Prof. Reimund Schwarze

Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Economics
Working Group Climate Change
Working Group Energy

Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

phone: +49 341 6025 1607

Reimund Schwarze (Prof.)

Areas of Expertise & Research

  • European and international climate policy
  • Economic aspects of climate adaptation
  • Management of natural hazards
  • Environmental liability and insurance

Curriculum Vitae and Publications


You could use our publication index for further requests.

2024 (1)

  • Schulze, S., Bardt, H., Biebeler, H., Klepper, G., Mahammadzadeh, M., Osberghaus, D., Rickels, W., Schenker, O., Schwarze, R. (2024):
    Kosten des Klimawandels und Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft
    In: Brasseur, G.P., Jacob, D., Schuck-Zöller, S. (Hrsg.)
    Klimawandel in Deutschland : Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven. 2., überarbeitete undf erweiterte Auflage
    Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 312 - 329 10.1007/978-3-662-66696-8_24
to index

2023 (3)

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2022 (6)

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2021 (10)

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2020 (11)

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2019 (12)

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2018 (12)

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2017 (11)

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2016 (7)

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2015 (10)

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2014 (5)

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2013 (2)

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2012 (6)

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2011 (5)

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2010 (10)

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2009 (14)

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2008 (4)

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2007 (8)

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2006 (1)

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2004 (1)

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