Dr. Flavio Bastos Campos
Postdoc Scientist
Model Driven Monitoring Group
Department of Computational Hydrosystems
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 6025 4944
Research Interests
I study how ecosystems respond in terms of energy, water, and carbon exchanges, with a focus on how meteorological conditions and management practices influence these dynamics.
I collaborate on advanced measurement techniques and modelling approaches to understand and predict fluxes at various scales, combining empirical observations with mechanistic and machine learning models to address challenges in ecosystem sustainability. Topics I am working on include:
- Measurement and partitioning of evapotranspiration, greenhouse gas (CO₂, methane), and energy fluxes between the land surface and atmosphere
- Investigating the impacts of climate change, including drought effects, on terrestrial ecosystems, particularly forests, grasslands, and agricultural sites
- Understanding carbon and water vapour flux responses in managed and natural ecosystems, and their role in modulating climate change
- Integrating plant-soil-atmosphere exchange observations through meteorological, soil, and biomass measurements
- Advancing Eddy Covariance data processing techniques and methodologies
Currently working with the observation stations of Hohes Holz ( DE-HoH ) and Grosses Bruch ( DE-GsB ) in the ICOS Ecosystem and TERENO contexts.
03/2024- | Postdoc Scientist, Department of Computational Hydrosystems – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany |
04/2023-02/2024 |
Research Assistent, Tree Ecophysiology and Ecosystem group, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (Topic: Water, carbon and energy flux exchanges in vineyard) |
11/2019-10/2023 |
PhD, Mountain Environment and Agriculture, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (Topic: Developing and applying methods for disentangling the contribution of evapotranspiration sources in vineyards) |
10/2023 | PhD, Mountain Environment and Agriculture, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy (Topic: Developing and applying methods for disentangling the contribution of evapotranspiration sources in vineyards) |
12/2017 | MSc, Agricultural Engineering, Universidade Federal de Viçosa – Brazil (Main subjects: Water Resources & Irrigation Management) |
08/2014 | BSc, Agronomy, Universidade Federal de Viçosa – Brazil |