a continuum of plant and microbial residues at various stages of decay. Microbial residues play a dominant role; plant-derived matter is processed by microbes to biomass and finally to necromass stabilised in SOM. Carbon storage thus depends on microbial energy metabolism and on environmental factors and minerals of the respective soils.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Miltner, A., Kästner, M. (2020):
Mikrobielle Nekromasse im Boden und deren Bedeutung für Bodenprozesse [Microbial necromass in the soil and its importance for soil processes]
Biospektrum 26 (3), 333 - 335 10.1007/s12268-020-1351-0