Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128703
Document author version
Title (Primary) Photosynthesis driven continuous hydrogen production by diazotrophic cyanobacteria in high cell density capillary photobiofilm reactors
Author Toepel, J.; Karande, R.; Bühler, B.; Bühler, K.; Schmid, A.
Source Titel Bioresource Technology
Year 2023
Department UMB; SOMA
Volume 373
Page From art. 128703
Language englisch
Topic T7 Bioeconomy
Keywords Photosynthesis driven hydrogen production; Capillary biofilm photobioreactors; Cyanobacteria
Abstract Hydrogen (H2) is a promising fuel in the context of climate neutral energy carriers and photosynthesis-driven H2-production is an interesting option relying mainly on sunlight and water as resources. However, this approach depends on suitable biocatalysts and innovative photobioreactor designs to maximize cell performance and H2 titers. Cyanobacteria were used as biocatalysts in capillary biofilm photobioreactors (CBRs). We show that biofilm formation/stability depend on light and CO2 availabilityH2 production rates correlate with these parameters but differ between Anabaena and Nostoc. We demonstrate that high light and corresponding O2 levels influence biofilm stability in CBR. By adjusting these parameters, biofilm formation/stability could be enhanced, and H2 formation was stable for weeks. Final biocatalyst titers reached up to 100 g l−1 for N. punctiforme atcc 29133 NHM5 and Anabaena sp. pcc 7120 AMC 414. H2 production rates were up to 300 µmol H2 l-1h−1 and 3 µmol H2 gcdw-1h−1 in biofilms.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Toepel, J., Karande, R., Bühler, B., Bühler, K., Schmid, A. (2023):
Photosynthesis driven continuous hydrogen production by diazotrophic cyanobacteria in high cell density capillary photobiofilm reactors
Bioresour. Technol. 373 , art. 128703 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128703