Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1021/acs.est.9b01259
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) Microbial turnover of glyphosate to biomass: utilization as nutrient source and formation of AMPA and biogenic NER in an OECD 308 test
Author Brock, A.L.; Rein, A.; Polesel, F.; Nowak, K.M.; Kästner, M.; Trapp, S.
Source Titel Environmental Science & Technology
Year 2019
Department UBT
Volume 53
Issue 10
Page From 5838
Page To 5847
Language englisch
Abstract Environmental fate assessment of chemicals involves standardized simulation tests with isotope-labeled molecules to balance transformation, mineralization, and formation of nonextractable residues (NER). Methods to predict microbial turnover and biogenic NER have been developed, having limited use when metabolites accumulate, the chemicals are not the only C source, or provide for other macroelements. To improve predictive capability, we extended a recently developed method for microbial growth yield estimation to account for incomplete degradation and multiple-element assimilation and combined it with a dynamic model for fate description in soils and sediments. We evaluated the results against the unique experimental data of 13C3-15N co-labeled glyphosate turnover with AMPA formation in water-sediment systems (OECD 308). Balancing 13C- and 15N- fluxes to biomass showed a pronounced shift of glyphosate transformation from full mineralization to AMPA formation. This may be explained by various hypotheses, for example, the limited substrate turnover inherent to the batch conditions of the test system causing microbial starvation or inhibition by P release. Modeling results indicate initial N overload due to the lower C/N ratio in glyphosate compared to average cell composition leading to subsequent C demand and accumulation of AMPA.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Brock, A.L., Rein, A., Polesel, F., Nowak, K.M., Kästner, M., Trapp, S. (2019):
Microbial turnover of glyphosate to biomass: utilization as nutrient source and formation of AMPA and biogenic NER in an OECD 308 test
Environ. Sci. Technol. 53 (10), 5838 - 5847 10.1021/acs.est.9b01259