Dr. Felix Reutter
Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Economics
Working Group Energy
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Tel.: +49 341 6025 2697
Research Interests and Expertise
- Energy economics and energy policy
- Environmental and resource economics
- Ecological economics
Curriculum Vitae
since 09/2020
Researcher at the assistant professorship for environmental and energy economics, Leipzig University
Guest researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig
11/2016 – 07/2022
PhD student at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig
06/2015 – 09/2015
Internship at the Department for Energy Policy of Green Budget Germany, Berlin
08/2013 – 01/2014
Semester abroad at Linnaeus University, Växjö (Sweden)
10/2012 – 09/2016
Master’s degree program: Sustainability Economics and Management (M.A.), University of Oldenburg
10/2011 – 09/2016
Student assistant at the chair for environmental and development economics (Prof. Dr. Klaus Eisenack), University of Oldenburg
08/2011 – 10/2011
Internship at the Centre for Environment and Energy of the Chamber of Crafts Düsseldorf
10/2009 – 09/2012
Bachelor’s degree program: Economics (B.A.) [Wirtschaftswissenschaften], University of Oldenburg
Completed Projects
PhD project: Ecological-economic analysis of policy options to manage wind power deployment with multiple environmental impacts