Prof. Dr. Werner Brack

Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig
Gebäude: 7.3
Büro: 2.039
Telefon: +49 341 6025 1531
Prof. Dr. Werner Brack
- Monitoring, assessment and prioritisation of complex contamination in waste- and surface waters from local to European scale including wastewater-based epidemiology of human exposure to environmental contaminants, particularly in the context of water quality management and the implementation of EU Water Framework Directive and Urban Wastewater Directive
Linking chemical exposure to measurable effects or impacts on the ecosystem including the establishment of cause-effect relationships using Effect-Directed Analysis: (EDA) and multivariate approaches. Toxicant identification in complex mixtures including water, sediments, tissue, blood and urine. This includes the development of new separation techniques, the application and evaluation of bioassays and a broad array of chemical analytical techniques
- Bioavailability of toxicants and its operationalization as a prioritisation criteria in effect-directed analysis, e.g. of contaminated sediments including extraction techniques, passive dosing and prediction models for chemicals uptake
- Chemical screening analysis (target-, suspect-, non-target screening) using LC- and GC-HRMS techniques
since 2022
Acting Head of Reseach Unit "Chemicals in the Environment" & Co-Head of the Department Exposure Science at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
since 2021
Professorship at the Goethe University Frankfurt/ Main
Faculty of Biological Sciences
2020 - 2021
PD (venia legendi) at the Goethe University Frankfurt/ Main
Faculty of Biological Sciences
2015 - 2020
PD (venia legendi) at the RWTH Aachen University
ABBt - Aachen Biology and Biotechnology, Inst. for Environmental Research (Biology V), Department of Ecosystem Analysis
2005 - 2022
Head of the Department of Effect-Directed Analysis at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
1997 - 2005
Scientist at the Department of Chemical Ecotoxicology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
1992 - 1996
PhD thesis at the University of Bayreuth, topic: "Ecotoxicological assessment of volatile components of landfill leachates"
Diploma in Geo-Ecology at the University of Bayreuth
Gremien und Mitgliedschaften
- Co-Chair of National SubHub for Germany of PARC
Member of International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP)
- Member of the Steering Committee of the “Network of reference laboratories and related organizations for monitoring and bio-monitoring of emerging environmental pollutants” (NORMAN).
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for Future Chemical Risk Assessment and Management Strategies (FRAM) at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Member of the Advisory Board of the JPI Oceans Project FOREWARN (Development a smart forewarning system to assess the occurrence, fate and behaviour of contaminants of emerging concern and pathogens, in waters)
- Co-editor of the Journal “Environmental Science Europe“
- Member of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Member of Scientific Board of SETAC Europe Conference 2023 in Dublin
Laufende Projekte
2022 - 2029
PARC Partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals. European Commission Horizon Partnership. Project coordinator of Project Wastewater-Based Epidemiology
2022 - 2025
AromaTEX DFG Accumulation in textiles and release by laundry as an emission pathway for aromatic amines from indoor environments to waste- and surface waters
2020 - 2025
NFDI4Chem Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur Fachkonsortium Chemie
2020 - 2024
SENTINEL Link between freshwater contamination and the occurrence of snails as hosts for Schistosomiasis in Western Kenya
Abgeschlossene Projekte
2017 - 2022
HBM4EU The Human Biomonitoring Initiative. European Commission Horizon Project
2018 - 2020
KGM Kleingewässermonitoring. BMUB (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection) project Implementation of the National Action Plan on the sustainable application of plant protection products (NAP)
2017 - 2020
NaToxAq (Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality – From Source to Tap). EU Horizon 2020 European Training Network ETN (No 722493)
2013 - 2018
SOLUTIONS for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management. European Collaborative Project. Coordinator. (FP7-603437)
2012 - 2015
TOX-BOX (Gefährdungsbasiertes Risikomanagement für anthropogene Spurenstoffe zur Sicherung der Trinkwasserversorgung); BMBF
2011 - 2015
EDA-EMERGE (Innovative biodiagnosis meets chemical structure elucidation – Novel tools in effect-directed analysis to support the identification and monitoring of emerging toxicants on a European scale) European Marie Curie Initial Training Network. Coordinator (PITN-GA-2011-290100)
2011 - 2014
Large-Volume Solid Phase Extraction (LVSPE) technique and sampling device for automated time- and volume-proportional sampling of water samples using solid-phase extraction, AiF KF2081009MK0
2011 - 2014
Concept development for non-target screening of human samples and identification of environmentally relevant compounds as a basis for the development of new human biomonitoring methods, Umweltbundesamt Z6-55 410-49/2
2007 - 2009
LPDA (Low Pressure Dialytic Analysis)-instrument and technique for the clean-up of matrix-impacted extracts using semipermeable dialysis membranes. Cooperation project AiF 2007-2009
2006 - 2010
KEYBIOEFFECTS (Cause-Effect Relationships of Key Pollutants on the European Rivers Biodiversity); European Marie Curie Research Training Network (MRTN-CT-2006-035695)
2006 - 2009
RISKBASE (Risk-Based Management of European River Basins); European Coordination Action (GOCE 036938). Work package leader for Risk Assessment
2005 - 2010
MODELKEY (Models for Assessing and Forecasting the Impact of Environmental Key Pollutants on Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems); European Integrated Project, Coordinator (511237 (GOCE)
- 2025 (8)
- 2024 (19)
- 2023 (11)
- 2022 (24)
- 2021 (12)
- 2020 (15)
- 2019 (25)
- 2018 (18)
- 2017 (15)
- 2016 (9)
- 2015 (19)
- 2014 (11)
- 2013 (8)
- 2012 (10)
- 2011 (18)
Weiterführende Recherchen können Sie in unserem Publikationsverzeichnis durchführen.
2025 (8)
- Alvarez-Mora, I., Arturi, K., Béen, F., Buchinger, S., El Mais, A.E.R., Gallampois, C., Hahn, M., Hollender, J., Houtman, C., Johann, S., Krauss, M., Lamoree, M., Margalef, M., Massei, R., Brack, W., Muz, M. (2025):
Progress, applications, and challenges in high-throughput effect-directed analysis for toxicity driver identification — is it time for HT-EDA?
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 417 , 451 - 472 10.1007/s00216-024-05424-4 - Alvarez-Mora, I., Muratuly, A., Johann, S., Arturi, K., Jünger, F., Huber, C., Hollert, H., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Muz, M. (2025):
High-throughput effect-directed analysis of androgenic compounds in hospital wastewater: identifying effect drivers through non-target screening supported by toxicity prediction
Environ. Sci. Technol. 10.1021/acs.est.4c09942 - Hommel, E., König, M., Braun, G., Krauss, M., Kamjunke, N., Brack, W., Matousu, A., Sanders, T., Bussmann, I., Achterberg, E.P., Raupers, B., Escher, B.I. (2025):
Following the mixtures of organic micropollutants with in vitro bioassays in a large lowland river from source to sea
ACS Environ. Au 10.1021/acsenvironau.4c00059 - Inostroza, P.A., Jessen, G.L., Li, F., Zhang, X., Brack, W., Backhaus, T. (2025):
Multi-compartment impact of micropollutants and particularly antibiotics on bacterial communities using environmental DNA at river basin-level
Environ. Pollut. 366 , art. 125487 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.125487 - Pinto-Vidal, F.A., Krauss, M., Novák, J., Melymuk, L., Brack, W., Hilscherová, K. (2025):
Identification of compounds contributing to glucocorticoid activity in indoor dust supported by orthogonal fractionation
Environ. Pollut. 367 , art. 125579 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.125579 - Shahid, N., Iqbal, H.H., Ahmad, S.R., Qadir, A., Krauss, M., Finckh, S., Tanui, I., Carmona, E., Brack, W. (2025):
Mixtures of toxic organic micropollutants compromise the safety of water resources in urban agglomerations in low- and medium-income countries: The example of Lahore, Pakistan
Environ. Pollut. 365 , art. 125383 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.125383 - Soose, L.J., Krauss, M., Landripet, M., Laier, M., Brack, W., Hollert, H., Klimpel, S., Oehlmann, J., Jourdan, J. (2025):
Acanthocephalans as pollutant sinks? Higher pollutant accumulation in parasites may relieve their crustacean host
Sci. Total Environ. 958 , art. 177998 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177998 - Tanui, I.C., Kandie, F., Krauss, M., Piotrowska, A., Finckh, S., Kiprop, A., Hollert, H., Shahid, N., Liess, M., Brack, W. (2025):
Occurrence and potential risk of steroid hormones in selected surface water and wastewater treatment plants in western Kenya
Environ. Pollut. 367 , art. 125623 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.125623
2024 (19)
- Chepchirchir, R., Mwalimu, R., Tanui, I., Kiprop, A., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Kandie, F. (2024):
Occurrence, removal and risk assessment of chemicals of emerging concern in selected rivers and wastewater treatment plants in western Kenya
Sci. Total Environ. 948 , art. 174982 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174982 - Escher, B.I., Ahlheim, J., Böhme, A., Borchardt, D., Brack, W., Braun, G., Colbourne, J.K., Dann, J.P., Gessner, J., Jahnke, A., König, M., Klüver, N., Krauss, M., Lee, J., Li, X., Lips, S., Orsini, L., Rinke, K., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Scholz, S., Schulze, T., Spahr, S., Ulrich, N., Weitere, M., Varga, E. (2024):
Mixtures of organic micropollutants exacerbated in vitro neurotoxicity of prymnesins and contributed to aquatic toxicity during a toxic algal bloom
Nat. Water 2 (9), 889 - 898 10.1038/s44221-024-00297-4 - Finckh, S., Carmona, E., Borchardt, D., Büttner, O., Krauss, M., Schulze, T., Yang, S., Brack, W. (2024):
Mapping chemical footprints of organic micropollutants in European streams
Environ. Int. 183 , art. 108371 10.1016/j.envint.2023.108371 - Huber, C., Brack, W., Röder, S., von Bergen, M., Rolle-Kampczyk, U., Zenclussen, A.C., Krauss, M., Herberth, G. (2024):
Pesticide residues and polyphenols in urine – A combined LC-HRMS screening to reveal intake patterns
Environ. Int. 191 , art. 108981 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108981 - Inostroza, P.A., Elgueta, S., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Backhaus, T. (2024):
A multi-scenario risk assessment strategy applied to mixtures of chemicals of emerging concern in the River Aconcagua basin in Central Chile
Sci. Total Environ. 921 , art. 171054 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171054 - Inostroza, P.A., Soriano, Y., Carmona, E., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Backhaus, T., Quiñones, R.A. (2024):
Preliminary dataset of emerging contaminants in surface water, bottom water, porewater, and sediment: Urban and aquaculture impacts in Coliumo bay and Caucahue Channel in the central and southern coast of Chile
Data Brief 55 , art. 110593 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110593 - Inostroza, P.A., Soriano, Y., Carmona, E., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Backhaus, T., Quiñones, R.A. (2024):
Dataset of chemicals of emerging concern detected in the marine environment in central and northern Patagonia in Chile (v1.2) [Data set]
Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.11199330 - Kuschik-Maczollek, N., Glock, M., Schmitz, M., Hollert, H., Krauss, M., Piotrowska, A., Brack, W., Oehlmann, J. (2024):
In vitro effect-based monitoring of water, sediment and soil from a floodplain restoration site in Central Europe
Environ. Sci. Eur. 36 , art. 119 10.1186/s12302-024-00939-0 - Maddalon, A., Pierzchalski, A., Krause, J.L., Bauer, M., Finckh, S., Brack, W., Zenclussen, A.C., Marinovich, M., Corsini, E., Krauss, M., Herberth, G. (2024):
Impact of chemical mixtures from wastewater treatment plant effluents on human immune cell activation: An effect-based analysis
Sci. Total Environ. 906 , art. 167495 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167495 - Ohler, K., Schreiner, V.C., Reinhard, L., Link, M., Liess, M., Brack, W., Schäfer, R.B. (2024):
Land use alters cross-ecosystem transfer of high value fatty acids by aquatic insects
Environ. Sci. Eur. 36 , art. 10 10.1186/s12302-023-00831-3 - Ohnemus, T., Zacharias, S., Dirnböck, T., Bäck, J., Brack, W., Forsius, M., Mallast, U., Nikolaidis, N.P., Peterseil, J., Piscart, C., Pando, F., Poppe Terán, C., Mirtl, M. (2024):
The eLTER research infrastructure: Current design and coverage of environmental and socio-ecological gradients
Environ. Sustain. Indic. 23 , art. 100456 10.1016/j.indic.2024.100456 - Soose, L.J., Krauss, M., Landripet, M., Laier, M., Brack, W., Hollert, H., Klimpel, S., Oehlmann, J., Jourdan, J. (2024):
Dataset: Acanthocephalans as pollutant sinks? Higher pollutant accumulation in parasites may relieve their crustacean host
figshare 10.6084/m9.figshare.26893153.v1 - Soose, L.J., Rex, T., Oehlmann, J., Schiwy, A., Krauss, M., Brack, W. (2024):
Dataset: One like all? Behavioral response range of native and invasive amphipods to neonicotinoid exposure
figshare 10.6084/m9.figshare.25295608.v1 - Soose, L.J., Rex, T., Oehlmann, J., Schiwy, A., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Klimpel, S., Hollert, H., Jourdan, J. (2024):
One like all? Behavioral response range of native and invasive amphipods to neonicotinoid exposure
Environ. Pollut. 356 , art. 124235 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124235 - Soriano, Y., Carmona, E., Renovell, J., Picó, Y., Brack, W., Krauss, M., Backhaus, T., Inostroza, P.A. (2024):
Co-occurrence and spatial distribution of organic micropollutants in surface waters of the River Aconcagua and Maipo basins in Central Chile
Sci. Total Environ. 954 , art. 176314 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176314 - Tanui, I.C., Kandie, F., Krauss, M., Piotrowska, A., Kiprop, A., Shahid, N., Liess, M., Brack, W. (2024):
Seasonal hot spots of pollution and risks in Western Kenya: A spatial-temporal analysis of almost 800 organic micropollutants
Sci. Total Environ. 949 , art. 175036 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175036 - Tkalec, Ž., Antignac, J.-P., Bandow, N., Béen, F.M., Belova, L., Bessems, J., Le Bizec, B., Brack, W., Cano-Sancho, G., Chaker, J., Covaci, A., Creusot, N., David, A., Debrauwer, L., Dervilly, G., Duca, R.C., Fessard, V., Grimalt, J.O., Guerin, T., Habchi, B., Hecht, H., Hollender, J., Jamin, E.L., Klánová, J., Kosjek, T., Krauss, M., Lamoree, M., Lavison-Bompard, G., Meijer, J., Moeller, R., Mol, H., Mompelat, S., Van Nieuwenhuyse, A., Oberacher, H., Parinet, J., Van Poucke, C., Roškar, R., Togola, A., Trontelj, J., Price, E.J. (2024):
Innovative analytical methodologies for characterizing chemical exposure with a view to next-generation risk assessment
Environ. Int. 186 , art. 108585 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108585 - Weichert, F.G., Brack, W., Brauns, M., Fink, P., Johann, S., Krauss, M., Hollert, H. (2024):
Dataset on target chemical and bioassay analysis - Exploring contaminants of emerging concern in a low mountain river of central Germany
Data Brief 54 , art. 110510 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110510 - Weichert, F.G., Inostroza, P.A., Ahlheim, J., Backhaus, T., Brack, W., Brauns, M., Fink, P., Krauss, M., Svedberg, P., Hollert, H. (2024):
AI-aided chronic mixture risk assessment along a small European river reveals multiple sites at risk and pharmaceuticals being the main risk drivers
bioRxiv 10.1101/2024.11.15.623722
2023 (11)
- Šauer, P., Vrana, B., Escher, B.I., Grabic, R., Toušová, Z., Krauss, M., von der Ohe, P.C., König, M., Grabicová, K., Mikušová, P., Prokeš, R., Sobotka, J., Fialová, P., Novák, J., Brack, W., Hilscherová, K. (2023):
Bioanalytical and chemical characterization of organic micropollutant mixtures in long-term exposed passive samplers from the Joint Danube Survey 4: Setting a baseline for water quality monitoring
Environ. Int. 178 , art. 107957 10.1016/j.envint.2023.107957 - Beckers, L.-M., Altenburger, R., Brack, W., Escher, B.I., Hackermüller, J., Hassold, E., Illing, G., Krauss, M., Krüger, J., Michaelis, P., Schüttler, A., Stevens, S., Busch, W. (2023):
A data-derived reference mixture representative of European wastewater treatment plant effluents to complement mixture assessment
Environ. Int. 179 , art. 108155 10.1016/j.envint.2023.108155 - Inostroza, P.A., Carmona, E., Arrhenius, Å., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Backhaus, T. (2023):
Dataset of chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in surface water in the Swedish west coast (Stenungsund) (v1.0) [Data set]
Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.7845557 - Inostroza, P.A., Carmona, E., Arrhenius, Å., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Backhaus, T. (2023):
Target screening of chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in surface waters of the Swedish west coast
Data 8 (6), art. 93 10.3390/data8060093 - Inostroza, P.A., Elgueta, S., Muz, M., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Backhaus, T. (2023):
Dataset of chemicals of emerging concern detected in streams and rivers of Central Chile (v1.0) [Data set]
Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.8088841 - Inostroza, P.A., Elgueta, S., Muz, M., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Backhaus, T. (2023):
Dataset comprising pesticides, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and industrial chemicals detected in streams and rivers of Central Chile
Data Brief 50 , art. 109600 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109600 - Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Béen, F., Bijlsma, L., Brack, W., Castiglioni, S., Covaci, A., Martincigh, B.S., Mueller, J.F., van Nuijs, A.L.N., Oluseyi, T., Thomas, K.V. (2023):
Wastewater-based epidemiology for the assessment of population exposure to chemicals: The need for integration with human biomonitoring for global One Health actions
J. Hazard. Mater. 450 , art. 131009 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131009 - Machate, O., Schmeller, D.S., Schulze, T., Brack, W. (2023):
Review: mountain lakes as freshwater resources at risk from chemical pollution
Environ. Sci. Eur. 35 , art. 3 10.1186/s12302-022-00710-3 - Massei, R., Brack, W., Seidensticker, S., Hollert, H., Muz, M., Schulze, T., Krauss, M., Küster, E. (2023):
Neurotoxicity in complex environmental mixtures—a case-study at River Danube in Novi Sad (Serbia) using zebrafish embryos
Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 30 (42), 96138 - 96146 10.1007/s11356-023-29186-1 - Maurer, L., Carmona, E., Machate, O., Schulze, T., Krauss, M., Brack, W. (2023):
Contamination pattern and risk assessment of polar compounds in snow melt: an integrative proxy of road runoffs
Environ. Sci. Technol. 57 (10), 4143 - 4152 10.1021/acs.est.2c05784 - Sylvester, F., Weichert, F.G., Lozano, V.L., Groh, K.J., Bálint, M., Baumann, L., Bässler, C., Brack, W., Brandl, B., Curtius, J., Dierkes, P., Döll, P., Ebersberger, I., Fragkostefanakis, S., Helfrich, E.J.N., Hickler, T., Johann, S., Jourdan, J., Klimpel, S., Kminek, H., Liquin, F., Möllendorf, D., Mueller, T., Oehlmann, J., Ottermanns, R., Pauls, S.U., Piepenbring, M., Pfefferle, J., Schenk, G.J., Scheepens, J.F., Scheringer, M., Schiwy, S., Schlottmann, A., Schneider, F., Schulte, L.M., Schulze-Sylvester, M., Stelzer, E., Strobl, F., Sundermann, A., Tockner, K., Tröger, T., Vilcinskas, A., Völker, C., Winkelmann, R., Hollert, H. (2023):
Better integration of chemical pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss
Nat. Ecol. Evol. 7 (10), 1552 - 1555 10.1038/s41559-023-02117-6
2022 (24)
- Brack, W., Barcelo Culleres, D., Boxall, A.B.A., Budzinski, H., Castiglioni, S., Covaci, A., Dulio, V., Escher, B.I., Fantke, P., Kandie, F., Fatta-Kassinos, D., Hernández, F.J., Hilscherová, K., Hollender, J., Hollert, H., Jahnke, A., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Khan, S.J., Kortenkamp, A., Kümmerer, K., Lalonde, B., Lamoree, M.H., Levi, Y., Lara Martín, P.A., Montagner, C.C., Mougin, C., Msagati, T., Oehlmann, J., Posthuma, L., Reid, M., Reinhardt, M., Richardson, S.D., Rostkowski, P., Schymanski, E., Schneider, F., Slobodnik, J., Shibata, Y., Snyder, S.A., Sodré, F.F., Teodorovic, I., Thomas, K.V., Umbuzeiro, G.A., Viet, P.H., Yew-Hoong, K.G., Zhang, X., Zuccato, E. (2022):
One planet: one health. A call to support the initiative on a global science–policy body on chemicals and waste
Environ. Sci. Eur. 34 , art. 21 10.1186/s12302-022-00602-6 - Crawford, S.E., Brinkmann, M., Ouellet, J.D., Lehmkuhl, F., Reicherter, K., Schwarzbauer, J., Bellanova, P., Letmathe, P., Blank, L.M., Weber, R., Brack, W., van Dongen, J.T., Menzel, L., Hecker, M., Schüttrumpf, H., Hollert, H. (2022):
Remobilization of pollutants during extreme flood events poses severe risks to human and environmental health
J. Hazard. Mater. 421 , art. 126691 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126691 - Finckh, S., Beckers, L.-M., Busch, W., Carmona, E., Dulio, V., Kramer, L., Krauss, M., Posthuma, L., Schulze, T., Slootweg, J., von der Ohe, P.C., Brack, W. (2022):
A risk based assessment approach for chemical mixtures from wastewater treatment plant effluents
Environ. Int. 164 , art. 107234 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107234 - Finckh, S., Beckers, L.-M., Busch, W., Carmona, E., Dulio, V., Kramer, L., Krauss, M., Posthuma, L., Schulze, T., Slootweg, J., von der Ohe, P.C., Brack, W. (2022):
Concentrations of 366 emerging chemicals in 56 European wastewater treatment plant effluents by LC-HRMS target screening
PANGAEA 10.1594/PANGAEA.940755 - Finckh, S., Buchinger, S., Escher, B.I., Hollert, H., König, M., Krauss, M., Leekitratanapisan, W., Schiwy, S., Schlichting, R., Shuliakevich, A., Brack, W. (2022):
Concentrations of 56 potential endocrine disrupting chemicals in 56 European wastewater treatment plant effluents by LC-HRMS adn LC-MS/MS analysis
PANGAEA 10.1594/PANGAEA.950731 - Finckh, S., Buchinger, S., Escher, B.I., Hollert, H., König, M., Krauss, M., Leekitratanapisan, W., Schiwy, S., Schlichting, R., Shuliakevich, A., Brack, W. (2022):
Endocrine disrupting chemicals entering European rivers: Occurrence and adverse mixture effects in treated wastewater
Environ. Int. 170 , art. 107608 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107608 - Huber, C., Krauss, M., Reinstadler, V., Denicolò, S., Mayer, G., Schulze, T., Brack, W., Oberacher, H. (2022):
In silico deconjugation of glucuronide conjugates enhances tandem mass spectra library annotation of human samples
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 414 (8), 2629 - 2640 10.1007/s00216-022-03899-7 - Huber, C., Nijssen, R., Mol, H., Antignac, J.P., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Wagner, K., Debrauwer, L., Vitale, C.M., Price, E.J., Klanova, J., Garlito Molina, B., Leon, N., Pardo, O., Fernández, S.F., Szigeti, T., Középesy, S., Šulc, L., Čupr, P., Mārtiņsone, I., Akülova, L., Ottenbros, I., Vermeulen, R., Vlaanderen, J., Luijten, M., Lommen, A. (2022):
A large scale multi-laboratory suspect screening of pesticide metabolites in human biomonitoring: From tentative annotations to verified occurrences
Environ. Int. 168 , art. 107452 10.1016/j.envint.2022.107452 - Kamjunke, N., Beckers, L.-M., Herzsprung, P., von Tümpling, W., Lechtenfeld, O., Tittel, J., Risse-Buhl, U., Rode, M., Wachholz, A., Kallies, R., Schulze, T., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Comero, S., Gawlik, B.M., Skejo, H., Tavazzi, S., Mariani, G., Borchardt, D., Weitere, M. (2022):
Lagrangian profiles of riverine autotrophy, organic matter transformation, and micropollutants at extreme drought
Sci. Total Environ. 828 , art. 154243 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154243 - Liess, M., Liebmann, L., Lück, M., Vormeier, P., Weisner, O., Foit, K., Knillmann, S., Schäfer, R.B., Schulze, T., Krauss, M., Brack, W., Reemtsma, T., Halbach, K., Link, M., Schreiner, V.C., Schneeweiss, A., Möder, M., Weitere, M., Kaske, O., von Tümpling, W., Gunold, R., Ulrich, N., Paschke, A., Schüürmann, G., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Küster, E., Borchardt, D. (2022):
Umsetzung des Nationalen Aktionsplans zur nachhaltigen Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (NAP) – Pilotstudie zur Ermittlung der Belastung von Kleingewässern in der Agrarlandschaft mit Pflanzenschutzmittel-Rückständen. Abschlussbericht, Forschungskennzahl 3717 63 403 0
Texte Umweltbundesamt 07/2022
Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau, 319 S. - Machate, O., Schmeller, D.S., Loyau, A., Paschke, A., Krauss, M., Carmona, E., Schulze, T., Moyer, A., Lutz, K., Brack, W. (2022):
Complex chemical cocktail, containing insecticides diazinon and permethrin, drives acute toxicity to crustaceans in mountain lakes
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2021 (12)
- Ganatra, A.A., Kandie, F.J., Fillinger, U., McOdimba, F., Torto, B., Brack, W., Liess, M., Hollert, H., Becker, J.M. (2021):
Calibration of the SPEARpesticides bioindicator for cost-effective pesticide monitoring in East African streams
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Aquatic occurrence of phytotoxins in small streams triggered by biogeography, vegetation growth stage, and precipitation
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Improving the screening analysis of pesticide metabolites in human biomonitoring by combining high-throughput in vitro íncubation and automated LC–HRMS data processing
Anal. Chem. 93 (26), 9149 - 9157 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c00972 - Liess, M., Liebmann, L., Vormeier, P., Weisner, O., Altenburger, R., Borchardt, D., Brack, W., Chatzinotas, A., Escher, B., Foit, K., Gunold, R., Henz, S., Hitzfeld, K.L., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Kamjunke, N., Kaske, O., Knillmann, S., Krauss, M., Küster, E., Link, M., Lück, M., Möder, M., Müller, A., Paschke, A., Schäfer, R.B., Schneeweiss, A., Schreiner, V.C., Schulze, T., Schüürmann, G., von Tümpling, W., Weitere, M., Wogram, J., Reemtsma, T. (2021):
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Long-term effects of a catastrophic insecticide spill on stream invertebrates
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Bioanalytical equivalents and relative potencies for predicting the biological effects of mixtures
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2020 (15)
- Becker, J.M., Ganatra, A.A., Kandie, F., Mühlbauer, L., Ahlheim, J., Brack, W., Torto, B., Agola, E.L., McOdimba, F., Hollert, H., Fillinger, U., Liess, M. (2020):
Pesticide pollution in freshwater paves the way for schistosomiasis transmission
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Unraveling longitudinal pollution patterns of organic micropollutants in a river by non-target screening and cluster analysis
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Statement on advancing the assessment of chemical mixtures and their risks for human health and the environment
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The NORMAN Association and the European Partnership for Chemicals Risk Assessment (PARC): let’s cooperate!
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Effect‐directed analysis of progestogens and glucocorticoids at trace concentrations in river water
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 39 (1), 189 - 199 10.1002/etc.4609 - Kandie, F.J., Krauss, M., Beckers, L.-M., Massei, R., Fillinger, U., Becker, J., Liess, M., Torto, B., Brack, W. (2020):
Occurrence and risk assessment of organic micropollutants in freshwater systems within the Lake Victoria South Basin, Kenya
Sci. Total Environ. 714 , art. 136748 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136748 - Kandie, F.J., Krauss, M., Massei, R., Ganatra, A.A., Fillinger, U., Becker, J.M., Liess, M., Torto, B., Brack, W. (2020):
Multi-compartment chemical characterization and risk assessment of chemicals of emerging concern in freshwater systems of western Kenya
Environ. Sci. Eur. 32 , art. 115 10.1186/s12302-020-00392-9 - Mijangos, L., Krauss, M., de Miguel, L., Ziarrusta, H., Olivares, M., Zuloaga, O., Izagirre, U., Schulze, T., Brack, W., Prieto, A., Etxebarria, N. (2020):
Application of the sea urchin embryo test in toxicity evaluation and effect-directed analysis of wastewater treatment plant effluents
Environ. Sci. Technol. 54 (14), 8890 - 8899 10.1021/acs.est.0c01504 - Müller, E., Huber, C., Beckers, L.-M., Brack, W., Krauss, M., Schulze, T. (2020):
A data set of 255,000 randomly selected and manually classified extracted ion chromatograms for evaluation of peak detection methods
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Symbolic aggregate approximation improves gap filling in high-resolution mass spectrometry data processing
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Non-target screening for detecting the occurrence of plant metabolites in river waters
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Target screening of plant secondary metabolites in river waters by liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS)
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Assessing the mixture effects in in vitro bioassays of chemicals occurring in small agricultural streams during rain events
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Computational material flow analysis for thousands of chemicals of emerging concern in European waters
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2019 (25)
- Altenburger, R., Brack, W., Burgess, R.M., Busch, W., Escher, B.I., Focks, A., Hewitt, L.M., Jacobsen, B.N., López de Alda, M., Ait-Aissa, S., Backhaus, T., Ginebreda, A., Hilscherová, K., Hollender, J., Hollert, H., Neale, P.A., Schulze, T., Schymanski, E.L., Teodorovic, I., Tindall, A.J., De Aragão Umbuzeiro, G., Vrana, B., Zonja, B., Krauss, M. (2019):
Future water quality monitoring: improving the balance between exposure and toxicity assessments of real-world pollutant mixtures
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 12 10.1186/s12302-019-0193-1 - Backhaus, T., Brack, W., van den Brink, P.J., Deutschmann, B., Hollert, H., Posthuma, L., Segner, H., Seiler, T.-B., Teodorovic, I., Focks, A. (2019):
Assessing the ecological impact of chemical pollution on aquatic ecosystems requires the systematic exploration and evaluation of four lines of evidence
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 98 10.1186/s12302-019-0276-z - Bloch, R., Schütze, S.-E., Müller, E., Röder, S., Lehmann, I., Brack, W., Krauss, M. (2019):
Non-targeted mercapturic acid screening in urine using LC-MS/MS with matrix effect compensation by postcolumn infusion of internal standard (PCI-IS)
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 411 (29), 7771 - 7781 10.1007/s00216-019-02166-6 - Brack, W. (2019):
Solutions for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management. Policy briefs summarizing scientific project results for decision makers. Editorial
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 74 10.1186/s12302-019-0252-7 - Brack, W., Ait-Aissa, S., Altenburger, R., Cousins, I., Dulio, V., Escher, B., Focks, A., Ginebreda, A., Hering, D., Hilscherová, K., Hollender, J., Hollert, H., Kortenkamp, A., López de Alda, M., Posthuma, L., Schymanski, E., Segner, H., Slobodnik, J. (2019):
Let us empower the WFD to prevent risks of chemical pollution in European rivers and lakes
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 47 10.1186/s12302-019-0228-7 - Brack, W., Ait‑Aissa, S., Backhaus, T., Birk, S., Barceló, D., Burgess, R., Cousins, I., Dulio, V., Escher, B.I., Focks, A., van Gils, J., Ginebreda, A., Hering, D., Hewitt, L.M., Hilscherová, K., Hollender, J., Hollert, H., Köck, M., Kortenkamp, A., López de Alda, M., Müller, C., Posthuma, L., Schüürmann, G., Schymanski, E., Segner, H., Sleeuwaert, F., Slobodnik, J., Teodorovic, I., Umbuzeiro, G., Voulvoulis, N., van Wezel, A., Altenburger, R. (2019):
Strengthen the European collaborative environmental research to meet European policy goals for achieving a sustainable, non‑toxic environment
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 63 10.1186/s12302-019-0232-y - Brack, W., Ait-Aissa, S., Backhaus, T., Dulio, V., Escher, B.I., Faust, M., Hilscherova, K., Hollender, J., Hollert, H., Müller, C., Munthe, J., Posthuma, L., Seiler, T.-B., Slobodnik, J., Teodorovic, I., Tindall, A.J., De Aragão Umbuzeiro, G., Zhang, X., Altenburger, R. (2019):
Effect‑based methods are key. The European Collaborative Project SOLUTIONS recommends integrating effect‑based methods for diagnosis and monitoring of water quality
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 10 10.1186/s12302-019-0192-2 - Brack, W., Altenburger, R. (2019):
Projekt Solutions: Mikroschadstoffe in europäischen Gewässern
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High‑resolution mass spectrometry to complement monitoring and track emerging chemicals and pollution trends in European water resources
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Developments in society and implications for emerging pollutants in the aquatic environment
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 32 10.1186/s12302-019-0213-1 - Faust, M., Backhaus, T., Altenburger, R., Dulio, V., van Gils, J., Ginebreda, A., Kortenkamp, A., Munthe, J., Posthuma, L., Slobodnik, J., Tollefsen, K.E., van Wezel, A., Brack, W. (2019):
Prioritisation of water pollutants: the EU Project SOLUTIONS proposes a methodological framework for the integration of mixture risk assessments into prioritisation procedures under the European Water Framework Directive
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 66 10.1186/s12302-019-0239-4 - Ganatra, A.A., Becker, J., Kandie, F., Muehlbauer, L., McOdimba, F., Torto, B., Lelo, E., Brack, W., Fillinger, U., Liess, M. (2019):
Agrochemical pollution increases abundance of Schistosoma host snails in western Kenya
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Mixture risks threaten water quality: the European Collaborative Project SOLUTIONS recommends changes to the WFD and better coordination across all pieces of European chemicals legislation to improve protection from exposure of the aquatic environment to multiple pollutants
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The RiBaTox web tool: selecting methods to assess and manage the diverse problem of chemical pollution in surface waters
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Prioritising site-specific micropollutants in surface water from LC-HRMS non-target screening data using a rarity score
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 45 10.1186/s12302-019-0231-z - Massei, R., Hollert, H., Krauss, M., von Tümpling, W., Weidauer, C., Haglund, P., Küster, E., Gallampois, C., Tysklind, M., Brack, W. (2019):
Toxicity and neurotoxicity profiling of contaminated sediments from Gulf of Bothnia (Sweden): a multi‑endpoint assay with zebrafish embryos
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 8 10.1186/s12302-019-0188-y - Munthe, J., Lexén, J., Skårman, T., Posthuma, L., Brack, W., Altenburger, R., Brorström‑Lundén, E., Bunke, D., Faust, M., Rahmberg, M., Sleeuwaert, F., Slobodnik, J., van Gils, J., van Wezel, A. (2019):
Increase coherence, cooperation and cross‑compliance of regulations on chemicals and water quality
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 64 10.1186/s12302-019-0235-8 - Posthuma, L., Altenburger, R., Backhaus, T., Kortenkamp, A., Müller, C., Focks, A., de Zwart, D., Brack, W. (2019):
Improved component‑based methods for mixture risk assessment are key to characterize complex chemical pollution in surface waters
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 70 10.1186/s12302-019-0246-5 - Posthuma, L., Backhaus, T., Hollender, J., Bunke, D., Brack, W., Müller, C., van Gils, J., Hollert, H., Munthe, J., van Wezel, A. (2019):
Exploring the ‘solution space’ is key: SOLUTIONS recommends an early‑stage assessment of options to protect and restore water quality against chemical pollution
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 73 10.1186/s12302-019-0253-6 - Posthuma, L., Brack, W., van Gils, J., Focks, A., Müller, C., de Zwart, D., Birk, S. (2019):
Mixtures of chemicals are important drivers of impacts on ecological status in European surface waters
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A holistic approach is key to protect water quality and monitor, assess and manage chemical pollution of European surface waters
Environ. Sci. Eur. 31 , art. 67 10.1186/s12302-019-0243-8 - Shao, Y., Xiao, H., Di Paolo, C., Deutschmann, B., Brack, W., Hollert, H., Seiler, T.B. (2019):
Integrated zebrafish-based tests as an investigation strategy for water quality assessment
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2018 (18)
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Current EU research activities on combined exposure to multiple chemicals
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2017 (15)
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Method development for selective and nontargeted identification of nitro compounds in diesel particulate matter
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Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework Directive: Recommendations for more efficient assessment and management of chemical contamination in European surface water resources
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Project house water: a novel interdisciplinary framework to assess the environmental and socioeconomic consequences of flood-related impacts
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Chemical activity and distribution of emerging pollutants: Insights from a multi-compartment analysis of a freshwater system
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Impact of untreated wastewater on a major European river evaluated with a combination of in vitro bioassays and chemical analysis
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The impact of chemosensitisation on bioaccumulation and sediment toxicity
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An expanded conceptual framework for solution-focused management of chemical pollution in European waters
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Assessment of a novel device for onsite integrative large-volume solid phase extraction of water samples to enable a comprehensive chemical and effect-based analysis
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Effect-based assessment of toxicity removal during wastewater treatment
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2016 (9)
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Effect-directed analysis supporting monitoring of aquatic environments — An in-depth overview
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Longitudinal profile of the genotoxic potential of the River Danube on erythrocytes of wild common bleak (Alburnus alburnus) assessed using the comet and micronucleus assay
Sci. Total Environ. 573 , 1441 - 1449 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.07.175 - Di Paolo, C., Kirchner, K., Balk, F.G.P., Muschket, M., Brack, W., Hollert, H., Seiler, T.-B. (2016):
Downscaling procedures reduce chemical use in androgen receptor reporter gene assay
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Bioassay battery interlaboratory investigation of emerging contaminants in spiked water extracts – Towards the implementation of bioanalytical monitoring tools in water quality assessment and monitoring
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2015 (19)
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The Challenge: Prioritization of emerging pollutants
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Microbial reporter gene assay as a diagnostic and early warning tool for the detection and characterization of toxic pollution in surface waters
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Linking in vitro effects and detected organic micropollutants in surface water using mixture-toxicity modeling
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Large volume sampling and effect-based screening
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2014 (11)
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Carbamazepine and its metabolites in wastewater: Analytical pitfalls and occurrence in Germany and Portugal
Water Res. 57 , 104 - 114 10.1016/j.watres.2014.03.022 - Brils, J., Barcelo, D., Blum, W., Brack, W., Harris, B., Müller-Grabherr, D., Négrel, P., Ragnarsdottir, V., Salomons, W., Slob, A., Track, T., Vegter, J., Vermaat, J.E. (2014):
Introduction: The need for risk-informed river basin management
In: Brils, J., Brack, W., Müller-Grabherr, D., Négrel, P., Vermaat, J.E. (eds.)
Risk-informed management of European river basins
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 29
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 1 - 18 - Brils, J., Brack, W., Müller-Grabherr, D., Négrel, P., Vermaat, J.E. (eds., 2014):
Risk-informed management of European river basins
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 29
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 395 pp. - Brils, J., Harris, B., Barceló, D., Blum, W., Brack, W., Müller-Grabherr, D., Négrel, P., Ragnarsdottir, V., Salomons, W., Slob, A., Track, T., Vegter, J., Vermaat, J.E. (2014):
Synthesis and recommendations towards risk-informed river basin management
In: Brils, J., Brack, W., Müller-Grabherr, D., Négrel, P., Vermaat, J.E. (eds.)
Risk-informed management of European river basins
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 29
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 367 - 390 - Brinkmann, M., Maletz, S., Krauss, M., Bluhm, K., Schiwy, S., Kuckelkorn, J., Tiehm, A., Brack, W., Hollert, H. (2014):
Heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons show estrogenic activity upon metabolization in a recombinant transactivation assay
Environ. Sci. Technol. 48 (10), 5892 - 5901 10.1021/es405731j - Fetter, E., Krauss, M., Brion, F., Kah, O., Scholz, S., Brack, W. (2014):
Effect-directed analysis for estrogenic compounds in a fluvial sediment sample using transgenic cyp19a1b-GFP zebrafish embryos
Aquat. Toxicol. 154 , 221 - 229 10.1016/j.aquatox.2014.05.016 - Hug, C., Ulrich, N., Schulze, T., Brack, W., Krauss, M. (2014):
Identification of novel micropollutants in wastewater by a combination of suspect and nontarget screening
Environ. Pollut. 184 , 25 - 32 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.07.048 - Malaj, E., von der Ohe, P.C., Grote, M., Kühne, R., Mondy, C.P., Usseglio-Polatera, P., Brack, W., Schäfer, R.B. (2014):
Organic chemicals jeopardize the health of freshwater ecosystems on the continental scale
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111 (26), 9549 - 9554 10.1073/pnas.1321082111 - Ulrich, N., Mühlenberg, J., Schüürmann, G., Brack, W. (2014):
Linear solvation energy relationships as classifier in non-target analysis – an approach for isocratic liquid chromatography
J. Chromatogr. A 1324 , 96 - 103 10.1016/j.chroma.2013.11.023 - von der Ohe, P.C., Apitz, S.E., Arbaciauskas, K., Beketov, M.A., Borchardt, D., de Zwart, D., Goedkoop, W., Hein, M., Hellsten, S., Hering, D., Kefford, B.J., Panov, V.E., Schäfer, R.B., Segner, H., van Gils, J., Vegter, J.J., Wetzel, M.A., Brack, W. (2014):
Status and causal pathway assessments supporting river basin management
In: Brils, J., Brack, W., Müller-Grabherr, D., Négrel, P., Vermaat, J.E. (eds.)
Risk-informed management of European river basins
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 29
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 53 - 149 - von der Ohe, P.C., de Zwart, D., Semenzin, E., Apitz, S.E., Gottardo, S., Harris, B., Hein, M., Marcomini, A., Posthuma, L., Schäfer, R.B., Segner, H., Brack, W. (2014):
Monitoring programmes, multiple stress analysis and decision support for river basin management
In: Brils, J., Brack, W., Müller-Grabherr, D., Négrel, P., Vermaat, J.E. (eds.)
Risk-informed management of European river basins
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 29
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 151 - 182
2013 (8)
- Brack, W. (2013):
Effect-directed analysis in ecotoxicology
In: Férard, J.-F., Blaise, C. (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Springer, Dordrecht, p. 387 - 394 10.1007/978-94-007-5704-2_37 - Brack, W., Govender, S., Schulze, T., Krauss, M., Hu, M., Muz, M., Hollender, J., Schirmer, K., Schollee, J., Hidasi, A., Slobodnik, J., Rabova, Z., Ait-Aissa, S., Sonavane, M., Carere, M., Lamoree, M., Leonards, P., Tufi, S., Ouyang, X., Schriks, M., Thomas, K., de Almeida, A.C., Froment, J., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ahel, M., Koprivica, S., Hollert, H., Seiler, T.-B., Di Paolo, C., Tindall, A., Spirhanzlova, P. (2013):
EDA-EMERGE: an FP7 initial training network to equip the next generation of young scientists with the skills to address the complexity of environmental contamination with emerging pollutants
Environ. Sci. Eur. 25 , art. 18 10.1186/2190-4715-25-18 - Burgess, R.M., Ho, K.T., Brack, W., Lamoree, M. (2013):
Effects-directed analysis (EDA) and toxicity identification evaluation (TIE): Complementary but different approaches for diagnosing causes of environmental toxicity
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 32 (9), 1935 - 1945 10.1002/etc.2299 - Gallampois, C.M.J., Schymanski, E.L., Bataineh, M., Buchinger, S., Krauss, M., Reifferscheid, G., Brack, W. (2013):
Integrated biological–chemical approach for the isolation and selection of polyaromatic mutagens in surface waters
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405 (28), 9101 - 9112 10.1007/s00216-013-7349-4 - Grummt, T., Kuckelkorn, J., Bahlmann, A., Baumstark-Khan, C., Brack, W., Braunbeck, T., Feles, S., Gartiser, S., Glatt, H., Heinze, R., Hellweg, C.E., Hollert, H., Junek, R., Knauer, M., Kneib-Kissinger, B., Kramer, M., Krauss, M., Küster, E., Maletz, S., Meinl, W., Noman, A., Prantl, E.-M., Rabbow, E., Redelstein, R., Rettberg, P., Schadenboeck, W., Schmidt, C., Schulze, T., Seiler, T.-B., Spitta, L., Stengel, D., Waldmann, P., Eckhardt, A. (2013):
Tox-Box: securing drops of life - an enhanced health-related approach for risk assessment of drinking water in Germany. Tox-Box: die Tropfen des Lebens bewahren - gesundheitsbasierte Risikobewertung für Trinkwasser in Deutschland
Environ. Sci. Eur. 25 , art. 27 10.1186/2190-4715-25-27 - Kühne, R., Ebert, R.-U., von der Ohe, P.C., Ulrich, N., Brack, W., Schüürmann, G. (2013):
Read-across prediction of the acute toxicity of organic compounds toward the water flea Daphnia magna
Mol. Inf. 32 (1), 108 - 120 10.1002/minf.201200085 - Nováková, K., Kohoutek, J., Adamovský, O., Brack, W., Krauss, M., Bláha, L. (2013):
Novel metabolites in cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii with potencies to inhibit gap junctional intercellular communication
J. Hazard. Mater. 262 , 571 - 579 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2013.09.007 - Ulrich, N., Schüürmann, G., Brack, W. (2013):
Prediction of gas chromatographic retention indices as classifier in non-target analysis of environmental samples
J. Chromatogr. A 1285 , 139 - 147 10.1016/j.chroma.2013.02.037
2012 (10)
- Brack, W. (2012):
Emerging substances of toxicological concern in a world full of chemicals - the NORMAN way to find the needles in the haystack
Norman Bulletin 2012/3
NORMAN Network, p. 1 - 2 - de Deckere, E., Brack, W., Van Ballaer, B., von der Ohe, P.C. (2012):
Identifying key stressors in Danube, Elbe, Llobregat and Scheldt based on regular monitoring data
River Systems 20 (1-2), 87 - 99 10.1127/1868-5749/2011/0049 - Higley, E., Grund, S., Jones, P.D., Schulze, T., Seiler, T.-B., Lübcke-von Varel, U., Brack, W., Wölz, J., Zielke, H., Giesy, J.P., Hollert, H., Hecker, M. (2012):
Endocrine disrupting, mutagenic, and teratogenic effects of upper Danube River sediments using effect-directed analysis
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 31 (5), 1053 - 1062 10.1002/etc.1777 - Lübcke-von Varel, U., Bataineh, M., Löffler, I., Schulze, T., Flückiger-Isler, S., Neca, J., Machala, M., Brack, W., Lohrmann, S. (2012):
Identification and quantitative confirmation of dinitropyrenes and 3-nitrobenzanthrone as major mutagens in contaminated sediments
Environ. Int. 44 (September 2012), 31 - 39 10.1016/j.envint.2012.01.010 - Malaj, E., Grote, M., Schäfer, R.B., Brack, W., von der Ohe, P.C. (2012):
Physiological sensitivity of freshwater macroinvertebrates to heavy metals
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 31 (8), 1754 - 1764 10.1002/etc.1868 - Schulze, T., Magerl, R., Streck, G., Brack, W. (2012):
Use of factorial design for the multivariate optimization of polypropylene membranes for the cleanup of environmental samples using the accelerated membrane-assisted cleanup approach
J. Chromatogr. A 1225 , 26 - 36 10.1016/j.chroma.2011.12.069 - Schulze, T., Schymanski, E., Stravs, M., Neumann, S., Krauss, M., Singer, H., Hug, C., Gallampois, C., Hollender, J., Slobodnik, J., Brack, W. (2012):
NORMAN MassBank: Towards a community-driven, open-access accurate mass spectral database for the identification of emerging pollutants
Norman Bulletin 2012/3
NORMAN Network, p. 9 - 11 - Schymanski, E.L., Gallampois, C.M.J., Krauss, M., Meringer, M., Neumann, S., Schulze, T., Wolf, S., Brack, W. (2012):
Consensus structure elucidation combining GC/EI-MS, structure generation and calculated properties
Anal. Chem. 84 (7), 3287 - 3295 10.1021/ac203471y - Ulrich, N., Mühlenberg, J., Retzbach, H., Schüürmann, G., Brack, W. (2012):
Linear solvation energy relationships as classifiers in non-target analysis – a gas chromatographic approach
J. Chromatogr. A 1264 , 95 - 103 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.09.051 - von der Ohe, P.C., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Slobodnik, J., Brack, W. (2012):
Triclosan – the forgotten priority substance?
Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 19 (2), 585 - 591 10.1007/s11356-011-0580-7
2011 (18)
- Bougeard, C., Gallampois, C., Brack, W. (2011):
Passive dosing: an approach to control mutagen exposure in the Ames fluctuation test
Chemosphere 83 (4), 409 - 414 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.12.087 - Brack, W. (ed., 2011):
Effect-directed analysis of complex environmental contamination
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 15
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 345 pp. 10.1007/978-3-642-18384-3 - Brack, W., Burgess, R.M. (2011):
Considerations for incorporating bioavailability in effect-directed analysis and toxicity identification evaluation
In: Brack, W. (ed.)
Effect-directed analysis of complex environmental contamination
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 15
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 41 - 68 10.1007/978-3-642-18384-3_3 - Brack, W. (2011):
Impact assessment of environmental key pollutants on aquatic ecosystems
In: Quevauviller, P., Borchers, U., Thompson, C., Simonart, T. (eds.)
The water framework directive: action programmes and adaptation to climate change
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Cambridge, p. 189 - 202 - Brack, W., Ulrich, N., Bataineh, M. (2011):
Separation techniques in effect-directed analysis
In: Brack, W. (ed.)
Effect-directed analysis of complex environmental contamination
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 15
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 83 - 118 10.1007/978-3-642-18384-3_5 - Burgess, R.M., Ho, K.T., Biales, A.D., Brack, W. (2011):
Recent developments in whole sediment toxicity identification evaluations: innovations in manipulations and endpoints
In: Brack, W. (ed.)
Effect-directed analysis of complex environmental contamination
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 15
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 19 - 40 10.1007/978-3-642-18384-3_2 - dos Anjos, N.A., Schulze, T., Brack, W., Val, A.L., Schirmer, K., Scholz, S. (2011):
Identification and evaluation of cyp1a transcript expression in fish as molecular biomarker for petroleum contamination in tropical fresh water ecosystems
Aquat. Toxicol. 103 (1-2), 46 - 52 10.1016//j.aquatoc.2011.02.004 - Grung, M., Naes, K., Fogelberg, O., Nilsen, A.J., Brack, W., Lübcke-von Varel, U., Thomas, K.V. (2011):
Effects-directed analysis of sediments from polluted marine sites in Norway
J. Toxicol. Env. Health Part A 74 (7 & 9), 439 - 454 10.1080/15287394.2011.550555 - Lübcke-von Varel, U., Machala, M., Ciganek, M., Neca, J., Pencikova, K., Palkova, L., Vondracek, J., Löffler, I., Streck, G., Reifferscheid, G., Flückiger-Isler, S., Weiss, J.M., Lamoree, M., Brack, W. (2011):
Polar compounds dominate in vitro effects of sediment extracts
Environ. Sci. Technol. 45 (6), 2384 - 2390 10.1021/es103381y - Schmitt, C., Streck, G., Lamoree, M., Leonards, P., Brack, W., de Deckere, E. (2011):
Effect directed analysis of riverine sediments - the usefulness of Potamopyrgus antipodarum for in vivo effect confirmation of endocrine disruption
Aquat. Toxicol. 101 (1), 237 - 243 10.1016/j.aquatox.2010.10.002 - Schymanski, E.L., Meringer, M., Brack, W. (2011):
Automated strategies to identify compounds on the basis of GC/EI-MS and calculated properties
Anal. Chem. 83 (3), 903 - 912 10.1021/ac102574h - Schymanski, E., Schulze, T., Hermanns, J., Brack, W. (2011):
Computer tools for structure elucidation in effect-directed analysis
In: Brack, W. (ed.)
Effect-directed analysis of complex environmental contamination
Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Series 15
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 167 - 198 10.1007/978-3-642-18384-3_8 - Tuikka, A., Schmitt, C., Höss, S., Bandow, N., von der Ohe, P.C., de Zwart, D., de Deckere, E., Streck, G., Mothes, S., van Hattum, B., Kocan, A., Brix, R., Brack, W., Barceló, D., Sormunen, A.J., Kukkonen, J.V.K. (2011):
Toxicity assessment of sediments from three European river basins using a sediment contact test battery
Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 74 (1), 123 - 131 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2010.08.038 - Ulrich, N., Schüürmann, G., Brack, W. (2011):
Linear solvation energy relationships as classifiers in non-target analysis - a capillary liquid chromatography approach
J. Chromatogr. A 1218 (45), 8192 - 8196 10.1016/j.chroma.2011.09.031 - von der Ohe, P.C., Dulio, V., Slobodnik, J., de Deckere, E., Kühne, R., Ebert, R.U., Ginebreda, A., De Cooman, W., Schüürmann, G., Brack, W. (2011):
A new risk assessment approach for the prioritization of 500 classical and emerging organic microcontaminants as potential river basin specific pollutants under the European Water Framework Directive
Sci. Total Environ. 409 (11), 2064 - 2077 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.01.054 - Wölz, J., Grosshans, K., Streck, G., Schulze, T., Rastall, A., Erdinger, L., Brack, W., Fleig, M., Kühlers, D., Braunbeck, T., Hollert, H. (2011):
Estrogen receptor mediated activity in bankside groundwater, with flood suspended particulate matter and floodplain soil – an approach combining tracer substance, bioassay and target analysis
Chemosphere 85 (5), 717 - 723 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.05.060 - Wölz, J., Schulze, T., Lübcke-von Varel, U., Fleig, M., Reifferscheid, G., Brack, W., Kühlers, D., Braunbeck, T., Hollert, H. (2011):
Investigation on soil contamination at recently inundated and non-inundated sites
J. Soils Sediments 11 (1), 82 - 92 10.1007/s11368-010-0267-6 - Zielke, H., Seiler, T.-B., Niebergall, S., Leist, E., Brinkmann, M., Spira, D., Streck, G., Brack, W., Feiler, U., Braunbeck, T., Hollert, H. (2011):
The impact of extraction methodologies on the toxicity of sediments in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo test
J. Soils Sediments 11 (2), 352 - 363 10.1007/s11368-010-0317-0
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2010 (12)
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Chemicals in the environment (CITE). Report of the First Annual Conference of the Helmholtz research topic CITE
UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 22 (4), 502 - 506 10.1007/s12302-010-0142-5 - Bandow, N., Altenburger, R., Brack, W. (2010):
Application of nd-SPME to determine freely dissolved concentrations in the presence of green algae and algae-water partition coefficients
Chemosphere 79 (11), 1070 - 1076 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.03.021 - Bataineh, M., Lübcke-von Varel, U., Hayen, H., Brack, W. (2010):
HPLC/APCI-FTICR-MS as a tool for identification of partial polar mutagenic compounds in effect-directed analysis
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 21 (6), 1016 - 1027 10.1016/j.jasms.2010.02.015 - Brack, W., Bakker, J.F., de Deckere, E., de Zwart, D., Hamers, T., Hein, M., Leonards, P., Lübcke-von Varel, U., Schmitt, C., Schmitt-Jansen, M., von der Ohe, P.C. (2010):
MODELKEY. European rivers under toxic stress
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Atlas of biodiversity risk
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The European Water Framework Directive beyond 2010: let actions speak louder than words
J. Environ. Monit. 12 (12), 2204 - 2206 10.1039/c005485m - Hein, M., Rotter, S., Schmitt-Jansen, M., von der Ohe, P.C., Brack, W., de Deckere, E., Schmitt, C., de Zwart, D., Posthuma, L., Foekema, E.M., Muñoz, I., Sabater, S., Segner, H., Semenzin, E., Marcomini, A., van Gils, J., van Hattum, B., van Vliet, L.A. (2010):
MODELKEY. Key findings and recommendations for reaching the EU Water Framework Directive's quality objectives
UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 22 (3), 217 - 228 10.1007/s12302-010-0137-2 - Meinert, C., Brack, W. (2010):
Optimisation of trapping parameters in preparative capillary gas chromatography for the application in effect-directed analysis
Chemosphere 78 (3), 416 - 422 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2009.10.061 - Meinert, C., Schymanski, E., Küster, E., Kühne, R., Schüürmann, G., Brack, W. (2010):
Application of preparative capillary gas chromatography (pcGC), automated structure generation and mutagenicity prediction to improve effect-directed analysis of genotoxicants in a contaminated groundwater
Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 17 (4), 885 - 897 10.1007/s11356-009-0286-2 - Schmitt, C., Balaam, J., Leonards, P., Brix, R., Streck, G., Tuikka, A., Bervoets, L., Brack, W., van Hattum, B., Meire, P., de Deckere, E. (2010):
Characterizing field sediments from three European river basins with special emphasis on endocrine effects - A recommendation for Potamopyrgus antipodarum as test organism
Chemosphere 80 (1), 13 - 19 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.03.050 - Schulze, T., Weiss, S., Schymanski, E., von der Ohe, P.C., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Altenburger, R., Streck, G., Brack, W. (2010):
Identification of a phytotoxic photo-transformation product of diclofenac using effect-directed analysis
Environ. Pollut. 158 (5), 1461 - 1466 10.1016/j. envpol.2009.12.032 - Wölz, J., Brack, W., Moehlenkamp, C., Claus, E., Braunbeck, T., Hollert, H. (2010):
Effect-directed analysis of Ah receptor-mediated activities caused by PAHs in suspended particulate matter sampled in flood events
Sci. Total Environ. 408 (16), 3327 - 3333 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.03.029 - Wölz, J., Fleig, M., Schulze, T., Maletz, S., Lübcke-von Varel, U., Reifferscheid, G., Kühlers, D., Braunbeck, T., Brack, W., Hollert, H. (2010):
Impact of contaminants bound to suspended particulate matter in the context of flood events
J. Soils Sediments 10 (6), 1174 - 1185 10.1007/s11368-010-0262-y
2009 (14)
- Bandow, N., Altenburger, R., Lübcke-von Varel, U., Paschke, A., Streck, G., Brack, W. (2009):
Partitioning-based dosing: an approach to include bioavailability in the effect-directed analysis of contaminated sediment samples
Environ. Sci. Technol. 43 (10), 3891 - 3896 10.1021/es803453h - Bandow, N., Altenburger, R., Streck, G., Brack, W. (2009):
Effect-directed analysis of contaminated sediments with partition-based dosing using green algae cell multiplication inhibition
Environ. Sci. Technol. 43 (19), 7343 - 7349 10.1021/es901351z - Brack, W., Apitz, S.E., Borchardt, D., Brils, J., Cardoso, A.C., Foekema, E.M., van Gils, J., Jansen, S., Harris, B., Hein, M., Heise, S., Hellsten, S., de Maagd, P.G.-J., Müller, D., Panov, V.E., Posthuma, L., Quevauviller, P., Verdonschot, P.F.M., von der Ohe, P.C. (2009):
Towards a holistic and risk-based management of European river basins
Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag. 5 (1), 5 - 10 10.1897/ieam_2008-024.1 - Brack, W., Bandow, N., Schwab, K., Schulze, T., Streck, G. (2009):
Identifizierung toxischer Verbindungen in Sedimenten: Ansätze zur Integration von Wirkung und Bioverfügbarkeit
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Bioavailability in effect-directed analysis of organic toxicants in sediments
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European river basins at risk
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination of surface sediments and oysters from the inter-tidal areas of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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Über die Notwendigkeit der wirkungsorientierten Analytik in einer umfassenden Wasserforschung
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Effect-directed analysis of contaminated sediment from the wastewater canal in Pancevo industrial area, Serbia
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Integrated analytical and computer tools for structure elucidation in effect-directed analysis
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Matching structures to mass spectra using fragmentation patterns: are the results as good as they look?
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2008 (8)
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Polychlorinated naphthalenes and other dioxin-like acting compounds in Elbe river sediments
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 27 (3), 519 - 528 10.1897/07-400.1 - Brack, W., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Machala, M., Brix, R., Barceló, D., Schymanski, E., Streck, G., Schulze, T. (2008):
How to confirm identified toxicants in effect-directed analysis
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Automated fractionation procedure for polycyclic aromatic compounds in sediment extracts on three coupled normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography columns
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Zinc and cadmium accumulation in single zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos - A total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry application
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Determination of 10 particle-associated multiclass polar and semi-polar pesticides from small streams using accelerated solvent extraction
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The use of MS classifiers and structure generation to assist in the identification of unknowns in effect-directed analysis
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Accelerated membrane-assisted clean-up as a tool for the clean-up of extracts from biological tissues
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2007 (5)
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Effect directed analysis and toxicity identification evaluation
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Sediment quality and impact assessment of pollutants
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Effect-directed analysis of key toxicants in European river basins - a review
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Fractionation of technical p-nonylphenol with preparative capillary gas chromatography
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2006 (5)
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On the mode of action of N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine in plants
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Von der Wirkung zur Substanz: Wirkungsbezogene Analytik als neue Untersuchungsstrategie in der Lebensmittelkontrolle
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MODELKEY: Entschlüsselung von Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen für ein besseres Flussgebietsmanagement
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MODELKEY: towards a better impact and cause analysis
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Wirkungsorientierte Analytik komplexer Mischungen. Erfahrungen aus der Umwelt- und Ökotoxikologie für die Lebensmitteluntersuchung
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2005 (9)
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MODELKEY. Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on freshwater and marine ecosystems and biodiversity
Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 12 (5), 252 - 256 10.1065/espr2005.08.286 - Brack, W., Schirmer, K., Erdinger, L., Hollert, H. (2005):
Effect-directed analysis of mutagens and ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase inducers in aquatic sediments
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24 (10), 2445 - 2458 10.1897/05-078R.1 - Grote, M., Altenburger, R., Brack, W., Moschütz, S., Mothes, S., Michael, C., Narten, G.-B., Paschke, A., Schirmer, K., Walter, H., Wennrich, R., Wenzel, K.-D., Schüürmann, G. (2005):
Ecotoxicological profiling of transect river Elbe sediments
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Identification of toxicants from marine sediment using effect-directed analysis
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Confirmation of cause-effect relationships using effect-directed analysis for complex environmental samples
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Light as a confounding factor for toxicity assessment of complex contaminated sediments
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Endocrine disruption of water and sediment extracts in a non-radioactive dot blot/RNAse protection-assay using isolated hepatocytes of rainbow trout. Deficiencies between bioanalytical effectiveness and chemically determined concentrations and how to explain them
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Chemical and ecotoxicological assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated sediments of the Niger Delta, Southern Nigeria
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2004 (2)
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Identifizierung und Analyse des ökotoxischen Potentials von Flusssedimenten als Folge der durch Hochwasser mobilisierten Kontamination
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Induction of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated and estrogen receptor-mediated activities, and modulation of cell proliferation by dinaphthofurans
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2003 (7)
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Identifizierung und Analyse des ökotoxikologischen Potentials von Flußsedimenten als Folge der durch Hochwasser mobilisierten Kontaminationen
Schadstoffbelastung im Mulde- und Elbe-Einzugsgebiet nach dem Augusthochwasser 2002,
Ergebnisse und Forschungsbedarf, Tagungsband. Statusseminar des BMBF-Ad-hoc-Verbundprojektes, Freiberg, 27.-29. August 2003
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Effect-directed analysis: a promising tool for the identification of organic toxicants in complex mixtures?
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Identification of toxic products of anthracene photomodification in simulated sunlight
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22 (10), 2228 - 2237 10.1897/02-450 - Brack, W., Kind, T., Hollert, H., Schrader, S., Möder, M. (2003):
Erratum to "Sequential fractionation procedure for the identification of potentially cytochrome P4501A-inducing compounds" (vol 986, pg 55, 2003)
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Sequential fractionation procedure for the identification of potentially cytochrome P4501A-inducing compounds
J. Chromatogr. A 986 (1), 55 - 66 10.1016/S0021-9673(02)01909-X - Brack, W., Kind, T., Schrader, S., Möder, M., Schüürmann, G. (2003):
Polychlorinated naphthalenes in sediments from the industrial region of Bitterfeld
Environ. Pollut. 121 (1), 81 - 85 10.1016/S0269-7491(02)00200-2 - Brack, W., Schirmer, K. (2003):
Effect-directed identification of oxygen and sulfur heterocycles as major polycyclic aromatic cytochrome P4501A-inducers in a contaminated sediment
Environ. Sci. Technol. 37 (14), 3062 - 3070 10.1021/es020248j
2002 (4)
- Brack, W., Altenburger, R. (2002):
Effektorientierte Identifikation toxischer Verbindungen
Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie / Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker 8 , 6 - 8 - Brack, W., Altenburger, R., Dorusch, F., Hubert, A., Möder, M., Morgenstern, P., Moschütz, S., Mothes, S., Schirmer, K., Wennrich, R., Wenzel, K.-D., Schüürmann, G. (2002):
Hochwasser 2002 - Chemische und toxische Belastung überschwemmter Gemeinden im Raum Bitterfeld
UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 14 (4), 213 - 220 10.1065/uwsf2002.10.049 - Brack, W., Schirmer, K., Kind, T., Schrader, S., Schüürmann, G. (2002):
Effect-directed fractionation and identification of cytochrome P4501A-inducing halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons in a contaminated sediment
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 21 (12), 2654 - 2662 10.1002/etc.5620211218 - Hollert, H., Dürr, M., Olsmann, H., Halldin, K., van Bavel, B., Brack, W., Tysklind, M., Engwall, M., Braunbeck, T. (2002):
Biological and chemical determination of dioxin-like compounds in sediments by means of a sediment triad approach in the catchment area of the river Neckar
Ecotoxicology 11 (5), 323 - 336 10.1023/A:1020549103898
2000 (6)
- Brack, W., Altenburger, R. (2000):
Identifikation giftiger Inhaltsstoffe - ein wichtiger Schritt zur Gefährdungsabschätzung und Sanierung
UFZ-Jahresbericht '98-'99
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, S. 26 - 34 - Brack, W., Altenburger, R., Ensenbach, U., Nehls, S., Segner, H. (2000):
Biotestorientierte Identifikation toxischer organischer Sedimentinhaltsstoffe - Ein Beitrag zur Risikoanalyse komplexer Kontaminationen am Beispiel des Spittelwassers. Biotest-directed identification of toxic organic compounds in sediments - a contribution to risk assessment of complex contaminations using the small river Spittelwasser as an example
In: Heininger, P. (ed.)
Sedimentbewertung in europäischen Flußgebieten. Beiträge zum internationalen Symposium vom 12.-14. April 1999 in Berlin = Sediment assessment in European river basins
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Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Koblenz, 135 - 141 - Brack, W., Altenburger, R., Ensenbach, U., Nehls, S., Segner, H., Schüürmann, G. (2000):
Wirkungsorientierte Identifikation toxischer organischer Inhaltsstoffe in Flußsedimenten
In: Friese, K., Witter, B., Miehlich, G., Rode, M. (Hrsg.)
Stoffhaushalt von Auenökosystemen. Böden und Hydrologie, Schadstoffe, Bewertungen
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, S. 337 - 346 10.1007/978-3-642-59744-2_34 - Brack, W., Paschke, A., Segner, H., Schüürmann, G., Wennrich, R. (2000):
Urease inhibition: a tool for toxicity identification in sediment elutriates
Chemosphere 40 (8), 829 - 834 10.1016/S0045-6535(99)00276-3 - Brack, W., Segner, H., Möder, M., Schüürmann, G. (2000):
Fixed-effect-level toxicity equivalents - a suitable parameter for assessing ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase induction potency in complex environmental samples
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 19 (10), 2493 - 2501 10.1002/etc.5620191015 - Friese, K., Witter, B., Brack, W., Büttner, O., Krüger, F., Kunert, M., Rupp, H., Miehlich, G., Gröngröft, G., Schwartz, R., van der Veen, A., Zachmann, D.R. (2000):
Distribution and fate of organic and inorganic contaminants in a river floodplain - results of a case study on the River Elbe, Germany
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Remediation engineering of contaminated soils
Environmental Science and Pollution Control 23
Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 373 - 426
1999 (4)
- Brack, W., Altenburger, R., Ensenbach, U., Möder, M., Segner, H., Schüürmann, G. (1999):
Bioassay-directed identification of organic toxicants in river sediment in the industrial region of Bitterfeld (Germany) - a contribution to hazard assessment
Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol 37 (2), 164 - 174 10.1007/s002449900502 - Brack, W., Altenburger, R., Ensenbach, U., Segner, H., Schüürmann, G. (1999):
Biotest-orientierte Identifikation toxischer Inhaltsstoffe in Sedimenten des Elbeeinzugsgebiets
In: Friese, K., Kirschner, K., Witter, B. (Hrsg.)
Stoffhaushalt von Auenökosystemen der Elbe und ihrer Nebenflüsse : Nähr- und Schadstoffe - Ökotoxikologie - Belastbarkeit von Flußauen. Workshop, 1. bis 3. Februar 1999 im UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle, Sektion Gewässerforschung Magdeburg
UFZ-Bericht 1/1999
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, S. 41 - 41 - Brack, W. (1999):
Sequentielle Teststrategie zur Identifikation toxischer organischer Substanzen in Porengewässern und Sedimentextraten. DVWK-Methodenstudie
In: Kern, U., Westrich, B. (Hrsg.)
Methoden zur Erkundung, Untersuchung und Bewertung von Sedimentablagerungen und Schwebstoffen in Gewässern
DVWK-Schriften Band 128
Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser, Bonn, S. 282 - 289 - Friese, K., Krüger, F., Brack, W., Lohse, M., Miehlich, G., Schwartz, R., Witter, B., Khalamtzeva, P., Yashin, V. (1999):
Hochwassergebundener Schadstoffeintrag in Auen der Elbe und der Oka: Aktueller Stand des russisch-deutschen Kooperationsprojektes
Russisch-Deutsches Seminar "Ökomonitoring großer Gewässer und Umwelttechnologien zur Vermeidung von Schadstoffeinträgen", 9./10.2.1999, Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur der Russischen Förderation, Berlin
27 - 30
1998 (6)
- Brack, W., Altenburger, R., Ensenbach, U., Nehls, S., Segner, H., Schüürmann, G. (1998):
Identifikation ökotoxikologisch wirksamer Substanzen in Sedimenten des Spittelwassers
In: Geller, W., Punčochář, P., Bornhöft, D., Bouček, J., Feldmann, H., Guhr, H., Mohaupt, V., Simon, M., Smrtˇák, J., Spoustová, J., Uhlmann, O. (Hrsg.)
Gewässerschutz im Einzugsgebiet der Elbe. 8. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar, Oktober 1998, Karlsbad (Tschechien)
B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, S. 149 - 150 10.1007/978-3-322-80011-4_41 - Brack, W., Frank, H. (1998):
Chlorophyll a fluorescence: A tool for the investigation of toxic effects in the photosynthetic apparatus
Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 40 (1-2), 34 - 41 10.1006/eesa.1997.1639 - Brack, W., Rottler, H., Frank, H. (1998):
Volatile fractions of landfill leachates and their effect on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: In vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17 (10), 1982 - 1991 10.1002/etc.5620171014 - Ensenbach, U., Altenburger, R., Behrens, A., Brack, W., Knops, M., Navas, J.M., Nehls, S., Schrag, B., Segner, H., Sturm, A., Walter, H., Schüürmann, G. (1998):
Ökotoxikologische Analyse komplexer Stoffgemische
Tagungsbericht 1997 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) und der deutschen und österreichischen Sektion der Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL). Band II, Frankfurt am Main, 22. - 26.9.1997
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Krefeld, 882 - 885 - Ensenbach, U., Altenburger, R., Brack, W., Paschke, A., Popp, P., Segner, H., Wennrich, R., Schüürmann, G. (1998):
Ökotoxikologische Charakterisierung von Sedimenten der Saale
In: Geller, W., Punčochář, P., Bornhöft, D., Bouček, J., Feldmann, H., Guhr, H., Mohaupt, V., Simon, M., Smrtˇák, J., Spoustová, J., Uhlmann, O. (Hrsg.)
Gewässerschutz im Einzugsgebiet der Elbe. 8. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar, Oktober 1998, Karlsbad (Tschechien)
B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, S. 151 - 152 10.1007/978-3-322-80011-4_42 - Friese, K., Brack, W., Krüger, F., Lohse, M., Miehlich, G., Rupp, H., Schwartz, R., Witter, B., Khalamtzeva, I., Pylenok, P., Sergueev, S., Iashin, V. (1998):
Hochwassergebundener Schadstoffeintrag in Auen der Elbe und der Oka: Aktueller Stand eines BMBF- und UFZ-geförderten russisch-deutschen Kooperationsprojektes
In: Geller, W., Punčochář, P., Bornhöft, D., Bouček, J., Feldmann, H., Guhr, H., Mohaupt, V., Simon, M., Smrtˇák, J., Spoustová, J., Uhlmann, O. (Hrsg.)
Gewässerschutz im Einzugsgebiet der Elbe. 8. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar, Oktober 1998, Karlsbad (Tschechien)
B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, Leipzig, S. 58 - 61 10.1007/978-3-322-80011-4_10
1997 (1)
- Brack, W., Frank, H. (1997):
A bioassay-directed method for the separation of volatile compounds from landfill leachates
Chemosphere 34 (4), 849 - 854 10.1016/S0045-6535(97)00013-1