Felix Pohl


Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Department of Computational Hydrosystems

Building 7.1, Room 4.13
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig

Tel.: +49 341 235-482155

profile picture

My research involves mainly data-driven analysis of ecosystem fluxes and their relationship to different biotic and abiotic drivers. During my PhD time, I especially focused on the processing of eddy covariance data and worked on identifying impact of extreme drought events on observational data. Currently, I am working on robust data sources for reliable moisture and extreme event definitions.

Besides my actual research, I am highly interested in bridging the gap between scientific progress and social development. If you like to share your thoughts on this issue, I am always up to meet for a discussion.

Research interests

  • climatic and environmental changes
  • the impact of weather extremes on ecosystems and their long-term consequences
  • mitigation and adaption strategies
  • science communication as well as climate change scepticism

Scientific career

since 2019

PhD candidate

2016 - 2019

Masters of Science in Applied Physical Geography, University of Wuerzburg
2013 - 2016
Bachelor of Science in Geography, Minor: Philosophy, University of Wuerzburg

2024 (1)

2023 (5)

2022 (3)

2021 (4)