Prof. Dr. François Buscot

Contact / Address

Prof. Dr. François Buscot
Guest Scientist
(former head of the department)

Department of Soil Ecology
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Theodor-Lieser-Strasse 4 | D-06120 Halle/Saale

François Buscot

Research Interests

I was trained in French Universities as a plant biologist and ecologist, and passed my master thesis on experimental plant morphology. However, during my PhD, I started to work on fungi and mycorrhiza, and after my coming to Germany in 1988, I became a soil ecologist. Thereby, my research interest has gradually focused on relating diversity of soil microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) to soil functioning, plant diversity and land use intensity in the context of the accelerated global change. I however also continued to follow my initial master and PhD works by studying interplays between development and multiple biotrophic interactions in trees. All these activities mostly occurred within large joined projects in Germany and the Chinese subtropics such as Research Units, Priority Programs or Collaborative Research Centres granted by the German Science Foundation (DFG), or BIOLOG supported by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Research and Education). I also had projects granted by European programs such as ERA-Net or more recently PRIMA.

I am grateful to all members of my former professor chairs at the Universities of Jena and Leipzig and of the UFZ Soil Ecology Department in Halle (Saale), Germany, which I had the honor to lead until my retirement. Together we gained expertise helping us to implement complex experiments and monitoring programs in the field, and to develop controlled cultivations models to study multitrophic interactions. We implemented analytic platforms in high trough put chemical, microbiological, physiological and molecular analyses and learned to use modern statistics, bioinformatics and modelling to integrate the results. I always tried to share this expertise with students of the Jena and later Leipzig Universities, where I have been full professor.

This expertise probably prompted my engagement in diverse scientific committees in particular at the German Science Foundation (DFG) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The enlarged vision of science managment I could acquire provided me the capacity to be one of the founding director of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Halle-Jena-Leipzig.

Since my retirement in fall 2022, I continue to support those projects not already achieved, and am happy to cooperate and support the new DFG Research Unit 5571 PhytOakmeter "Using clonal oak phytometers to unravel acclimation and adaptation mechanisms of long-lived forest tree holobionts to ecological variations and climate change", which will start in spring 2023.

Memberships - Committees

  • 2012-2020 Founding Director of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
  • 2016-2019 Member of the Future Earth German National Committee
  • 2010-2020 President of the selection panel for the International Climate Protection Fellowships Program (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
  • 2008 - 2016 Member of the DFG Senate Commission for Biodiversity
  • 2007 - 2012 Member of the Central Committee for Biosafety
  • 2003 - 2012 Member of the board for plant science at the German Science Foundation (DFG), board vice speaker (2003 - 2008), speaker 2008 - 2012
  • 2002 - 2006 President of the Society for Mycology and Lichenology

Curriculum Vitae

Academic positions


Professor for Soil Ecology (W3) at the Leipzig University

2005 - 2022

Head of the Department for Soil Ecology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Halle

2003 - 2010

Professor for Terrestrial Ecology (C3) at the Leipzig University

1997 - 2003

Professor for Environmental Sciences (C3) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

1991 - 1997

Group leader for mycorrhiza and soil fungi research at the Federal Research Centre for Agriculture (FAL) Braunschweig with 6 month at the GSF Research Centre for Health and Environment Munic

1988 - 1990

Postdoc Humboldt Fellow at Tübingen University + EURO-Sylva EU Project



Habilitation for Soil Biology, Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany)


PhD in Plant Science, University of Strasbourg (France) / supervision: Prof. J. Roux

1975 - 1983

Studies in Biology, Universities of Lille, Strasbourg, Besançon (France) / Diploma in Cell and Molecular Biology

Academic timeouts

1981 - 1982

Military Service (Reserve captain in the French cavalry)

Selected Publications

List of ten important publications (H-index = 64ISI | 79GS)

Purahong, W., Wubet, T., Krüger, D., Buscot, F., (2018) Molecular evidence strongly supports deadwood-inhabiting fungi exhibiting unexpected tree species preferences in temperate forests. ISME J. 12, 289 - 295. DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2017.177  Journal

Kohler A, Kuo A, Nagy LG, Morin E, Barr KW, Buscot F, Canbäck B, Choi C, Cichocki N, Clum A, Colpaert J, Copeland A, Costa MD, Doré J, Floudas D, Gay G, Girlanda M, Henrissat B, Herrmann S, Hess J, Högberg N, Johansson J, Khouja HR, LaButti K, Lahrmann U, Levasseur A, Lindquist EA, Lipzen A, Marmeisse R, Martino E, Murat C, Ngan CY, Nehls U, Plett JM, Pringle A, Ohm R, Perotto S, Riley R, Rineau F, Ruytinx J, Salamov A, Shah F, Sun H, Tarkka M, Tritt A, Veneault-Fourrey C, Zuccaro A, Mycorrhizal Genomics Initiative Consortium, Tunlid A, Grigoriev IV, Hibbett DS, Martin F. (2015) Convergent losses of decay mechanisms and rapid turnover of symbiosis genes in mycorrhizal mutualists. Nat Genet 47:410–415. DOI: 10.1038/ng.3223  Journal

Buscot F
. (2015) Implication of evolution and diversity in arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal symbioses. J Plant Physiol 172:55–61. DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2014.08.013 Journal

Schuldt A, Wubet T, Buscot F, Staab M, Assmann T, Böhnke-Kammerlander M, Both S, Erfmeier A, Klein AM, Ma KP, Pietsch K, Schulze S, Wirth C, Zhang JY, Zumstein P, Bruelheide H. (2015) Multitrophic diversity in a biodiverse forest is highly nonlinear across spatial scales. Nature Communications. 6:10169. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10169 Journal

Moll J, Goldmann K, Kramer S, Hempel S, Kandeler E, Marhan S, Ruess L, Krüger D, Buscot F. (2015) Resource type and availability regulate fungal communitees along arable soil profiles. Microb Ecol 70:390–399. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-015-0569-8 Journal

Herrmann S, Recht S., Boenn M, Feldhahn L, Angay O, Fleischmann F, Tarkka MT, Grams TEE, Buscot F. (2015) Endogenous rhythmic growth in oak trees is regulated by internal clocks rather than resource availability. J Exp Bot 66, 7113-7127. DOI:  10.1093/jxb/erv408 Journal

Bruelheide H, Nadrowski K, Assmann T, Bauhus J, Both S, Buscot F, Chen Xy, Ding By, Durka W, Erfmeier A, Gutknecht J, Guo D, Guo Ld, Härdtle W, He J-S, Klein A, Kühn P, Liang Y,Liu X, Michalski S, Niklaus P, Pei K, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Scholten T, Schuldt A, Seidler G, Trogisch S, Von Oheimb G, Welk E, Wirth C, Wubet T, Yang X, Yu M, Zhang Z, Zhou H, Fischer M, Ma K, Schmid B. (2014) Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical China. Methods Ecol Evol 5:74–89. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12126 Journal

Tarkka M, Herrmann S, Wubet T, Feldhahn L, Recht S, Kurth F, Mailänder S, Bönn M, Neef M, Angay O, Bacht M, Graf M, Maboreke H, Fleischmann F, Grams Tee, Ruess L, Schädler M, Brandl M, Scheu S, Schrey Sd, Grosse I, Buscot F. (2013) OakContigDF159.1, a reference library to study differential gene expression in Quercus robur L. during controlled biotic interactions: first assessment by transcriptomic profiling in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytol 199:529–540. DOI: 10.1111/nph.12317 Journal

Gao C, Shi N-N, Liu Y-X, Peay K, Zheng Y, Ding Q, M, X-C, Ma K, Wubet T, Buscot F, Guo L-D. (2013) Host plant genus level diversity is the best predictor of ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity in a Chinese subtropical forest. Mol Ecol 22:3403–3414. DOI: 10.1111/mec.12297 Journal

Scherber C, Eisenhauer N, Weisser WW, Schmid B, Voigt W, Fischer M, Schulze ED, Roscher C, Weigelt A, Allan E, Beßler H, Bonkowski M, Buchmann N, Buscot F, Clement LW, Ebeling A, Engels C, Halle S, Kertscher I, Klein AM, Koller R, König S, Kowalski E, Kummer S, Kuu A, Lange M, Lauterbach D, Middelhoff C, Migunova VD, Milcu A, Müller R, Partsch S, Petermann JS, Renker C, Rottstock T, Sabais A, Scheu S, Schumacher J, Temperton WM, Tscharntke T. (2010) Bottom-up effects of plant diversity on biotic interactions in a biodiversity experiment. Nature 468:553–556. DOI: 10.1038/nature09492 Journal

Complete List of Publications


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  • Buscot, F. (2010):
    Biodiversität und Boden
    UFZ-Experten in Sachen Biodiversität
    Dezember 2010
    Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, S. 35 - 37
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Blaszkowski J., Renker C., Buscot F. (2006)
Glomus drummondii and G. walkeri, two new species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomeromycota).
Mycological Research 110, 555-566. download

Börstler B., Renker C., Kahmen A., Buscot F. (2006)
Species composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in two mountain meadows with differing management types and levels of plant biodiversity.
Biology and Fertility of Soils 42, 286-298. download

Boyle H., Zimdars B., Renker C., Buscot F. (2006)
A molecular phylogeny of Hebeloma species from Europe.
Mycological Research 110, 369-380. download

Frettinger P., Herrmann S., Lapeyrie F., Oelmüller R., Buscot F. (2006)
Differential expression of two class III chitinases in two types of roots of Quercus robur during premycorrhizal interactions with Piloderma croceum.
Mycorrhiza 16, 219-223. download + download [Erratum]

Renker C., Weißhuhn K., Kellner H., Buscot F. (2006)
Rationalizing molecular analysis of field-collected roots for assessing diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: to pool, or not to pool, that is the question.
Mycorrhiza 16, 525-531. download

Buscot F., Varma A. (eds.) (2005)
Micro-organisms in soils: Roles in genesis and functions. Soil Biology, Volume 3.
Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg.

Buscot F. (2005)
What are soils?
In: Buscot F., Varma A. (eds.) Micro-organisms in soils: Roles in genesis and functions. Soil Biology, Volume 3. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 3-17.

Blanke V., Renker C., Wagner M., Füllner K., Held M., Kuhn A. J., Buscot F. (2005)
Nitrogen supply affects arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of Artemisia vulgaris L. in a phosphate-polluted field site.
New Phytologist 166, 981-992. download

Kaldorf M., Renker C., Buscot F. (2005)
Tracing the behaviour of plants in ecosystems: how can molecular ecology help?
In: Esser K., Lüttge U., Beyschlag W., Murata J. (eds.) Progress in Botany 66. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 392-408.

Kellner H., Renker C., Buscot F. (2005)
Species diversity within Morchella esculenta group (Ascomycota: Morchellaceae) in Germany and France.
Organisms Diversity & Evolution 5, 101-107. download

Luis P., Kellner H., Zimdars B., Langer U., Martin F., Buscot F. (2005)
Patchiness and spatial distribution of laccase genes of ectomycorrhizal, saprotrophic and unknown basidiomycetes in the upper horizons of a mixed forest Cambisol.
Microbial Ecology 50, 570-579. download

Luis P., Kellner H., Martin F., Buscot F. (2005)
A molecular method to evaluate basidiomycete laccase gene expression in forest soils.
Geoderma 128, 18-27. download

Renker C., Otto P., Schneider K., Zimdars B., Maraun M., Buscot F. (2005)
Oribatid mites as potential vectors for soil microfungi: study of mite-associated fungal species.
Microbial Ecology 50, 518-528. download

Renker C., Blanke V., Buscot F. (2005)
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in grassland spontaneously developed on area polluted by a fertilizer plant.
Environmental Pollution 135, 255-266. download

Staudenrausch S., Kaldorf M., Renker C., Luis P., Buscot F. (2005)
Diversity of the ectomycorrhiza community at an uranium mining heap.
Biology and Fertility of Soils 41, 439-446. download

Buscot F., Herrmann S. (2004)
At the frontier between basidiomycotes and plants: reciprocal interactions between mycorrhiza formation and root development in an in vitro system with oaks and hymenomycetes.
In: R. Agerer, M. Piepenbring & P. Blanz (eds.) Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology. IHW-Verlag. Eching, pp. 361-376.

Blaszkowski J., Blanke V., Renker C., Buscot F. (2004)
Glomus aurantium and G. xanthium, new species in Glomeromycota.
Mycotaxon 90, 447-467. download

Frettinger P., Oelmüller R., Buscot F., Herrmann S. (2004)
Molecular investigations in ectomycorrhizae establishment in the Quercus robur-Piloderma croceum model: influence of indole-3-acetic acid on transcripts regulation.
Endocytobiosis and Cell Research 15, 570-578. download

Herrmann S., Oelmüller R., Buscot F. (2004)
Manipulation of the onset of ectomycorrhiza formation by indole-3-acetic acid, activated charcoal or relative humidity in the association between oak microcuttings and Piloderma croceum: influence on plant development and photosynthesis.
Journal of Plant Physiology 161, 509-517. download

Kaldorf M., Renker C., Fladung M., Buscot F. (2004)
Characterization and spatial distribution of ectomycorrhizas colonizing aspen clones released in an experimental field.
Mycorrhiza 14, 295-306. download

Kaldorf M., Zhang C., Nehls U., Hampp R., Buscot F. (2004)
Interaction of microbes with genetically modified plants.
In: Varma A., Abbott L., Werner D., Hampp R. (eds.) Plant surface microbiology. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 179-196.

Krüger A., Peskan T., Frettinger P., Herrmann S., Buscot F. & Oelmüller R. (2004)
Identification of pre-mycorrhiza related plant genes in the association between Quercus robur and Piloderma croceum.
New Phytologist 163, 149-157. download

Luis P., Walther G., Kellner H., Martin F., Buscot F. (2004)
Diversity of laccase genes from basidomycetes in a forest soil.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36, 1025-1036. download

Pham G. H., Singh A., Malla R., Kumari R., Prasad R, Sachdev M., Rexer K-H, Kost G., Luis P., Kaldorf M., Buscot F., Herrmann S., Peskan T., Oelmuller R., Saxena A. K., Declerck S., Mittag M, Stabenheimer E., Hehl S. & Varma A. (2004)
Interaction of Piriformospora indica with diverse microorganisms and plants.
In: Varma A., Abbott L., Werner D., Hampp R. (eds.) Plant surface microbiology. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 237-265.

Pham G. H., Kumari R., Singh A., Malla R. Prasad R. Sachdev M, Kaldorf M., Buscot F., Oelmuller R. Hampp R., Saxena A. K., Rexer K-H., Kost G. & Varma A. (2004).
Axenic cultures of symbiotic fungus-Piriformospora indica.
In: Varma A., Abbott L., Werner D., Hampp R. (eds.) Plant surface microbiology. Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 593-613.

Renker C., Blanke V., Börstler B., Heinrichs J., Buscot F. (2004)
Diversity of Cryptococcus and Dioszegia yeasts (Basidiomycota) inhabiting arbuscular mycorrhizal roots or spores.
FEMS Yeast Research 4, 597-603. download

Renker C., Zobel M., Öpik M., Allen M. F., Allen E. B., Vosátka M., Rydlová J., Buscot F. (2004)
Structure, dynamics, and restoration of plant communities: do arbuscular mycorrhizae matter?
In: Temperton V. M., Hobbs R. J., Nuttle T., Halle S. (eds.) Assembly rules and restoration ecology. Island Press. Washington, Covelo, London, pp. 189-229. download

Börstler B., Renker C., Buscot, F. (2003)
Does mycorrhizal fungal diversity determine plant biodiversity?
Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 33, 252.

Herrmann S., Krüger A., Pe¨kan T., Oelmüller R., Buscot F. (2003)
Morphologische Interaktionen und molekulare Regulation vor und während der Ektomykorrhiza-Bildung zwischen Quercus robur L. und Piloderma croceum.
In: Merbach W., Hütsch B. W., Wittenmayer L., Augustin J. (eds.) Prozessregulation in der Rhizosphäre. 13. Borkheider Seminar zur Ökophysiologie des Wurzelraumes. B. G. Teubner. Stuttgart, Leipzig, Wiesbaden, pp. 13-19.

Lomberh M. L., Renker C., Buchalo A. S., Solomko E. F., Kirchhoff B., Buscot F. (2003)
Micromorphological and molecular biological study of culinary-medicinal mushroom Hypsizygus marmoreus (Peck) Bigel. (Agaricomycetideae).
International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 5, 307-312.

Renker C., Alphei J., Buscot F. (2003)
Soil nematodes associated with the mammal pathogenic fungal genus Malassezia (Basidiomycota: Ustilaginomycetes) in Central European forests.
Biology and Fertility of Soils 37, 70-72. download

Renker C., Heinrichs J., Kaldorf M., Buscot F. (2003)
Combining nested PCR and restriction digest of the internal transcribed spacer region to characterize arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on roots from the field.
Mycorrhiza 13, 191-198. download

Renker C., Blanke V., Buscot F. (2003)
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a phosphate polluted grassland.
Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 33, 258.

Kaldorf M., Fladung M., Muhs H. -J., Buscot F. (2002)
Mycorrhizal colonization of transgenic aspen in a field trial.
Planta 214, 653-660. download

Dilly O., Bartsch S., Rosenbrock P., Buscot F., Munch J. -C. (2001)
Shifts in physiological capabilities of the microbiota during the decomposition of leaf litter in a black alder (Alnus glutinosa (Gaertn.) L.) forest.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33, 921-930. download

Renker C., Moos M., Kaldorf M., Buscot F. (2001)
Structural diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a disturbed grassland.
Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 31, 115. .

Buscot F., Munch J. -C., Charcosset J. Y., Gardes M., Nehls U., Hampp R. (2000)
Recent advances in exploring physiology and biodiversity of ectomycorrhizas highlight the function of these symbioses in ecosystems.
FEMS Microbiology Reviews 24, 601-614. download

Dilly O., Bach H. -J., Buscot F., Eschenbach C., Kutsch W. L., Middelhoff U., Pritsch K., Munch J. C. (2000)
Characteristics and energetic strategies of the rhizosphaere in ecosystems of the Bornhöved Lake district.

Applied Soil Ecology 15, 201-210. download

Pritsch K., Munch J. -C., Buscot F. (2000)
Identification and diferentiation of mycorrhizal isolates of black alder by sequence analysis of the ITS region.
Mycorrhiza 10, 87-93. download

Buscot F. (1999)
Wege zur Untersuchung von ektomykorrhizalen Symbiosen.
BIOspektrum 2, 107-109.

Buscot F. (1999)
Der Postgraduale Studiengang Umweltsicherung-Ecotechnie an der Universität Jena.
Landschaftsökologie und Umweltforschung 33, 273-275.

Buscot F. (1999)
Schadstoffbelastung in Böden und pilzliche Vielfalt: Schwierigkeiten bei der Charakterisierung von Zusammenhängen.
Landschaftsökologie und Umweltforschung 33, 142-143.

Rosenbrock P., Martens R., Buscot F. & Munch J. C. (1999)
Two step Bioremediation of soils contaminated with chloroaromatics.
In: J. Berthelin, P. M. Huang, J-M. Bollag and F. Andreux (eds), " Effect of mineral-organic-microorganism interaction on soil and freshwater environments" Plenum publishing compagny, London, New-York.

Wipf D., Fribourg A., Botton B. & Buscot F. (1999)
DNA polymorphism in morels: Diversity of the Internal Transcribed Spacer of rDNA.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 45, 1-10.

Herrmann S., Munch J. C. & Buscot F. (1998).
A gnotobiotic culture system with oak microcuttings to study specific effects of mycobionts on plant morphology before, and in the early phase of, ectomycorrhiza formation by Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. and Piloderma croceum Erikss. & Hjortst.
The New Phytologist 138, 203-212.

Kappen L. Sattelmacher B, Dittert K. & Buscot, F. (1998).
Symbiosen in ökosystemarer Sicht.
In Handbuch für Ökosystemforschung, O. Fränzel, F. Müller und W. Schröder (eds.). Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg, Germany.

Boyle H. & Buscot F. (1997).
Differentiation of Lactarius obscuratus var. radiatus and Lactarius omphaliformis by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis.
Mycologia Helvetica 9, 79-84.

Dilly O., Bach H. -J., Blume H. -P., Buscot F., Dittert K., Kappen L., Kutsch W. L., Middelhoff U., Mogge B., Pritsch K., Wötzel J. & Munch J. -C. (1997).
Microbial processes and features of the microbiota in histosols from a black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) forest.
Geomicrobiology 16, 65-79.

Pritsch K., Boyle H., Munch J. C. & F. Buscot (1997).
Characterization and identification of black alder mycorrhizas by PCR/RFLP analyses of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS).
The New Phytologist 137, 357-369.

Pritsch K., Munch J. C. & F. Buscot (1997).
Characterization of 15 ectomycorrhiza forms of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. from a natural strand in Northern Germany.
Mycorrhiza 7, 201-216.

Rosenbrock P., Martens R., Buscot F. & Munch J. C. (1997).
Initiation of 36Cl hexachlorobenzene dechlorination in three different soils under anerobic conditions.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 48, 115-120.

Rosenbrock P., Martens R., Buscot F., Zadrazil F. & Munch J. C. (1997).
Enhancing the mineralization of [U-14C]-dibenzo-p-dioxin in three different soils by addition of organic substrate or inoculation with lignolytic fungi.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 48, 665-670.

Wipf D., Clowez P., Bedell J. P., Kochinsky S., Botton B. & Buscot F. (1997).
Recent advances in ecology and systematics of morels.
Cryptogamie, Mycologie 18, 95-109.

Buscot F., Wipf D., Di Battista C., Munch J. C., Botton B. & Martin F. (1996).
DNA polymorphism in morels I: PCR/RFLP analysis of the ribosomal DNA spacers and microsatellite-primed PCR.
Mycological Research 100, 63-71.

Pritsch K. & Buscot F. (1996).
Biodiversity of ectomycorrhizas-from morphotypes to species. Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Mycorrhizae.
In: Mycorrhizas in integrated systems from genes to plant development, C. Azcon-Aguilar and J. M. Barea (eds.). Office for official publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 9-14.

Wipf D., Bedell J. -P., Munch J. C, Botton B. & Buscot F. (1996).
Studies on polymorphism in morels: I, Isozyme electrophoretic analysis.
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 42, 819-827.

Wipf D., Botton B., Munch J. C. & Buscot F. (1996).
DNA polymorphism in morels: Complete sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer of ribosomal DNA in Morchella esculenta (yellow morel) and Morchella conica (black morel).
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62, 3541-3543.

Rosenbrock P., Buscot F. & Munch J. C. (1995).
Fungal succession and changes in the fungal degradation potential during the initial stage of litter decomposition in a black forest (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.).
European Journal of Soil Biology 31, 1-11.

Buscot F. (1994).
Ectomycorrhizal types and endobacteria associated with ectomycorrhizas of Morchella elata (Fr.) Boudier with Picea abies (L.) Karst. .
Mycorrhiza 4, 223-232.

Wipf D., Buscot F. & Botton B. (1994)
La morille dans l´écosystème forestier.
Bulletin de la Société Française d´Ecophysiologie 19, 55-60.

Buscot F. (1993)
Mycelial differentiation of Morchella esculenta in pure culture.
Mycological Research 97, 136-140.

Buscot F., Weber G. & Oberwinkler F. (1992).
Interactions between Cylindrocarpon destructans and ectomycorrhizas of Picea abies with Laccaria laccata and Paxillus involutus.
Trees 6, 83-90.

Buscot F. (1992).
Stratégies écologiques et biologiques des morilles.
Cryptogamie, Mycologie 13, 171-179.

Buscot F. (1992).
Synthesis of two types of association betweenMorchella esculenta and Picea abies under controlled culture conditions.
Journal of Plant Physiology 141, 12-17.

Buscot F. (1992).
Mycorrhizal succession and morel biology.
In: Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems, D. J. Read, D. H. Lewis, A. H. Fitter and I. J. Alexander (eds). CAB International Wallinford Oxon UK, 220-224.

Buscot F. & Bernillon J. (1991).
Investigations on mycosporines in different parts of morel fruit bodies, mycelium and sclerotia.
Mycological Research 95, 752-754.

Buscot F. & Kottke I. (1990).
Histocytological study of the association between Morchella esculenta and the root system of Picea abies.
The New Phytologist 116, 425-430.

Buscot F. (1990).
Field observations on relations between living roots and Morchella rotunda (Pers.) Boudier.
Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment 28, 47-48.

Buscot F. (1989).
Field observations on Morchella rotunda (Pers.) Boudier and Mitrophora semilibera D.C. in relation to forest soil temperature.
Canadian Journal of Botany 67, 589-593.

Buscot F. (1987).
Contribution à l'étude d'une espèce de morille de la forêt rhénane, Morchella rotunda (Pers.) Boudier, perspectives de domestication.

Buscot F. & Roux J. (1987)
Association between living roots and ascocarps of Morchella rotunda (Pers.) Boudier.
Transactions of the British Mycological Society 89, 249-252.

Buscot F. (1985)
Peut-on cultiver la morille?
Bulletin de la Société mycologique de Strasbourg 16, 8-11.