Stephanie Jahn

Research Unit Environment and Society
Department of Economics

for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig

Fon: +49 341 6025 1701

S. Jahn

Current Projects

REWILD_DE: Erhaltung von Biodiversität und Inwertsetzung von Ökosystemleistungen durch Rewilding – vom Oderdelta lernen

Promotionsprojekt „Assessing Transdisciplinary Research in Sustainability Science” (Leuphana Universiät Lüneburg)


Jahn, S., Newig, J., Lang, D. J., Kahle, J., Bergman, M. (2022). Demarcating transdisciplinary re-search in sustainability science—Five clusters of research modes based on evidence from 59 re-search projects. Sustainable Development, 30(2), 343-357.

Jürges, N., Jahn, S. (2020) German forest management stakeholders at the science-society interface: Their views on problem definition, knowledge production and research utilization. Forest Policy and Economics 111, 102076.

Newig, J., Jahn, S., Lang, D. J., Kahle, J., Bergmann, M. (2019) Linking modes of research to their scientific and societal outcomes. Evidence from 81 sustainability-oriented research projects. Environmental Science & Policy, 101, 147-155.

Kahle, J., Jahn, S., Lang, D. J., Vogt, M., Weber, C.F., Lütke-Spatz, L., Winkler, J. (2018) Na-chhaltigkeit in der Hochschulforschung (Betaversion). BMBF-Projekt „Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschu-len: entwickeln – vernetzen – berichten (HOCH-N)“, Lüneburg und München.