Dr. Yevheniia Anpilova


Department Computational Hydrosystems
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ



Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
+49 341 235-1599

Yevheniia Anpilova

Research interests:

My scientific background has enabled me to develop and refine a range of skills including geospatial analysis, environmental change modelling and the creation of GIS mapping models for assessing the impact of mining activities.
My key skills include the ability to analyse diverse geospatial data sources, predict and visualise environmental change, and develop effective GIS solutions for assessing ecosystem change.
My strengths include the ability to learn new technologies quickly and to focus on achieving results.
Recent achievements include working as an assistant to the national coordinator for the GEF-funded Technology Needs Assessment in Ukraine project as part of an international team. This experience allowed me to develop my teamwork, project management and communication skills.
Outside of work, I enjoy sports, swimming and travelling. I love visiting art galleries and exploring new places, which helps me to meet new people and learn about different cultures. This experience has contributed to my development as an open-minded and understanding person

CV / Scientific Career

Studying and graduating

1995 - 1999
BACHELOR DEGREE in Geodetic works and operation of geodetic equipment (Diploma of junior specialist with distinction), KYIV TOPOGRAPHICAL COLLEGE, KYIV, UKRAINE.

1999 - 2002
MSc in Land Management and Cadastre. (Diploma of Specialist with distinction), KYIV INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OF THE NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY, KYIV, UKRAINE. Master's Thesis: “Analysis of methods for presenting ecological and medical information using WEB-mapping with integrated GIS and Internet tools.”

NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURE, KYIV, UKRAINE. PhD studies in Environmental Protection. PhD thesis: "Assessment of surface water quality using modern geo-information technologies (for the Siversky Donets River)".

2014 - 2018
CERTIFICATE OF COURSES COMPLETION, VANCOUVER ISLAND UNIVERSITY, VANCOUVER, CANADA. Training course for officials and scientists on the development of geospatial infrastructure for the Government of Ukraine. Introduction to GIS; Database Management Systems for SDI; Spatial Cadastral Information System for SDI; Issues of Management in SDI; Spatial Modeling and Applications for SDI; Web GIS and Geoportals for SDI.

Professional activity

Since 2022
SCIENTIST, HELMHOLTZ CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH - UFZ, LEIPZIG, GERMANY. Helmholtz Initiative for Refugees 2022 (Ukraine) / Funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association.

Since 2010
SENIOR RESEARCHER, INSTITUTE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND GLOBAL INFORMATION SPACE, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE, KYIV, UKRAINE. Projects on environmental modelling, GIS mapping and use of remote sensing data to assess changes in post-mining areas.
Teaching activity in the course "Introduction to GIS" for postgraduate students of Computer Science and Information Technology.

SENIOR RESEARCH SCIENTIST, STATE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CENTER FOR NUCLEAR AND RADIATION, KYIV, UKRAINE. Research to improve methods and implement modern scientific and technical developments aimed at increasing the level of radiation safety of uranium mining and processing facilities.

2003 - 2010
LEADING SPECIALIST, MINISTRY OF ECOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES OF UKRAINE, KYIV, UKRAINE. Exploitation of databases and information systems environment conditions. Preparation and execution of the implementation of international programs and projects. Collecting, organizing, interpreting and disseminating various types of statistical data for environmental monitoring. Training and supporting personnel in using IT, Databases of ecological monitoring, staff, observation and statistics information. Electronic data interchange for regional ecological authorities

2002 - 2003

Participation in the coordination and implementation of Ukraine's commitments under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Preparation and execution of the implementation of international programs and projects.

2001 - 2002
TECHNICIAN, PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "INSTITUTE OF OIL TRANSPORTATION", KYIV, UKRAINE. Work on AutoCAD drawings oft he pipeline route. Collecting, organizing, interpreting and disseminating of basic geodetic data

Teaching activity

Since 2017


2013 Grant of the President of Ukraine for talented young scientists in 2013 for the project “Creating a mapping model of surface water quality methods of information technology”

2013 Winner of Award of President of Ukraine for young scientists for work “Spatial analysis and geomodeling of pollution surface water and soil facilities of remote sensing”


2018 - 2021

Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Project for Ukraine



2013 Anpilova Y. Information technologies for environmental safety management of surface water / Informatsiini tekhnolohii dlia upravlinnia ekolohichnoiu bezpekoiu poverkhnevykh vod: Monohrafiia. / K.: Azymut-Ukraina, 2013. – 104 p. + illustrations (in Ukrainian) ISBN 978-966-1541-49-7

2019 Monitoring of mineral resources base of Ukraine and ecological condition of mining regions' territories in the context of sustainable development. Kyiv. Nika Center. 2019. 148р. (in Ukrainian) ISBN 978-966-7067-40-3

Strategic directions for restructuring of Donetsk coal and Kryvyi Rih iron ore basins in the conditions of energy sector transformations. Kyiv. Nika Center. 2019. 144р. (in Ukrainian) ISBN 978-966-7067-35-9

2020 Trofymchuk, О., Y. Anpilova, Y., Yakovlev, Y., Kreta, D., Shekhunova, S. (2020) Assessment of Solotvyno agglomeration mines flooding impact on water resources with GIS. Monografie - Politechnika Lubelska. Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal: Designing, Construction, Operation and Monitoring. pp. 315-327. ISBN 978-83-7947-409-7

2021 Dovgyi, S., Ivancenko, V., Korzhnev, M., (scientific editor), Trofymchuk, O. etc. (2021) Study of the ecological condition of post mining territories in Ukraine on the example of the Kryvyi Rih basin and its surroundings. Kyiv: Nika-Center, 2021. – 196 pp. (in Ukrainian) ISBN 978- 966-521-763-3

2022 Principles of Environmental Policy Formation in the Mineral Complex of Ukraine in Modern Conditions /S.O. Dovgyi, M.N. Korzhnev, O.M. Trofymchuk, М.М. Kurylo, Ye.O. Yakovliev, M.L. Myrontsov, Ye.S. Anpilova, I.V. Virshylo, S.K. Kosharna, E.N. Sukhina, Ya.O. Malkova; scientific editor M.N. Korzhnev; Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of NAS of Ukraine. – Кyiv: Nika-Center, 2022. – 200 pp. (in Ukrainian) ISBN 978-966-7067-47-2

The main publications for the last 5 years


1. Yakovliev, Y., Rogozhin, O., Stefanyshyn, D., Kreta, D., Anpilova, Y., Myrontsov, M. (2024). Environmental and Geological Hazards After the Explosion of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant and Rehabilitation Options. In: Babak, V., Zaporozhets, A. (eds) Systems, Decision and Control in Energy VI. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 552. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-67091-6_25
2. Myrontsov, M., Karpenko, O., Oshkodorov, E., Krasovska, I., Anpilova, Y. (2024). Solving Oil and Gas Wells’ Inverse Problem of Electrometry with the Error of Measurement Data. In: Babak, V., Zaporozhets, A. (eds) Systems, Decision and Control in Energy VI. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 561. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-68372-5_18.
3. Trofymchuk, O., Hordiienko, O., Anpilova, Y., Yakovliev, Y. (2024). Monitoring vertical lanslides in the Solotvyno agglomeration using Sentinel-1 satellite imagery. Environmental safetyand natural resources, 50(2), 102–114. https://doi.org/10.32347/2411-4049.2024.2.102-114
4. Patseva, I., Lukianova, V., Anpilova, Y., Mohelnytska, l., Gerasimchuk, O. (2024). The ecological assessment of small rivers in Ukraine under conditions of intensive war impact. Revue Roumaine de Géographie, 68(1). https://doi.org/10.59277/rrg.2024.1.08.
5. Anpilova, Y., Dovgyi, S., Yakovliev, Y., Hordiienko, O., Myrontsov, M., Karpenko, O. (2023). Impact of Modern Anthropogenic Factors on the Hydrological System of the Donbas. In: Zaporozhets, A., Popov, O. (eds) Systems, Decision and Control in Energy IV. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 456. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22500-0_16
6. Kotsiuba, I., Herasymchuk, O., Shamrai, V., Lukianova, V., Anpilova, Y., Rybak, O., Lefter, I. (2023) A Strategic Analysis of the Prerequisites for the Implementation of Waste Management at the Regional Level. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 24(1), 55-66. https://doi.org/10.12912/27197050/154918
7. Sarrazin, F., Nguyen, T., Musolff, A., Ebeling, P., Batool, M., Sarker, P., Anpilova, Y., Fleckenstein, J., Attinger, S., and Kumar, R. (2023). Long-term dynamics of nitrogen export from European catchments, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4144, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4144.
8. Hordiienko, O., Anpilova, Y., Yakovliev, Y., Rogozhin, O. (2023). Cloud-Based Technologies Google Earth Engine for Monitoring Surface Deformation of the Solotvyno Agglomeration. In: Dovgyi, S., Trofymchuk, O., Ustimenko, V., Globa, L. (eds) Information and Communication Technologies and Sustainable Development. ICT&SD 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 809. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-46880-3_21
9. Kotsiuba, I., Lukianova, V., Anpilova, Y., Yelnikova, T., Herasymchuk, O., Spasichenko, O. (2022). The Features of Eutrophication Processes in the Water of Uzh River. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 23(2), 9-15. https://doi.org/10.12912/27197050/145613
10. Anpilova, Y., Yakovliev, Y., Trofymchuk, O., Myrontsov, M., Karpenko, O. (2022). Environmental Hazards of the Donbas Hydrosphere at the Final Stage of the Coal Mines Flooding. In: Zaporozhets, A. (eds) Systems, Decision and Control in Energy III. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 399. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-87675-3_19
11. Trofymchuk O., Yakovliev Y., Anpilova Y., Myrontsov M., Okhariev V. (2021) Ecological Situation of Post-mining Regions in Ukraine. In: Zaporozhets A., Artemchuk V. (eds) Systems, Decision and Control in Energy II. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 346. pp. 293-306. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69189-9_17
12. Myrontsov M., Karpenko O., Trofymchuk O., Okhariev V., Anpilova Y. (2021) Increasing Vertical Resolution in Electrometry of Oil and Gas Wells. In: Zaporozhets A., Artemchuk V. (eds) Systems, Decision and Control in Energy II. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 346. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69189-9_6
13. Trofymchuk O., Myrontsov M., Okhariev V., Anpilova Y., Trysnyuk V. (2021) A Transdisciplinary Analytical System for Supporting the Environmental Researches. In: Zaporozhets A., Artemchuk V. (eds) Systems, Decision and Control in Energy II. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 346. pp. 319-331. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69189-9_19
14. Khrutba, V., Anpilova, Y., Lukianova, V., Kotsiuba, I., Kriukovska, L., Spasichenko, O. (2021) Evaluation of the Impact on the Environment at Building and Reconstruction of Motorways Using the System Analysis Method, Environmental Research, Engineering and Management. Vol. 77 No. 1, pp. 85-95. https://doi.org/10.5755/j01.erem.77.1.27887
15. Trofymchuk, O., Anpilova, Y., Yakovliev, Y., Zinkiv, I. (2020). Ground Deformation Mapping of Solotvyno Mine Area Using Radar Data and GIS. 19th International Conference Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects, Extended Abstracts. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.2020geo138
16. Anpilova, Y., Yakovliev, Y., Drozdovych, I. (2020). Landscape and Geological Factors of Water and Ecological Conditions Technogenesis of Donbas at the Post-Mining Stage. 19th International Conference Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects, Extended Abstracts. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.2020geo136
17. Anpilova, Y., Lukianova, V., and Trofymchuk, O. (2020). Environmental Safety of Motor Transport Enterprises within Urban Areas. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 21(4), pp.231-236. https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/119799


1. Ryabchenko, O., Snizhko, S., Trypolska, G., Shmurak, A., Anpilova, Y., Sara Lærke Meltofte Trærup, Ala Druta, Debbie Sparks, Jiska De Groot Technology Needs Assessment Report Adaptation, August 2019, 146р. https://tech-action.unepccc.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/09/final-ukraine-tna-adaptation-report.pdf
2. Shlapak, M., Matveev, Y., Shmarin, S., Shmurak, A., Anpilova, Y., Lærke Meltofte Trærum Sara, Sparks Debbie, De Groot Jiska, Druta Ala. Technology Needs Assessment Report Mitigation technology prioritization, July 2019, 127 p. https://tech-action.unepdtu.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/08/tna-01-mitigation-ua-final-190731.pdf
3. Shlapak, M., Matveev, Y., Shmarin, S., Shmurak, A., Anpilova, Y., Lærke Meltofte Trærum Sara, Sparks Debbie, De Groot Jiska, Druta Ala. Technology Needs Assessment Report Mitigation technology barrier analysis and enabling framework April 2020. 142 p. https://tech-action.unepccc.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/04/baef-mitigation-report-ukraine.pdf
4. Davis (Ryabchenko), O., Snizhko, S., Trypolska, G., Shmurak, A., Anpilova, Y., Sara Lærke Meltofte Trærup, Ala Druta, Debbie Sparks, Jiska De Groot. Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change Adaptation Barrier Analysis and Enabling Framework Report, https://tech-action.unepccc.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/baef-ukraine-adaptation.pdf/
5. Shlapak, M., Matveev, Y., Shmarin, S., Shmurak, A., Anpilova, Y., Lærke Meltofte Trærum Sara, Sparks Debbie, De Groot Jiska, Druta Ala. Technology Needs Assessment Report Technology Action Plan Mitigation, August 2021, 159 p. https://tech-action.unepccc.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/09/tap-mitigation-report-ukraine-2021-08-31-1.pdf
6. Davis, O., Snizhko, S., Trypolska, G., Shmurak, A., Anpilova, Y., Sara Lærke Meltofte Trærup, Ala Druta, Debbie Sparks, Jiska De Groot. Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change Adaptation. Preparing a Technology Action Plan, 144 p. https://tech-action.unepccc.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/11/tap-report-ukraine-1.pdf