Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Reports
Title (Primary) Economics and finance of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: main gaps identified in the PLACARD project and arising alignment opportunities for the EU Green Deal. PLACARD project, FC.ID: Lisbon
Author Sushchenko, O. ORCID logo ; Schwarze, R.
Year 2020
Department OEKON
Page To 61
Language englisch
Abstract The following report identifies political, economic and financial shortages in the EU Green Deal, brings the light on knowledge gaps between Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) communities – explores the opportunities for improvements of the main EU strategic document by bridging identified gaps. This knowledge has been used in the PLACARD coordination agenda on interchange and collaboration between the above-mentioned communities in order to create synergies among both fields and to improve the overall resilience building process. In addition, it seeks to identify concrete actions to eliminate and prevent overlaps1 and/or conflicting actions taken within both communities as well as to effectively counteract fragmentation of knowledge.
In brief, the report investigates the most important finance and economic gaps3 that currently hinder production, integration and practical implementation of knowledge by DRR and CCA stakeholder groups. Those gaps provide also specific opportunities for a better alignment between both fields if addressed properly by appropriate stakeholders capable of introducing required changes. The alignment opportunity results from the fact that finance, insurance as well as risk transfer remain main driving forces for climate adaptation and
disaster risk management leading to long-term sustainability. Consequently, the identified opportunities can be also used to improve the EU Green Deal and assure higher efficiency of the implemented measures. PLACARD as a platform for DRR and CCA community actively supports and contributes to that alignment process and a better integration of CCA and DRR into European Green Deal.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Sushchenko, O., Schwarze, R. (2020):
Economics and finance of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: main gaps identified in the PLACARD project and arising alignment opportunities for the EU Green Deal. PLACARD project, FC.ID: Lisbon
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, 61 pp.