News Archive

May 16, 2022

Interview with Dr. F. J. Bohn in the Dlf Audiothek | Umwelt und Verbraucher | "Agrarminister-Sonderkonferenz: Am Waldumbau führt kein Weg vorbei"

Link to interview (only in German)

Aug 20, 2021

Open house days of the Swabian MOSES Campaign received large public interest. A research consortium of several Helmholtz centers, universities and the German Weather Service, investigates the cause and effects of hydro-meteorological extremes such as heavy thunderstorms, high precipitation and floods as well as heatwaves and droughts. The MOSES initiative is coordinated by the UFZ.

Aug 17, 2021

Start of the third phase of Collaborative Research Centre AquaDiva, investigating the links between surface and subsurface signals in the earth critical zone. Two projects are lead by researchers of CHS. They will investigate with modeling and observations how temporal and spatial variation of surface input and processes during subsurface transit drive the water flow and element transport to groundwater and rivers.

Jul 22, 2021

We are happy to announce the next release of mHM: v5.11.2 .

May 19, 2021

In October 2020 a new Helmholtz Young Investigator group ( link ) led by Jakob Zscheischler started in CHS. The group will work on compound weather and climate events with a particular focus on using novel ideas from explainable machine learning to identify compounding weather drivers of extreme impacts such as vegetation mortality, crop failure and floods. Recently the group was awarded a Helmholtz AI project called CausalFlood, in which compounding drivers of floods will be identified based on causal inference in collaboration with the group of Jakob Runge from DLR.

Apr 15, 2021

We are happy to announce the release of the massive update v1.3.0 of GSTools.

Feb 23, 2021

Luis Samaniego
Dr. Luis Samaniego defended his Habilitation work on the 23rd February at the Faculty of Science at the University of Potsdam. The topic of his Habilitation was: "DROUGHT MODELING AND FORECASTING - from Local to Global Scales -”. The commission unanimously conferred him the venia legendi in hydrology.
Feb 11, 2021
A preprint of the article "Data Driven High Resolution Modeling and Spatial Analyses of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany" by Schüler et al. is now available.

Dec 9, 2020
New paper on "Strong hydroclimatic controls on vulnerability to subsurface nitrate contamination across Europe" by Kumar et al., published in Nature Communications

Nov 12, 2020

Starting next year, two Helmholtz knowledge transfer projects will be funded at the UFZ. The Water Resources Information System Germany WIS-D ( see here ) lead in CHS and the forest monitor headed in the Department CLE.

Nov 8, 2020

Falling Walls Circle Tabel


Three international experts working on Water Diagnosis methods meet at the World Science Summit (last Nov. 8) to discuss insights of past achievements and the next walls that need to be torn-down to improve water management.

Dec 20, 2019

Rakovec et al. (2019): "Diagnostic Evaluation of Large‐Domain Hydrologic Models Calibrated Across the Contiguous United States", Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Dec 1, 2019

Samaniego et al. (2019): "Hydrological Forecasts and Projections for Improved Decision-Making in the Water Sector in Europe", Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Aug 12, 2015
Dürrer wird's noch (ZEIT online) feat. the UFZ Drought Monitor and M. Zink
Drought in Germany, Aug 2015, ZEIT online
Zech et al: Sauna, Sweat, Science
Jun 25, 2015

Zech et al. (2015), "Sauna, sweat and science", Isotopes in Environm. and Health Studie

Climate Tower inauguration ( lead by C. Rebmann and M. Cuntz

Inauguration of the Climate Tower in Hohes Holz
Feb 6, 2015

HEPEX Blog The importance of para­meteri­zations for better conti­nental forecast systems by Luis Samaniego

The importance of parameterizations for better continental forecast systems
Mar 26, 2013

Does parameterization technique affect simulations of water fluxes? selected for the Eos Research Spotlight in AGU's weekly newspaper.
Featured article

Feb 1, 2013

Nationwide agricultural drought reconstruction for Germany since 1950 at a spatial resolution of 4×4 km2.
Journal article