Eshrat Fatima

Eshrat Fatima


PhD Student

Department of Computational Hydrosystems (CHS)
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

University of Potsdam
Environmental Science and Geography

Campus Golm
Haus 1, Raum 0.09
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam-Golm

Phone   +49 331 977 6194

Research interests

  • Comprative analysis of Soil Moisture using Cosmic-rays Neutron Data in a Spatial Processes Hydrological Model (mHM)
  • How the weighted Neutron counts differ from non-weighted scale.
  • To improve mHM's Soil Moisture representation (i.e improve process definitions and/or parameters) with the help of calibration on CRNS data.

Academic career

Since 10/2020:  PhD. Student  at University of Potsdam, Germany



“Future water availability from western Karakoram under representative concentration pathways as simulated by CORDEX-South Asia"                                                                                         
Fatima, E., Hassan, M., Hasson, S. U., Ahmad, B., & Ali, S. S. F. (2020). Future water availability from the western Karakoram under representative concentration pathways as simulated by CORDEX South Asia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 141, 1093-1108.

Research Abstracts