Friedrich Boeing

Computational Hydrosystems (CHS) /

Climate Office for Central Germany

Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

Tel.: +49 341 60251519



Research focus

My research focuses on improving the quantification and understanding of droughts and water resources in Germany with a strong goal of successful knowledge transfer. I am currently working in the knowledge transfer project WIS-D, in which we are developing an innovative information platform for monitoring, forecasting and climate change impacts on water resources in Germany together with stakeholders from different water sectors.

I am currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Potsdam and UFZ under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sabine Attinger, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wagener and Dr. Andreas Marx.

Working Experience

Since 2021/07: 

Scientific assistant in the knowledge transfer project "WIS-D":

- generating high resolution water cycle information for Germany

- support of stakeholder processes

- development and calculation of tailor-made indicators for monitoring water cycle components and estimating climate change impacts on the water cycle in Germany

2019/08 - 2021/06

Scientific assistant at the climate office for Central Germany:

  • operational maintenance and development of the UFZ-Droughtmonitor
  • operationalization of an Iberian Drought Monitor for the CLIMALERT project
  • Data processing and preparation

2019/01 - 2019/07

Master thesis "Development of Soil Moisture Drought in the Iberian Peninsula" under supervision of Dr. Andreas Marx and Prof. Dr. Ralf Merz

2018/01 - 2018/12

student assistant in the HOKLIM Project

- generating figures for the final publication Impacts of a 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C global warming on the water cycle in Germany

- Data archiving for country based results the Datainvestigationportal

2017/07 - 2017/12

student assistant in the MigSoko research group

2017/10 - 2017/12

student assistant in the remote sensing group at the Martin Luther University in Halle



You could use our publication index for further requests.

2024 (5)

to index

2023 (3)

to index

2022 (6)

to index

2021 (2)

to index

not listed:


Samaniego, L., Remke, T., Kevin S., Boeing, F., Rakovec, O., Marx, A., Thober. S. Müller, S. (2022). High-resolution bias-adjusted and disaggregated climate simulation ensemble. In: Helmholtz Climate Initiative. Final report.

Marx, A., Rakovec, O., Boeing, F., Kelbling M., Thober S., Müller S., Samaniego, L. (2022). Towards high-resolution multi-model climate-hydrology indicators for Germany. In: Helmholtz Climate Initiative. Final report.

Marx A., Boeing F. & Samaniego L. (2022) Zur Entwicklung des Wasserdargebotes im Kontext des Klimawandels, energie | wasser-praxis,


Planer-Friedrich, B., Forberg, J., Lohmayer, R., Kerl, C. F., Boeing, F., Kaasalainen, H., & Stefánsson, A. (2020). Relative Abundance of Thiolated Species of As, Mo, W, and Sb in Hot Springs of Yellowstone National Park and Iceland. In Environmental Science & Technology (Vol. 54, Issue 7, pp. 4295–4304). American Chemical Society (ACS).


S. Thober, A. Marx, F. Boeing (2018): Auswirkungen der globalen Erwärmung auf hydrologische und agrarische Dürren und Hochwasser in Deutschland. Condensed result brochure for regional decision makers in Germany, available in German language only. Download HOKLIM brochure