Head of Department and
Group Leader Photobiotechnolgy

Photo: Sebastian Wiedling/UFZ

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Schmid

Tel.: +49 341-6025 1246

Mail: Andreas Schmid

Research Interests

Photobiotechnology, single cell analysis, nano- and microreactors, catalytic biofilms, (continuous) redox biocatalysis using whole cells and isolated enzymes, highly productive and specific oxyfunctionalizations of hydrocarbons by means of microbial cells, systems biotechnology in Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas putida and yeast, sustainability.


2004   Habilitation, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ); venia legendi for microbiology and biotechnology
1996 - 1998   Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute of Biotechnology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Zurich, Switzerland; Area: Biocatalysis, project acquisitions from chemical & pharmaceutical companies, Evaluation 'Spinoff Company' in the field of biocatalysis / chemical process development.
1997   Dr. rer. nat., University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany (Prof. Dr. K.-H. Engesser and Prof. Dr. H. J. Knackmuss)
1992   Dipl.-Biol. (microbiology, biochemistry) University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany


since 2014   Head of Department Solar Materials at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany
2004 - 2014   Professor, Chair, Laboratory of Chemical Biotechnology, Department of Biochemical & Chemical Engineering, TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany
2005 - 2011   Head Single Cell Laboratory at Leibniz Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften ISAS-e.V., Dortmund, Germany
2011   Visiting professor, AIBN, University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia)
since 2006   Coordinator of 'ChemBioTec' (www.chembiotec.de), research network of Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
2006   Visiting professor (JSPS, Japan)
1999 - 2004   Group Leader, Head of ‘Technical Enzymology' Laboratory, Institute of Biotechnology (IBT, Prof. Dr. Bernard Witholt), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Hoenggerberg, Zurich, Switzerland
1996 – 1998   Post Doctoral Fellow Institute of Biotechnology, ETH Hönggerberg, Zürich, Switzerland. with Prof. Dr. B. Witholt
1995 – 1996   Visiting Scientist Department of Microbiology, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, EAWAG, Dübendorf, Switzerland. with Dr. J. R. v.d. Meer, Prof. A. Zehnder
1994 - 1995   Staff scientist, Department of Biological Waste Air Treatment, Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management (ISWA), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
1992 - 1994   PhD Student, Institute of Microbiology, University of Stuttgart, Germany
1988 - 1992   Research Assistent (HiWi), Institute of Microbiology, University of Stuttgart, Fraunhofer Society IGB, Stuttgart, Germany


You could use our publication index for further requests.

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2020 (3)

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2019 (12)

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2018 (5)

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2017 (11)

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2016 (10)

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2015 (17)

to index


  • Köhler K. A. K., Blank L. M., Frick O. and Schmid A. (2015)
    D-Xylose assimilation via the Weimberg pathway by solvent tolerant Pseudomonas taiwanensis VLB120.
    Environmental Microbiology, 17(1):156-170

  • Looße C., Galozzi S., Debor L., Julsing M. K., Bühler B., Schmid A., Barkovits K., Müller T. and Marcus K. (2015)
    Direct infusion-SIM as fast and robust method for absolute protein quantification in complex samples.
    EuPA Open Proteomics, 7:20-26

  • Falcioni F., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2015)
    Efficient hydroxyproline production from glucose in minimal media by Corynebacterium glutamicum.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 112(2):322-330

  • Brandenbusch C., Collins J., Glonke S., Hoffrogge R., Grunwald K., Bühler B., Schmid A. and Sadowski G. (2015)
    Process boundaries of irreversible scCO2-assisted phase separation in biphasic whole-cell biocatalysis.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 112(11):2316-2323


  • Tomaszewski B., Schmid A. and Bühler K. (2014)
    Biocatalytic production of catechols using a high pressure tube-in-tube segmented flow microreactor.
    Organic Process Research & Development, 18(11):1516–1526

  • Ruinatscha R., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2014)
    Development of a high performance electrochemical cofactor regeneration modul and its application for the continuos reduction of FAD.
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis B, 103:100–105

  • Volmer J., Neumann C., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2014)
    Engineering of Pseudomonas taiwanensis VLB120 for constitutive solvent tolerance and increased specific styrene epoxidation activity.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80(20):6539-6548

  • Willrodt C., David C., Cornelissen S., Bühler B., Julsing M. K. and Schmid A. (2014)
    Engineering the productivity of recombinant Escherichia coli for limonene formation from glycerol in minimal media.
    Biotechnology Journal, 9(8):1000–1012

  • Churakova E.*, Tomaszewski B.*, Bühler K., Schmid A., Arends I. W. C. E and Hollmann F. (2014)
    Hydrophobic formic acid esters for cofactor regeneration in aqueous / organic two-liquid phase systems.
    Topics in Catalysis, 57(5):385-391
    * These authors contributed equally to this work.

  • Lang K., Zierow J., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2014)
    Metabolic engineering of Pseudomonas sp. VLB120 towards a platform biocatalyst for the production of isobutyric acid and other secondary metabolites.
    Microbial Cell Factories, 13:2

  • Schrewe M., Julsing M. K., Lange K., Czarnotta E, Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2014)
    Reaction and catalyst engineering to exploit kinetically controlled whole-cell multistep biocatalysis for terminal FAME oxyfunctionalization.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111(9):1820-1830

  • Tomaszewski B., Lloyd R., Warr A., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2014)
    Regioselective biocatalytic aromatic hydroxylation in a gas-liquid multiphase tube-in-tube reactor.
    ChemCatChem, 6(9):2567–2576

  • Halan B., Letzel T., Schmid A. and Bühler K. (2014)
    Scalability of a solid support membrane aerated biofilm reactor for the continuous synthesis of (S)-styrene oxide.
    Biotechnology Journal, 9(10):1339-1349

  • Karande R.*, Halan B.*, Schmid A. and Bühler K. (2014)
    Segmented flow is controlling growth of catalytic biofilms in continuous multiphase microreactors.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111(9):1831-1840
    * These authors contributed equally to this work.

  • Sudarsan S., Dethlefsen S., Blank L. M., Siemann-Herzberg M. and Schmid A. (2014)
    The functional structure of central carbon metabolism.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80(17):5292-5303

  • Ladkau N., Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2014)
    The microbial cell - functional unit for energy-dependent multistep biocatalysis.
    Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 30:178-189


  • Köhler K. A. K., Rückert C., Schatschneider S., Vorhölter F., Sczepanowski R., Blank L. M., Niehaus K., Goesmann A., Pühler A., Kalinowski J. and Schmid A. (2013)
    Complete genome sequence of Pseudomonas sp. strain VLB120 a solvent tolerant, styrene degrading bacterium, isolated from forest soil.
    Journal of Biotechnology, 168(4):729-730

  • Schrewe M., Ladkau N., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2013)
    Direct terminal alkylamino-functionalization via multistep biocatalysis in one recombinant whole-cell catalyst.
    Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 355(9):1693-1697

  • Gross R., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2013)
    Engineered catalytic biofilms for continuous large scale production of n-octanol and (S)-styrene oxide.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 110(2):424–436

  • Fritzsch F. S. O., Rosenthal K., Kampert A., Howitz S., Dusny C., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2013)
    Picoliter nDEP traps enable time-resolved contactless single bacterial cell analysis in controlled microenvironments.Lab on a Chip, 13(3):397-408

  • Falcioni F., Blank L. M., Frick O., Karau A., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2013)
    Proline availability regulates proline-4-hydroxylase synthesis and substrate uptake in proline-hydroxylating recombinant Escherichia coli.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79(9):3091-3100

  • Jahn M., Seifert J., von Bergen M., Schmid A., Bühler B. and Müller S. (2013)
    Subpopulation-proteomics in prokaryotic populations.
    Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 24(1):79-87

  • Kuhn D., Fritzsch F. S. O., Zhang X., Wendisch V. F., Blank L. M., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2013)
    Subtoxic product levels limit the epoxidation capacity of recombinant E. coli by increasing microbial energy demands.
    Journal of Biotechnology, 163(2):194-203

  • Schrewe M.*, Julsing M. K.*, Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2013)
    Whole-cell biocatalysis for selective and productive C-O functional group introduction and modification.
    Chemical Society Reviews, 42(15):6346 - 6377
    * These authors contributed equally to this work.

  • Cornelissen S., Julsing M. K., Volmer J., Riechert O., Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2013)
    Whole-cell-based CYP153A6-catalyzed (S)-limonene hydroxylation efficiency depends on host background and profits from monoterpene uptake via AlkL.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 110(5):1282-1292


  • Halan B., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2012)
    Biofilms as living catalysts in chemical synthesis.
    Trends in Biotechnology, 30(9):453-465

  • Cornelissen S., Julsing M. K., Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2012)
    Comparison of microbial hosts and expression systems for mammalian CYP1A1 catalysis.
    Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 39(2):275-287

  • Ütkür F.Ö., Tran T.-T., Collins J., Brandenbusch C., Sadowski G., Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2012)
    Integrating organic-aqueous biocatalysis and product recovery using quinaldine 4-oxidase in living P. putida KT2440 (pKP1).
    Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 39(7):1049-1059

  • Dusny C., Fritzsch F. S. O., Frick O. and Schmid A. (2012)
    Isolated Microbial Single Cells and Resulting Micropopulations Grow Faster in Controlled Environments.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78(19):7132-7136

  • Gernaey K. V., Baganz F., Franco-Lara E., Kensy F., Krühne U., Luebberstedt M., Marx U., Palmqvist E., Schmid A., Schubert F. and Mandenius C.-F. (2012)
    Monitoring and control of microbioreactors for applications in biotechnology: A review.
    Biotechnology Journal, 7:1308-1314, DOI-Link

  • Kuhn D., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2012)
    Production host selection for asymmetric styrene epoxidation: Escherichia coli vs. solvent tolerant Pseudomonas.
    Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 39(8):1125-1133

  • Julsing M. K., Kuhn D., Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2012)
    Resting cells of recombinant E. coli show high epoxidation yields on energy source and high sensitivity to product inhibition.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109(5):1109-1119

  • Blank L. M., Deshpande R., Schmid A. and Hayen H. (2012)
    Simultaneous analysis of carbon and nitrogen metabolism by ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry applying 13C- and 15N-labeled substrates simultaneously.
    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 403(8):2291-2305

  • Fritzsch F. S. O.*, Dusny C.*, Frick O. and Schmid A. (2012)
    Single Cell Analysis in Biotechnology, Systems Biology, and Biocatalysis.
    Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 3:129-155
    * These authors contributed equally to this work.

  • Braun A., Geier M., Bühler B., Schmid A., Mauersberger S. and Glieder A. (2012)
    Steroid biotransformations in biphasic systems with Yarrowia lipolytica expressing human liver cytochrome P450 genes.
    Microbial Cell Factories, 11:106

  • Rühl J., Hein E. M., Hayen H., Schmid A. and Blank L. M. (2012)
    The glycerophospholipid inventory of Pseudomonas putida is conserved between strains and enables growth condition related alterations.
    Microbial Biotechnology, 5(1):45-58

  • Julsing M. K.*, Schrewe M.*, Cornelissen S., Hermann I., Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2012)
    The outer membrane protein AlkL boosts biocatalytic oxyfunctionalization of hydrophobic substrates in E. coli.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78(16):5724-5733
    * These authors contributed equally to this work.


  • Heyland J., Fu J., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Carbon metabolism limits recombinant protein production in Pichia pastoris.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 108(8):1942-1953

  • Cornelissen S., Liu S, Deshmukh A.T., Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2011)
    Cell physiology can determine the efficiency of cytochrome P450-catalyzed C-H-oxyfunctionalization.
    Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38:1359-1370

  • Ladkau N., Hermann I., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Enzyme catalyzed laurolactam synthesis via intramolecular amide bond formation in aqueous solution.
    Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 353(13):2501-2510

  • Ruinatscha R., Karande R., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Integrated one-pot enrichment and immobilization of styrene monooxygenase (StyA) using Sepabead EC-EA and EC-Q1A anion-exchange carriers.
    Molecules, 16(7):5975-5988

  • Schrewe M., Magnusson A., Willrodt C., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Kinetic analysis of terminal and unactivated C-H bond oxyfunctionalization in fatty acid methyl esters by monooxygenase-based whole-cell biocatalysis.
    Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 353:3485 – 3495

  • Karande R., Schmid A. and Bühler K. (2011)
    Miniaturizing Biocatalysis: Enzyme catalyzed reactions in an aqueous/organic segmented flow capillary microreactor.
    Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 353(13):2511-2521

  • Fritzsch F. S. O., Kortmann H., Lonzynski J., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Pressure resistant and reversible on-tube-sealing for microfluidics.
    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 10(3):679-684

  • Heyland J., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Quantification of metabolic limitations during recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli.
    Journal of Biotechnology, 155(2):178-184

  • Halan B., Schmid A. and Bühler K. (2011)
    Real time solvent tolerance analysis of Pseudomonas sp. strain VLB120ΔC catalytic biofilms.
    Applied and Enviromental Microbiology, 77(5):1563-1571

  • Ütkür F.Ö., Gaykawad S., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Regioselective aromatic hydroxylation of quinaldine with water using quinaldine 4-oxidase in recombinant Pseudomonas putida.
    Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38(8):1067-1077

  • Ebert B. E., Kurth F., Grund M., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Response of P. putida KT2440 to increased NADH and ATP demand.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77(18):6597–6605

  • Kortmann H., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Single cell analytics: an overview.
    Advances in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, 124:99-122


  • Gross R., Lang K., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2010)
    Characterization of a biofilm membrane reactor and its prospects for fine chemical synthesis.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 105(4):705-717

  • Schmid A., Kortmann H., Dittrich P. and Blank L. M. (2010)
    Chemical and biological single cell analysis.
    Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 21(1):12-20

  • Brandenbusch C., Bühler B., Hoffmann P., Sadowski G. and Schmid A. (2010)
    Efficient phase separation and product recovery in organic-aqueous bioprocessing using supercritical carbon dioxide.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 107(4):642-651

  • Karande R., Schmid A. and Bühler K. (2010)
    Enzyme catalysis in an aqueous/organic segment flow microreactor: ways to stabilize enzyme activity.
    Langmuir, 26(11):9152-9159

  • Gardossi L, Poulsen P. B., Ballesteros A., Hult K., Švedas V. K., Vasić-Rački Ð., Carrea G., Magnusson A., Schmid A., Wohlgemuth R. and Halling P. J. (2010)
    Guidelines for reporting of biocatalytic reactions.
    Trends in Biotechnology, 28(4):171-180

  • Kuhn D., Kholiq A., Heinzle E., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2010)
    Intensification and economic and ecological assessment of a biocatalytic oxyfunctionalization process.
    Green Chemistry, 12(5):815-827

  • Heck T., Makam S., Lutz J., Blank L. M., Schmid A., Seebach Dieter, Kohler H.-P. E. and Geueke B. (2010)
    Kinetic analysis of L-carnosine formation by beta-aminopeptidases.
    Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 352(2-3):407-415

  • Halan B., Schmid A. and Bühler K. (2010)
    Maximizing the productivity of catalytic biofilms on solid supports in membrane-aerated reactors.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 106(4):516-527

  • Holm A. K., Blank L. M., Oldiges M., Schmid A., Solem C., Jensen P. R. and Vemuri G. N. (2010)
    Metabolic and transcriptional response to cofactor perturbations in Escherichia coli.
    The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(23):17498-17506

  • Heyland J., Fu J., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2010)
    Quantitative physiology of Pichia pastoris during glucose-limited high cell-density fed-batch cultivation for recombinant protein production.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 107(2):357-368

  • Heyland J., Antweiler N., Lutz J., Heck T., Geueke B., Kohler H.-P. E., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2010)
    Simple enzymatic procedure for carnosine synthesis: whole-cell biocatalysis and efficient biocatalyst recycling.
    Microbial Biotechnology, 3(1):74-83

  • Schmid A. and Blank L. M. (2010)
    Systems biology: Hypothesis-driven omics integration.
    Nature Chemical Biology (News & Views), 6:485-487

  • Kuhn D., Blank L. M., Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2010)
    Systems biotechnology - rational biocatalyst and bioprocess design.
    Engineering in Life Sciences, 10(5):384–397


  • Kortmann H., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2009)
    A rapid, reliable, and automatable interface for microfluidic devices.
    Lab-on-a-Chip, 9:1455 - 1460

  • Maddula Sasidhar, Blank L. M., Schmid A. and Baumbach J. I. (2009)
    Detection of volatile metabolites of Escherichia coli by multi capillary column coupled ion mobility spectrometry.
    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 394(3):791-800

  • Hein E. M., Blank L. M., Heyland J., Baumbach J. I., Schmid A. and Hayen H. (2009)
    Glycerophospholipid profiling by HPLC/MS using exact mass measurements and MSn fragmentation experiments in parallel.
    Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 23(11):1636-1646

  • Wierckx N. J. P., Ruijssenaars H. J., de Winde J. H., Schmid A. and Blank L. M. (2009)
    Metabolic flux analysis of a phenol producing mutant of Pseudomonas putida S12: verification and complementation of hypotheses derived from transcriptomics.
    Journal of Biotechnology, 143(2):124–129

  • Rosche B., Li X. Z., Schmid A. and Bühler K. (2009)
    Microbial biofilms: A concept for industrial catalysis?
    TRENDS in Biotechnology, 27(11):636-643

  • Ruinatscha R., Dusny C., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2009)
    Productive asymmetric styrene epoxidation based on a next generation electroenzymatic methodology.
    Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 351:2505-2515

  • Rühl J., Schmid A. and Blank L. M. (2009)
    Selected Pseudomonas putida strains able to grow in high concentrations of butanol.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75(13):4653-4656

  • Kortmann H., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2009)
    Single cell analysis reveals unexpected growth phenotype of S. cerevisiae.
    Cytometry: Part A, 75A(2):130-139

  • Kortmann H., Chasanis P., Blank L. M., Franzke J., Kenig E. Y. and Schmid A. (2009)
    The Envirostat - A new bioreactor concept.
    Lab-on-a-Chip, 9:576–585

  • Kortmann H., Kurth F., Blank L. M., Dittrich P. and Schmid A. (2009)
    Towards real time analysis of protein secretion from single cells.
    Lab-on-a-Chip, 9:3047-3049


  • Tee K. L., Dmytrenko O., Otto K., Schmid A. and Schwaneberg U. (2008)
    A p-nitrothiophenolate screening system for the directed evolution of a two-component epoxygenase (StyAB).
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 50(2-4):121-127

  • Kurth F., Schumann C. A., Blank L. M., Schmid A., Manz A. and Dittrich P. (2008)
    A bilayer microfluidic chip for diffusion-controlled activation of yeast species.
    Journal of Chromatography A, 1206(1):77-82

  • Julsing M. K., Cornelissen S., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2008)
    Heme-iron oxygenases: powerful industrial biocatalysts?
    Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 12(2):177-186

  • Blank L. M., Ebert B. E., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2008)
    Metabolic capacity estimation of Escherichia coli as platform for redox biocatalysis: Constraint based modeling and experimental verification.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 100(6):1050-1065

  • Blank L. M., Ionidis G., Ebert B. E., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2008)
    Metabolic response of Pseudomonas putida during redox biocatalysis in the presence of a second octanol phase.
    FEBS Journal, 275(20):5173-5190

  • Bühler B., Park J. B., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2008)
    NADH availability limits asymmetric biocatalytic epoxidation in growing recombinant Escherichia coli.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74(5):1436-1446

  • Höllrigl V., Hollmann F., Kleeb A., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2008)
    TADH, the thermostable alcohol dehydrogenase from Thermus sp. ATN1: A versatile new biocatalyst for organic synthesis.
    Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 81(2):263-273

  • Hollmann F. and Schmid A. (2008)
    Towards [Cp*Rh(bpy)(H2O)2+-promoted P450 catalysis: Direct regeneration of CytC.
    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Epub


  • Park J. B., Bühler B., Panke S., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2007)
    Carbon metabolism and product inhibition determine the epoxidation efficiency of solvent tolerant Pseudomonas sp. strain VLB120ΔC.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 98(6):1219-1229

  • Kortmann H., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2007)
    Cultivation of dielectrophoretically trapped single cells under optimal environmental conditions.
    Conference paper µTAS 2007, Conference Proceedings, (07.10.-11.10.2007):715-717

  • Höllrigl V., Otto K. and Schmid A. (2007)
    Electroenzymatic asymmetric reduction of rac-3-methylcyclohexanone to (1S,3S)-3-methylcyclohexanol in organic/aqueous media catalyzed by a thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase.
    Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 349(8-9):1337-1340

  • Gross R., Hauer B., Otto K. and Schmid A. (2007)
    Microbial biofilms: New catalysts for maximising productivty of long-term biotransformations.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 98(6):1123-1134


  • Bühler B., Straathof A. J. J., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2006)
    Analysis of two-liquid-phase multistep biooxidation based on a process model: Indications for biological energy shortage.
    Organic Process Research and Development, 10(3):628-643

  • Feenstra K. A., Hofstetter K., Bosch R., Schmid A., Commandeur J. M. N. and Vermeulen N. P. E. (2006)
    Enantioselective substrate binding in a monooxygenase protein model by molecular dynamics and docking.
    Biophysical Journal, 91(9):3026-3216

  • Hollmann F., Hofstetter K. and Schmid A. (2006)
    Non-enzymatic regeneration of nicotinamide and flavin cofactors for oxygenase catalysis.
    Trends in Biotechnology, 24(4):163-171

  • Meyer D., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2006)
    Process and catalyst design objectives for specific redox biocatalysis.
    Advances in Applied Microbiology, 59:53-91

  • Ruinatscha R.*, Höllrigl V.*, Otto K. and Schmid A. (2006)
    Productivity of selective electroenzymatic reduction and oxidation reactions: Theoretical and practical considerations.
    Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 348(15):2015-2026
    * These authors contributed equally to this work.

  • Yildrim S., Ruinatscha R., Gross R., Wohlgemuth R., Kohler H.-P. E., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2006)
    Selective hydrolysis of the nitrile group of cis-dihydrodiols from aromatic nitriles.
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 38(2):76-83

  • Park J. B.*, Bühler B.*, Habicher T., Hauer B., Panke S., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2006)
    The efficiency of recombinant Escherichia coli as biocatalyst for stereospecific epoxidation.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 95(3):501-512
    * These authors contributed equally to this work.


  • Meyer D., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2005)
    Suitability of recombinant Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida for selective biotransformation of m-nitrotoluene by xylene monooxygenase.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(11):6624-6632

  • Hollmann F., Kleeb A., Otto K. and Schmid A. (2005)
    Coupled chemoenzymatic transfer hydrogenation catalysis for enantioselective reduction and oxidation reactions
    (Corrigendum in Tetrahedron-Asymmetry (2006), 17:867-868).
    Tetrahedron-Asymmetry, 16(21):3512-3519

  • Hollmann F., Hofstetter K., Habicher T., Hauer B. and Schmid A. (2005)
    Direct electrochemical regeneration of monooxygenase subunits for biocatalytic asymmetric epoxidation.
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(18):6540-6541

  • Unversucht S., Hollmann F., Schmid A. and van Pée K.-H. (2005)
    FADH2-dependence of tryptophan 7-halogenase.
    Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 347(7-8):1163-1167

  • Neumann G., Kabelitz N., Zehnsdorf A., Miltner A., Lippold H., Meyer D., Schmid A. and Heipieper H. J. (2005)
    Prediction of the adaptability of Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E to a second phase of a solvent for economically sound two-phase biotransformations.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(11):6606-6612

  • Yildrim S., Franko T. T., Wohlgemuth R., Kohler H.-P. E., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2005)
    Recombinant chlorobenzene dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp. P51: A biocatalyst for specific oxidation of aromatic nitriles.
    Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 347(7-8):1060-1072


  • Yildrim S., Zezula J., Hudlicky T., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2004)
    Asymmetric dihydroxylation of cinnamonitrile to trans-3-[(5S,6R)-5,6-dihydroxy- cyclohexa-1,3-dienyl]-acrylonitrile using chlorobenzene dioxygenase in Escherichia coli (pTEZ30).
    Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 346(8):933-942

  • Otto K., Hofstetter K., Röthlisberger M., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2004)
    Biochemical characterization of StyAB from Pseudomonas sp. strain VLB120 as a two-component non-heme flavin-diffusible styrene monooxigenase.
    Journal of Bacteriology, 186(16):5292-5302

  • Lutz J., Hollmann F., Ho T.-V., Schnyder A., Fish R. H. and Schmid A. (2004)
    Bioorganometallic chemistry: Biocatalytic oxidation reactions with biomimetic NAD+/NADH co-factors and [Cp*Rh(bpy)H]+ for selective organic synthesis.
    Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 689(25):4783-4790

  • Rojas A., Duque E., Schmid A., Hurtado A., Ramos J. L. and Segura A. (2004)
    Biotransformation in double-phase systems: Physiological responses of Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E to a double phase made of aliphatic alcohols and biosynthesis of substituted catechols.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70(6):3637-3643

  • Hofstetter K., Lutz J., Lang I., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2004)
    Coupling biocatalytic asymmetric epoxidation and NADH regeneration in organic-aqueous emulsions.
    Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 43(16):2163-2166

  • Hollmann F. and Schmid A. (2004)
    Electrochemical regeneration of oxidoreductases for cell-free biocatalytic redox reactions.
    Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 22(2):63-88

  • Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2004)
    Process implementation aspects for biocatalytic hydrocarbon oxyfunctionalisation.
    Journal of Biotechnology, 113(1-3):183-210


  • Bühler B., Bollhalder I., Hauer B., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2003)
    Chemical biotechnology for the specific oxyfunctionalization of hydrocarbons an a technical scale.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 82(7):833-842

  • Meyer A., Tanner D., Schmid A., Sargent D. F., Kohler H.-P. E. and Witholt B. (2003)
    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of native selenomethionine 2-hydroxybiphenyl 3-monooxygenase.
    Acta Crystallographica Section D - Biological Crystallography, 59(4):741-743

  • van Beilen J. B., Duetz W. A., Schmid A. and Witholt B. (2003)
    Issues relevant for the practical application of oxygenases.
    Trends in Biotechnology, 21(4):170-177

  • Hollmann F., Lin P.-C., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2003)
    Stereospecific biocatalytic epoxidation: The first example of direct regeneration of a FAD-dependent monooxygenase for catalysis.
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125(27):8209-8217

  • Meyer A., Held M., Schmid A., Kohler H.-P. E. and Witholt B. (2003)
    Synthesis of 3-tert-butylcatechol by an engineered monooxygenase.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 81(5):518-524

  • Bühler B., Bollhalder I., Hauer B., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2003)
    Use of the two-liquid phase concept to exploit kinetically controlled multistep biocatalysis.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 81(6):683-694


  • Parales R. E., Bruce N. C., Schmid A. and Wackett L. P. (2002)
    Biodegradation, biotransformation and biocatalysis (b3).
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68(10):4699-4709

  • Meyer A., Schmid A., Held M., Westphal A. H., Röthlisberger M., Kohler H.-P. E., van Berkel W. J. H. and Witholt B. (2002)
    Changing the substrate reactivity of 2-hydroxybiphenyl 3-monooxygenase from Pseudomonas azelaica HBP1 by directed evolution.
    Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277(7):5575-5582

  • Bühler B., Witholt B., Hauer B. and Schmid A. (2002)
    Characterization and application of xylene monooxygenase for multistep biocatalysis.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68(2):560-568

  • Meyer A., Würsten M., Schmid A., Kohler H.-P. E. and Witholt B. (2002)
    Hydroxylation of indole by laboratory-evolved 2-hydroxybiphenyl 3-monooxygenase.
    Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277(37):34161-34167

  • Li Z., van Beilen J. B., Duetz W. A., Schmid A., de Raadt A., Griengl H. and Witholt B. (2002)
    Oxidative biotransformations using oxygenases.
    Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 6:136-144

  • Panke S., Held M., Wubbolts M. G., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2002)
    Pilot-scale production of S-styrene oxide from styrene by recombinant Escherichia coli synthesizing styrene monooxygenase.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 80(1):33-41

  • Lutz J., Mozhaev V. V., Khmelnitsky Y. L., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2002)
    Preparative application of 2-hydroxybiphenyl 3-monooxygenase with enzymatic cofactor regeneration in organic-aqueous reaction media.
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 19-20:177-187

  • Straathof A. J. J., Panke S. and Schmid A. (2002)
    The production of fine chemicals by biotransformations.
    Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 13(6):548-556

  • Schmid A., Hollmann F., Park J. B. and Bühler B. (2002)
    The use of enzymes in the chemical industry in Europe.
    Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 13(4):359-366

  • Hollmann F., Witholt B. and Schmid A. (2002)
    [Cp*Rh(bpy)(H2O)]2+: A versatile tool for efficient and non enzymatic regeneration of nicotinamide and flavin coenzymes.
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 19-20:167-176


  • Schmid A., Dordick J. S., Hauer B., Kiener A., Wubbolts M. G. and Witholt B. (2001)
    Industrial biocatalysis today and tomorrow.
    Nature, 409(6817):258-268

  • Schmid A., Hofstetter K., Feiten H.-J., Hollmann F. and Witholt B. (2001)
    Integrated biocatalytic synthesis on gram scale: The highly enantioselective preparation of chiral oxiranes with styrene monooxygenase.
    Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 343(6-7):732-737

  • Schmid A., Vereyken I., Held M. and Witholt B. (2001)
    Preparative regio- and chemoselective functionalization of hydrocarbons catalyzed by cell free preparations of 2-hydroxybiphenyl 3-monooxygenase.
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 11(4):455-462

  • Hollmann F., Schmid A. and Steckhan E. (2001)
    The first synthetic application of a monooxygenase employing indirect electrochemical NADH regeneration.
    Angewandte Chemie - International Edition in English, 40(1):169-171

  • Jaspers M. C. M., Schmid A., Sturme M. J. H., Goslings D. A. M., Kohler H.-P. E. and van der Meer J. R. (2001)
    Transcriptional organization and dynamic expression of the hbpCAD genes, which encode the first three enzymes for 2-hydroxybiphenyl degradation in Pseudomonas azelaica HBP1.
    Journal of Bacteriology, 183(1):270-279


  • Jaspers M. C. M., Suske W. A., Schmid A., Goslings D. A. M., Kohler H.-P. E. and van der Meer J. R. (2000)
    HbpR, a new member of the XylR/DmpR subclass within the NtrC family of bacterial transcriptional activators, regulates the expression of 2-hydroxybiphenyl metabolism in Pseudomonas azelaica.
    Journal of Bacteriology, 182(2):405-417

  • Panke S., Wubbolts M. G., Schmid A. and Witholt B. (2000)
    Production of enantiopure styrene oxide by recombinant Escherichia coli synthesizing a two-component styrene monooxygenase.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 69(1):91-100

  • Bühler B., Schmid A., Hauer B. and Witholt B. (2000)
    Xylene monooxygenase catalizes the multistep oxygenation of toluene and pseudocumene to corresponding alcohols, aldehydes, and acids in Escherichia coli JM101.
    Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275(14):10085-100092


  • Held M., Schmid A., Kohler H.-P. E., Suske W. A., Witholt B. and Wubbolts M. G. (1999)
    An integrated process for the production of toxic catechols from toxic phenols based on a designer biocatalyst.
    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 62(6):641-648

  • Held M., Panke S., Kohler H.-P. E., Feiten H.-J., Schmid A., Wubbolts M. G. and Witholt B. (1999)
    Solid phase extraction for biocatalytic production of toxic compounds.


  • Schmid A., Kohler H.-P. E. and Engesser K.-H. (1998)
    Escherichia coli JM101 pHBP461, a recombinant biocatalyst for the regioselective monohydroxylation of ortho-substituted phenols to their corresponding 3-substituted catechols.
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 5(1-4):311-316

  • Held M., Suske W. A., Schmid A., Engesser K.-H., Kohler H.-P. E., Witholt B. and Wubbolts M. G. (1998)
    Preparative scale production of 3-substituted catechols using a novel monooxygenase from Pseudomonas azelaica.
    Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 5(1-4):87-93

  • Panke S., Witholt B., Schmid A. and Wubbolts M. G. (1998)
    Towards a biocatalyst for S-styrene oxide production: characterization of the styrene degradation pathway of Pseudomonas sp. VLB120.
    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64(6):2032-2043


  • Schmid A., Rothe B., Altenbucher J., Ludwig W. and Engesser K.-H. (1997)
    Characterisation of three distinct extradiol dioxygenases involved in mineralization of dibenzofuran by Terrabacter sp. strain DPO360.
    Journal of Bacteriology, 179(1):53-62

  • Suske W. A., Held M., Schmid A., Fleischmann T., Wubbolts M. G. and Kohler H.-P. E. (1997)
    Purification and characterization of 2-hydroxybiphenyl 3-monooxygenase, a novel NADH-dependent, FAD-containing aromatic hydroxylase from Pseudomonas azelaica HBP1.
    Journal of Biological Chemistry, 272(39):24257-24265


  • Suske W. A., Kohler H.-P. E., Held M., Wubbolts M. G. and Schmid A. (1996)
    2-Hydroxybiphenyl 3-monooxygenase, a novel member of the group of FAD-containing aromatic hydroxylases.
    Flavins and Flavoproteins 1996, (Proceedings):383-386


  • Engesser K.-H., Dohms C. and Schmid A. (1994)
    Microbial degradation of model compounds of coal and production of metabolites with potential commercial value.
    Fuel Processing Technology, 40(2-3):217-226, DOI-Link


  • Kohler H.-P. E., Schmid A. and van der Maarel M. (1993)
    Metabolism of 2,2’-dihydroxybiphenyl by Pseudomonas sp. strain HBP1: Production and consumption of 2,2’,3-trihydroxybiphenyl.
    Journal of Bacteriology, 175(6):1621-1628


  • Karande R., Salamanca D., Engesser K.-H., Buehler K. and Schmid A.
    Microorganisms and a method for the production of lactones and their secondary products by converting cycloalkanes

  • Karande R., Hoschek A., Heuschkel I., Bühler K., Schmid A.
    "A composition of photoautotrophic microorganisms and chemoheterotrophic microorganisms in a biofilm"
    PCT/EP2018/074746, filed


  • Schmid A., Hoschek A., and Bühler B. (2017)
    Verfahren zur bioreaktiven Extraktion erzeugten Sauerstoffs aus einem Reaktionsraum, sowie Verwendung von phototrophen Mikroorganismen bei der Gewinnung von Wasserstoff
    Germany, DE 10 2017 104 648 A1, filed
    International, PCT/EP2018/055449, filed


  • Karande R., Salamanca D., Engesser K.-H., Buehler K. and Schmid A. (2016)
    Microorganisms and a method for the production of lactones and their secondary products by converting cycloalkanes


  • Fritzsch F. S. O., Howitz S., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2012)
    Method for the separation of polarisable bioparticles.
    PCT/EP2011/057724, filed


  • Schmid A., Karande R. and Bühler K. (2011)
    Segmented Flow Biofilm Reactor.

  • Schmid A., Bühler B., Ladkau N. and Hermann I. (2011)
    Method for omega-aminocarboxylic acid condensation.
    Europe, WO/2012/156151 / PCT/EP2012/056251 /priority: 11004029.2 16.05.2011 EP


  • Pötter M., Schmid A., Bühler B., Hennemann H.-G., Julsing M. K., Schaffer S., Haas T., Schrewe M., Cornelissen S., Roos M. and Häger H. (2010)
    Biocatalytic oxidation process with alkL-gene product.
    WO 2011/131420 / PCT/EP2011/053834 /priority: 10 2010 015 807.0 20.04.2010 DE


  • Sadowski G., Schmid A., Brandenbusch C., Bühler B. and Görnert M. (2007)
    Method for processing coalescence-inhibited emulsions from whole-cell biotransformations with compressed or supercritical gases.
    WO/2009/012754 / EP2170481 / DE 10 2007 034 258.8 / US 8,431,358 B2

  • Karau A., Sieber V., Haas T., Häger H., Grammann K., Bühler B., Blank L. M. and Schmid A. (2007)
    Omega-amino carboxylic acids, omega-amino carboxylic acid esters, or recombinant cells which produce lactams thereof.
    WO/2009/077461 / PCT/EP2008/067447 / priority: 102007060705.0 17.12.2007 DE


  • Schmid A., Hollmann F. and Witholt B. (2002)
    Selective functionalization of hydrocarbons with isolated oxygenases and mediator based regeneration.


  • Schmid A., Hauer B., Bühler B. and Witholt B. (2001)
    Method for the oxidation of aromatic compunds.
    WO/2002/081718 / PCT/EP2002/003803 / priority: 101 17 359.8 06.04.2001 DE


  • Schmid A., Hollmann F. and Steckhan E. (2000)
    Method comprising the indirect electrochemical regeneration of NAD(P)H.
    WO 01/088172


  • Schmid A., Bühler B., Hauer B. and Witholt B. (1999)
    Microbiological method for producing aromatic aldehydes and/or carboxylic acids.
    WO/2001/031047 / PCT/EP2000/010552 / priority: 199 51 768.1 27.10.1999 DE

  • Schmid A., Panke S., Feiten H.-J. and Witholt B. (1999)
    Biocatalytic epoxidation of vinylaromatic compounds.
    EP 99 203 857.0


  • Karande R., Schmid A. and Bühler K. (2017)
    Biopetrochemicals via biocatalysis by hydrocarbon microbes and their enzymes.
    in Kenneth Timmis Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology.
    Springer, Berlin, Germany (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31421-1_213-1)


  • Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2012)
    Catalytic biofilms: a powerful concept for future bioprocesses.
    in Lear, G. and Lewis, G. Microbial biofilms: Current research and applications.
    Caister Academic Press, Norfolk, UK:193 - 222, ISBN: 978-1-904455-96-7

  • Ütkür F.Ö., Collins J., Brandenbusch C., Sadowski G., Schmid A. and Bühler B. (2012)
    Regioselective Aromatic Hydroxylation of Quinaldine Using Living Pseudomonas putida Cells Containing Quinaldine 4-oxidase.
    in John Whitthal and Peter Sutton Practical Methods in Biocatalysis and Biotransformations 2.
    John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK:153-157, ISBN: 978-1-119-99139-7


  • Brandenbusch C., Bühler B., Sadowski G. and Schmid A. (2011)
    Biokatalytische Epoxidierung von Styrol zu enantiomerenreinem (S)-Styroloxid.
    in Chmiel H. Bioprozesstechnik.
    Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany:486-488, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2476-1


  • Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2009)
    Biopetrochemicals via biocatalysis by hydrocarbon microbes and their enzymes.
    in Kenneth Timmis Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology.
    Springer, Berlin, Germany, Vol. 1, ISBN: 3540775889

  • Bühler B., Blank L. M., Ebert B. E., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2009)
    Energy and cofactor issues in fermentation and oxyfunctionalisation processes.
    in Smolke C. D. The metabolic pathway engineering handbook.
    CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, Vol. 2:21 1-32, ISBN: 978-1-4200-7765-0

  • Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2009)
    Synthesis of enantiopure (S)-styrene oxide by selective oxidation of styrene by recombinant E. coli.
    in John Witthall and Peter Sutton Practical Methods in Biocatalysis and Biotransformations.
    John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK:385-390, ISBN: 978-0-470-51927-1


  • Eissen M., Geisler G., Bühler B., Fischer C., Hungerbuehler K., Schmid A. and Carreira E. M. (2008)
    Mass Balances and Life Cycle Assessment.
    in Lapkin A. and Constable D. Green Chemistry Metrics: Measuring and Monitoring Sustainable Processes.
    John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, West Sussex, UK:200-227


  • Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2005)
    Selective enzymatic hydroxylations.
    in Dyker G. Handbook of C-H transformations.
    Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, Vol. 2:516-529


  • Lenke H. and Schmid A. (2003)
    in Doelle H. Encyclopedia of life support systems.EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd., Oxford, UK


  • Hollmann F., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2002)
    Oxidation of alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, acids and C-N bonds.
    in Drauz K. and Waldmann H. Enzyme catalysis in organic synthesis.
    Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, Vol. III:1108-1202, 1245-1261,ISBN: 3-527-29949-1


  • Schmid A. (1997)
    PhD Thesis: Der Metabolismus von 2-Hydroxybiphenyl-Verbindungen in Pseudomonas azeleica HBP1: Grundlegende Untersuchungen und ihre biotechnologische Anwendung.
    Universitiy of Stuttgart

Modul:     Molekulare Biotechnologie

Dozent:   Prof. Andreas Schmid

WS 2019/2020 (11-BCH-0721)

Beginn: 17.10.2019

Wo:       UFZ, Leipzig, Gebäude Kubus, Raum 112

Vorlesung (2 SWS):
17.10., 18.10, 24.10., 25.10., 7.11., 5.12., 12.12., 19.12., 9.1., 16.1., 23.1., 30.1., 6.2., 7.2. (Fallbeispiele von Dr. Willrodt/ BASF AG)

Seminar (1 SWS):
10.1., 17.1., 24.1., 31.1.

1.11., 8.11., 6.12.,13.12., 20.12. (und nach Vereinbarung, wenn gewünscht zur Klausurvorbereitung)

Praktikum (5 SWS):
15. Oktober bis 8. November 2019
START: Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2019 im Seminarraum Geb 9.1 (SIAB), 1. OG am UFZ, 10:00 Uhr.
Skript wird nach Möglichkeit vorab zur Vorbereitung verteilt!


Mitte März 2020, nach Absprache
