economics of the environment - water resources, energy, biodiversity, climate change

Projects of the Department of Economics

Current Projects

Completed Projects

FUSE: Food – water – energy for Urban Sustainable Environments

Jordan Water Project
Jordan Water Project – Capacity Building: Development and Implementation of a Strategic Modeling Tool for Water Management in Jordan

IP Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems

IP Water Scarcity

Integrated Urban Catchment Governance − Organizational, Legal and Fiscal Foundations for Sustainable Management of Waste- and Rainwater in the Wuxi Region/China

Arzneimittelabgabe: Beteiligung von Arzneimittelherstellern an den Kosten von Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der Konzentration von Mikroschadstoffen in Gewässern

Benefit-Cost-Analysis in Water Management – Development of a Method for the Assessment of Disproportional Costs for the German Working Group on Water Issues (116.2 KB)

Evaluierung des Wasserentnahmeentgelts in Baden-Württemberg

SMART II: Integrated Water Resources Management in the Lower Jordan Rift Valley − Sustainable Management of Available Water Resources with Innovative Technologies II (BMBF)

Mikroverunreinigungen und Abwasserabgabe (UBA)

Praktische Ausgestaltung einer fortzuentwickelnden Abwasserabgabe sowie mögliche Inhalte einer Regelung (UBA)

Verantwortung für Nachhaltigkeit − Die Bewirtschaftung von Wasserressourcen in der EU (BMBF)

Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management in Urban Growth Centres Coping with Climate Change − Concepts for Lima Metropolitana (Peru) − (LiWa) (BMBF)

InfraWass: Nachhaltigkeitsinstitutionen zur Governance langlebiger technischer Infrastruktursysteme am Beispiel der europäischen Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung unter den Bedingungen klimatischen und demographischen Wandels (BMBF)

MoMo II: Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia: Model Region Mongolia

International Water Research Alliance Saxony (IWAS): Management of Water Resources in Hydrologically Sensitive Regions (BMBF)

GLOWA Elbe III: Impacts of global change on the hydrological cycle of the Elbe River Basin. Results and consequences (BMBF)

RISK MAP − Improving Flood Risk Maps as a Means to Foster Public Participation and Raising Flood Risk Awareness: Toward Flood Resilient Communities (BMBF)

Enhancement of Waste Water Charges and Water extraction Charges to a comprehensive charge for the use of aquatic ecosystems

Das Konzept der Bestände als Entscheidungshilfe für eine Politik der Nachhaltigkeit (BMBF)

Wasser 2050 − Nachhaltige wasserwirtschaftliche Systemlösungen − künftige Chancen für die deutsche Wasserwirtschaft (BMBF)

SMART I: Integrated Water Resources Management in the Lower Jordan Rift Valley − Sustainable Management of Available Water Resources with Innovative Technologies I (BMBF)

FLOODsite − Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies (Integrated Project) (EU)

FLOOD-ERA − Flood risk management strategies in European Member States (BMBF/Defra − United Kingdom/Lebensministerium − Austria)

BASINFORM-Verfahren zur Aufstellung von Maßnahmenprogrammen nach EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie

Weiterentwicklung des Verfahrens BASINFORM zur Aufstellung von Maßnahmenprogrammen nach EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Naturschutzes

GLOWA Elbe II: Impacts of global change on the hydrological cycle of the Elbe River Basin. Risks and options

GLOWA-Elbe I: Global Change Impact on the Environment and Society in the Elbe Region (BMBF)

HarmoniRiB − Harmonised Techniques and Representative River Basin Data for Assessment and Use of Uncertainty Information in Integrated Water Management

Conflict, Cooperation, and Institutions in International Water Management (UFZ/Helmholtz)

Decision Support for Integrated River Basin Management − Conflict Assessment and Possible Solutions Using the Example of the River White Elster (BMBF)

Regulative Vorsorgepolitik in ihren Wirkungen auf Innovationen zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften − dargelegt am Beispiel der Chemikalienregulierung (BMBF)

Regional Sustainability − Bridging Resource Conservation and Economic Development (DAAD/NSF)

Nachhaltige Wasserbewirtschaftung und Landnutzung − untersucht am Beispiel des Torgauer Raumes (UFZ/Helmholtz)

CollectiveWater: From Conflict to Collective Action: Institutional Change and Management Options to Govern Transboundary Water Courses

→ Nationales Auenprogramm − Beitrag zum Klimaschutz

→ Qualitative Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen zur Begründung von Ausnahmen nach EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie

→ Verhältnismäßigkeit von Maßnahmekosten im Sinne der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie

ValuES: Methoden zur Integration von Ökosystemleistungen in Politik, Planung und Praxis

Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE

TEEB: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Integrating Nature Conservation into Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers

Regional value chains in the context of biodiversity and ecosystem services − The example of a Czech-Polish-Saxon project cooperation

STEP − Status and Trends of European Pollinators

Einführung einer Abgabe auf Pflanzenschutzmittel

SCALES − Securing the Conservation of Biodiversity across Administrative Levels and Spatial, Temporal, and Ecological Scale

Weiterentwicklung der Software Ecopay zur Bestimmung kosteneffizienter Ausgleichszahlungen für Maßnahmen zum Schutz gefährdeter Arten und Lebensraumtypen im Grünland zur deutschlandweiten Nutzung in der Naturschutzpraxis

CONNECT − Linking biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services

POLICYMIX − Assessing the role of economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision

PRESS − PEER Research on EcoSystem Services

SOKO Bio Software-based decision support tool for determining cost-effective compensation payments for conservation measures in a changing environment

INVASION − Evolutionary, ecological and social consequences of Biological Invasions (BMBF)

EcoTRADE − Ecological Thresholds for Reshaping Ecosystem Networks: Ameliorating landscapes Driven by Economic development

Strategies for sustainable land use in the context of wind power generation (BMBF)

ALTER-Net: A Long-term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network (EU)

EcolEconMod: Developing a framework to assess the total cost of conservation measures

Ecological-economic Modelling in the Development of Strategies and Environmental Policy Instruments for Species Protection (UFZ/Helmholtz)

Multi-criteria Evaluation and Decision Aid for Conflicts Between Land Use and Biodiversity Conservation (UFZ/Helmholtz)

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and its relevance for Germany (BMU)

FRAP − Development of a Procedural Framework for Action Plans to Reconcile Conflicts between Large Vertebrate Conservation and the Use of Biological Resources: Fisheries and Fish-eating Vertebrates as a Model (EU)

INVASIONS: The Invasion Potential of Alien Species − Identification, Assessment, and Risk Management (BMBF)

Umsetzung der Biodiversitätskonvention: Chancen und Probleme der Integration von Naturschutz und landwirtschaftlicher Entwicklung in Guatemala: Eine politik- und institutionenökonomische Analyse (UFZ/Helmholtz)

Regional Sustainability − Bridging Resource Conservation and Economic Development (DAAD/NSF)

IBEFish: Interaction between Environment and Fisheries − a Challenge to Management

→ Ecopay Romania: Producing an ecological-economic model for habitats preservation − Case study Mureș Floodplain

Living Walls: Green facades for multifunctional climate adaptation in the city

CLIMALERT − Climate Alert Smart System for Sustainable Water and Agriculture

PLACARD – PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction

REKLIM Topic 7: Risk assessment and risk management for climate adaptation strategies

Bessere Nutzung von Entsiegelungspotenzialen zur Wiederherstellung von Bodenfunktionen und zur Klimaanpassung

EnhANcing emergencY management and response to extreme WeatHER and climate Events (ANYWHERE)

ARC3-2 Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN)

BASE − Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies Towards a Sustainable Europe

RECAP 15 – Re-thinking the Efficacy of International Climate Agreements Post COP15

ClimateAdaptationSantiago (BMU)

InfraWass: Nachhaltigkeitsinstitutionen zur Governance langlebiger technischer Infrastruktursysteme am Beispiel der europäischen Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung unter den Bedingungen klimatischen und demographischen Wandels (BMBF)

CONHAZ − Costs of Natural Hazards

RISK MAP − Improving Flood Risk Maps as a Means to Foster Public Participation and Raising Flood Risk Awareness: Toward Flood Resilient Communities (BMBF)

FLOODsite − Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies (Integrated Project) (EU)

FLOOD-ERA − Flood risk management strategies in European Member States (BMBF/Defra − United Kingdom/Lebensministerium − Austria)

→ Evaluation of the „Aktionsplans Klimaschutz“ (action plan for climate protection) of the government of Hessen

→ Innovative Ansätze der ökonomischen Anpassungsforschung mit Bezug zu Sachsen-Anhalt