Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Reports
Title (Primary) Final release of the network database and associated documentation (Deliverable D 2.2). Work Package 2 – Stocktaking of the decision-making context
Author Karali, E.; Giupponi, C.; Bojovic, D.; Coninx, I.; Calliari, E.; Allenbach, K.; Downing, C.; Rohat, G.; Michalek, G.; Schwarze, R.; Vetter, P.
Year 2017
Department OEKON
Page To 164
Language englisch
Abstract Task 2.2 “Clustering and network analysis” of the PLACARD project aimed at supporting the mapping of interactions within and between CCA and DRR communities and assessing quantitatively the roles that different actors have in them, using a Social Network Analysis (SNA). SNA techniques are used to answer questions about how actors are connected to each other, how strong their relationships are and which actors are best positioned to connect other actors in a network through the calculation of indicators such as degree, closeness, betweenness centrality and clustering coefficient.
In the context of the PLACARD project, two SNA exercises were carried out to investigate the intensity of actors’ interactions (i.e. on a scale from 1 to 5 representing lack of interaction, weak and strong communication, and weak and strong collaboration), as well as the type of interactions (i.e., whether an interaction is related to CCA, DRR, or both fields). Social network metrics were calculated to quantitatively assess the roles of different actors in the network and their interrelationships. In particular, we focused on centrality measures – degree, in‐ degree, betweenness and eigenvector – that are considered good indicators of an actor’s power position, meaning the strength of the role played by an actor in influencing interactions in a network.
The first exercise took place in summer 2016 and focused on the interactions between CCA and DRR actors operating at the European and International level. Data was collected from the responses of 32 out of the 35 actors that were invited to participate in an online SNA survey. The European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate‐ADAPT) emerged as the actor with the highest degree, eigenvector and betweenness centrality values. Besides Climate-ADAPT, the Directorate‐General for Research and Innovation (DG R&I), the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Directorate‐General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) were identified as actors with high centrality values. The actor with the highest in‐degree centrality, an indicator that considers the number of ties that a certain actor has as specified by other actors in the network, was DG CLIMA, followed by EEA and IPCC.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Karali, E., Giupponi, C., Bojovic, D., Coninx, I., Calliari, E., Allenbach, K., Downing, C., Rohat, G., Michalek, G., Schwarze, R., Vetter, P. (2017):
Final release of the network database and associated documentation (Deliverable D 2.2). Work Package 2 – Stocktaking of the decision-making context
164 pp.