Working Groups

Platform Single Cell Analysis

Group Leader: Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmid
Tel.: +49-(0)341-6025 12 46
Mail: Andreas Schmid

  • Analysis of productive microbial systems with microfluidic single cell technologies
  • Quantifying mass and energy fluxes in single microbial (photo-)catalysts for rational strain and process development
  • Linking environmental conditions and cell physiology to catalyst performance
  • Hotwiring of natural photosynthesis in cyanobacteria
  • Integration of metabolic and reaction engineering
  • In situ product recovery
  • Maximizing process productivities for obtaining white hydrogen


Group Leader: PD Dr. Stephan Klähn
Tel.:    +49-(0)341-6025 4787
Mail:    Stephan Klähn

  • Understanding regulatory processes in cyanobacteria, i.e. those controlling energy and primary metabolism
  • Design of molecular tools and expression platforms in cyanobacteria
  • Applying regulatory processes to fine-tune synthetic pathways in cyanobacteria