Shang Wang
Contact / Address
Shang Wang
PhD Student
Department of Soil Ecology
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Theodor-Lieser-Strasse 4 | D-06120 Halle/Saale
+49 345 558 5219
Google Scholar
Research Interests
- Soil enzyme kinetics in response to agronomy practice and climate change
- Soil nutrient cycling and organic matter turnover in response to biotic and abiotic factors
- Novel cropping system construction, such as legume crop rotation or intercropping
- Cropland organic-chemical fertilizer management
- Cropland greenhouse gas emission and carbon footprint
CV / Scientific Career
2022.08 -
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ, Guest Ph.D student
2021.02 -
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Ph.D student
2018.09 -
China Agricultural University, Agronomy Master
2017.04 -
Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Undergraduate Research assistant
2014.09 -
China Agricultural University, Agronomy Bachelor
List of Publications
Wang, S.#, Wang, X.#, Nie, J., Zang, H., Zhao, J., Wang, P., Min, K., Yang, Y., Brown, R. W., Zeng, Z. (2024). Carbon emissions in winter wheat – summer maize double cropping system under manure application and limited irrigation. European Journal of Agronomy, 155, 127111.
Feizi, A., Luu, A. T., Mai, V. D., Tuyet, T. T. T., Wang, S., Hoang, D. T. T. (2024). Divergent response of maize and soybean rhizosphere to arbuscular mycorrhiza. Rhizosphere, 29, 100834.
Nie, J., Harrison, M. T., Zhou, J., Yang, L., Zhao, J., Wang, X., Liu, K., Wang, S., Zang, H., Yang, Y., Zeng, Z. (2023). Productivity and water use efficiency of summer soybean-winter wheat rotation system under limited water supply in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy, 151, 126959.
Wang, S., Hoang, D. T. T., Luu, A. T., Mostafa, T., Razavi, B. S. (2023). Environmental memory of microbes regulates the response of soil enzyme kinetics to extreme water events: Drought-rewetting-flooding. Geoderma, 437, 116593.
Xian, J., Chen, X., Wang, S., Zhang, X., Xu, G. (2023). Phosphorus availability in saline soil: A review. Soils, 55(3), 474-486. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Wang, X.#, Wang, S.#, Zang, H., Nie, J., Zhao, J., Wang, P., Peixoto, L., Yang, Y., Olesen, J. E., Zeng, Z. (2023). Replacing chemical fertilizer with manure reduces N2O emissions in winter wheat–summer maize cropping system under limited irrigation. Journal of Environmental Management, 336, 117677.
Wang, S., Zhang, X., Zhou, J., Xu, Z., Ma, Q., Chu, J., Zang, H., Yang, Y., Peixoto, L., Zeng, Z., Razavi, B. S. (2023). Transition of spatio-temporal distribution of soil enzyme activity after straw incorporation: From rhizosphere to detritusphere. Applied Soil Ecology, 186, 104814.
Chang, F., Wang, X., Song, J., Zhang, H., Ru, Y., Wang, J., Liu, J., Wang, S., Ji, H., Li, Y. (2023). Maize straw application as an interlayer improves organic carbon and total nitrogen concentrations in the soil profile: A four-year experiment in a saline soil. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22(6), 1870-1882.
Nie, J., Zhou, J., Zhao, J., Wang, X., Liu, K., Wang, P., Wang, S., Yang, L., Zang, H., Harrison, M. T., Yang, Y., Zeng, Z. (2022). Soybean crops penalize subsequent wheat yield during drought in the North China Plain. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 947132.
Hoang, D. T. T., Rashtbari, M., Anh, L. T., Wang, S., Tu, D. T., Hiep, N. V., Razavi, B. S. (2022). Mutualistic interaction between arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and soybean roots enhances drought resistant through regulating glucose exudation and rhizosphere expansion. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 171, 108728.
Ma, H., Wang, S., Yang, Y., Feng, X., Zeng, Z., Ren, C., Zang, H., Hu, Y. (2021). Intercropping of oat with mung bean, peanut, and soybean: Yield advantages, economic benefits and carbon footprints. Journal of China Agricultural University, 26(8), 23-32. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Wang, S., Chen, G., Yang, Y., Zeng, Z., Hu, Y., Zang, H. (2021). Sowing ratio determines forage yields and economic benefits of oat and common vetch intercropping. Agronomy Journal, 113(3), 2607-2617.
Yang, Y., Nie, J., Wang, S., Shi, L., Li, Z., Zeng, Z., Zang, H. (2021). Differentiated responses of nirS- and nirK- type denitrifiers to 30 years of combined inorganic and organic fertilization in a paddy soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 67(1), 79-92.
Wang, X., Nie, J., Wang, P., Zhao, J., Yang, Y., Wang, S., Zeng, Z., Zang, H. (2021). Does the replacement of chemical fertilizer nitrogen by manure benefit water use efficiency of winter wheat–summer maize systems? Agricultural Water Management, 243, 106428.
Wang, S., Li, K., Nie, J., Yang, Y., Zang, H., Zeng, Z. (2020). Economic benefits and carbon footprint of a spring mung bean-summer maize cropping system in the North China Plain. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 28(6), 910-919. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Wang, S., Zheng, Y., Yang, G., Nie, J., Feng, X., Wang, X., Zeng, Z, (2019). Screening of high-yield mungbean varieties in Heilonggang low plain area. Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences, 23(2), 79-85+103. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Conference Contribution
Wang, S., Hoang, D. T. T., Anh, L. T., Mostafa, T., Razavi, B. S. (2023). Environmental memory of microbes regulates the response of soil enzyme kinetics to extreme water events: Drought-rewetting-flooding. Jahrestagung der DBG 2023. Halle(Saale), Germany.
Wang, S., Razavi, B., Spielvogel, S., Blagodatskaya, E. (2023). Response of soil organic matter turnover to soil salinization and climate warming (No. EGU23-2882). EGU General Assembly 2023. Vienna, Austria.
Wang, S., Xu, Z., Ma, Q., Zeng, Z., Zang ,H., Razavi, B. S. (2021). Transition of spatio-temporal distribution of enzyme activity in soil after straw application: From rhizosphere to detritusphere. KPC Summer School 2021. Kiel, Germany. (Online)
Wang, S., Zang, H., Yang, Y., Zeng, Z., Razavi, B. (2024). Spatio-temporal distribution of enzyme activities with covered and mixed straw incorporation (No. EGU24-1800). EGU General Assembly 2024. Vienna, Austria.
Wang, S., Reitz, T., Guliyev, V., Blagodatskaya, E. (2023). Response of soil carbon storage and microbial growth to long term mineral and organic fertilization. GfÖ Annual Meeting 2023. Leipzig, Germany.
Wendt, A., Rashtbari, M., Min, K., Wang, S., Razavi, B. S. (2023). Effect of crop rotation on microbial activity and functionality in the wheat rhizosphere under heat stress. Jahrestagung der DBG 2023. Halle(Saale), Germany.