Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) The relationship between the pollen-ovule ratio and pollen size: another comparative test of a sex allocation hypothesis
Author Götzenberger, L.; Durka, W. ORCID logo ; Kühn, I. ORCID logo ; Klotz, S.
Source Titel Evolutionary Ecology Research
Year 2007
Department BZF
Volume 9
Issue 7
Page From 1145
Page To 1161
Language englisch
Keywords comparative analysis; mating system; pollen-ovule ratio; pollen size; sex allocation
Abstract Hypothesis: Sex allocation theory predicts that the pollen-ovule ratio should decrease linearly with increasing pollen size among seed plants (Charnov 1982). Data examined: We retrieved data for pollen-ovule ratio, pollen size, pollen grain number and mating system from published literature for 311 angiosperm plant species.Methods: We used model II regressions on cross species data as well as on phylogenetically independent contrasts (PIC) to quantify the relationship between pollenovule ratio and pollen size. Partial correlations were applied to test if an association between these two traits arises because of correlation with a third variable, the pollen grain number.Results: A linear negative correlation between pollen-ovule ratio and pollen size does exist for these plant species, both in phylogenetically corrected and uncorrected data. However, the correlation was not consistently found at the taxon and mating system levels. For virtually all groups investigated, the correlation disappeared when we controlled for the effect of pollen grain number. Thus the correlation between pollen-ovule ratio and pollen size is spurious.Conclusions: Considering male function, the pollen-ovule ratio depends on the number of pollen grains produced by a flower but not on the size of the pollen grains. For the "male part" of Charnov's model, the validity is put into question.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Götzenberger, L., Durka, W., Kühn, I., Klotz, S. (2007):
The relationship between the pollen-ovule ratio and pollen size: another comparative test of a sex allocation hypothesis
Evol. Ecol. Res. 9 (7), 1145 - 1161