Molecular Ecology group

Muscari tenuiflora

Biodiversity ranges from genes to ecosystems – we focus on genes and what they tell us about the processes going on in populations, species, communities and ecosystems. We want to know how anthropogenic changes like climate change, habitat fragmentation and introduction of non-native species affect the genetic level. Similarly, we are interested how natural environmental gradients, selection, and history has shaped the genetic make up of target species.
We use molecular methods and population genetic approaches and analyze patterns of genetic variation at various biological and spatial levels from individuals to entire species. Specific research fields are

+ Evolutionary genetics addresses speciation and evolution of lineages
+ Conservation genetics of endangered rare species
+ Landscape genetics
+ Invasion genetics studies neophytic species
+ Phylogeography

+ Environmental genomics

original version:
+ Evolutionary genetics addresses speciation and evolution of lineages
+ Conservation genetics of endangered rare plant species investigates genetic variation in often small populations and its role for population viability;
+ Landscape genetics tries to understand the dependence of populations on landscape structure and fragmentation;
+ Invasion genetics studies neophytic species, their invasion routes and roles of genetic make up for invasion success;.
+ Phylogeography specifically asks how species wide intraspecific genetic patterns are related to historical processes
+ Community genetics investigates the effects of genetic diversity for other levels of biodiversity, e.g. the link between species diversity and genetic diversity.

+ Environmental genomics tries to unreavel mechanisms of plant-microbe interactions with a particular emphasis on the effect of drivers of global change unsing a range of meta-omics techniques.


Walter Durka, group leader

Stefan G. Michalski, senior researcher

Tesfaye Wubet, senior researcher

Johannes Höfner, PhD student

Hafeez Ul Haq, PhD student

Thomas McNeil , PhD student


Bala Singavarapu, PhD student

Anna-Maria Madaj, PhD student

Yahya Al Naggar, Postdoctoral researcher


2025 (2)

2024 (26)

2023 (18)

2022 (28)

2021 (15)

2020 (22)

2019 (23)

2018 (27)

2017 (28)

2016 (20)

2015 (17)

2014 (19)

2013 (25)

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2006 (11)

2005 (7)

2004 (12)

2003 (4)

2002 (11)

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1997 (5)

+ Evolutionary genetics addresses speciation and evolution of lineages
+ Conservation genetics of endangered rare plant species investigates genetic variation in often small populations and its role for population viability;
+ Landscape genetics tries to understand the dependence of populations on landscape structure and fragmentation;
+ Invasion genetics studies neophytic species, their invasion routes and roles of genetic make up for invasion success;.
+ Phylogeography specifically asks how species wide intraspecific genetic patterns are related to historical processes
+ Community genetics investigates the effects of genetic diversity for other levels of biodiversity, e.g. the link between species diversity and genetic diversity.

+ Environmental genomics tries to unreavel mechanisms of plant-microbe interactions with a particular emphasis on the effect of drivers of global change unsing a range of meta-omics techniques.

Furthermore, because genetic variation in plants is closely related to life history traits, we are interested in reproductive traits and broadscale phylogenetic relationships.

Walter Durka

Walter Durka

Head of group, principal investigator

Phone +49-345-558 5314

Personal homepage

Stefan G. Michalski

Stefan G. Michalski 


Phone +49-345-558 5310

Personal homepage

Tesfaye Wubet

Tesfaye Wubet

Senior researcher

Phone +49-345-558 5315

Personal homepage

Anna-Maria Madaj

Anna-Maria Madaj

PhD student

Phone +49-345-558 5222

Personal homepage


Bala Singavarapu

PhD student

Phone +49-345-558 5316


Ina Geyer


Phone +49 345 558 5342, -5335, -5332


Martina Herrmann


Phone +49 345 558 5342, -5335, -5332

  • Jennifer Born
  • Lena Kloss
  • Ali Nawaz
  • Alice Theisen
  • Christoph Z. Hahn


You could use our publication index for further requests.

2025 (2)

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2024 (26)

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2023 (18)

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2022 (28)

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2020 (22)

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2019 (23)

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2018 (27)

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2017 (28)

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2016 (20)

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2015 (17)

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2014 (19)

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2013 (25)

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2012 (17)

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2011 (15)

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2010 (16)

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2008 (8)

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2007 (9)

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2006 (11)

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2005 (7)

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2004 (12)

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2003 (4)

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1997 (5)

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